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iPhone users, a moment of your time please

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:04 pm
OK - despite my oft-expressed antipathy for things Apple, I have to learn a bit about the iPhone, because my wife wants one. If I'm going to dissuade her, I'll have to be able to do so substantively.

Here are my questions:

-how much does the phone COST?
-how much does this shit cost PER MONTH?


Re: iPhone users, a moment of your time please

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:36 pm
by Rack Fu
I am also looking at some smart phone options. We are going to ditch our landline and just get a smartphone for the house. I have a Verizon Blackberry for work so we're probably going to go that route since Verizon to Verizon calls are free. I'm pretty sure I would get an iPhone if Verizon offered the service. They don't so I'll probably go the Blackberry route.

Both Verizon and AT&T offer similar voice & data plans. Both have a $30/month charge for using the 3G for internet/email. Text messaging plans cost more depending on how many texts you want. The phone service is also pick and chose with the lowest cost being the 450 anytime minute plan - both VZ and AT&T are $40.

Cheapest you'll get off is $70/month for voice and data from AT&T.

The iPhones are $199 (8 gig) and $299 (16 gig).

Re: iPhone users, a moment of your time please

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:54 pm
by ElTaco
I'm sticking with Verizon, which ultimately is the only reason I'm not getting an iPhone. I do have an ipod touch and I love it 100 million times anything else that is a phone. Only issue is that it has to be on wifi to work for half the stuff. With that I do know that if I had an IPhone, I wouldn't love it as much due to battery consumption but oh well.

The one big downfall of verizon for me is the GPS. Almost all of their phones have it but only the Blackberries are unlocked. Every other GPS phone is locked so that you have to subscribe to Verizon's crappy gps app. I'm waiting until someone successfully hacks it or hopefully it gets unlocked which is supposed to happen this year.

I think Blackberries are very good. Sprint has a nice Palm phone coming out but their service sucks IMHO and they are downsizing very fast so its more then likely that their growthrate/coverage/etc.. will be slower then anyone else.

For Verizon I'm currently sporting a Samsung Omnia, which I'm fairly happy with but I think any non tech person would have a hard tim ewith it.

Re: iPhone users, a moment of your time please

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:06 pm
by ElTaco