any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

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any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by Moby Dick »

my oldest and my nephew have been hitting me up to go this summer, so i gave in(really wasnt that hard) and ordered the package last night. A little expensive but i figure (about 270 for me the wife, our two boys and the nephew). Anytime i drive by the place in dallas or hear of someone going i can't help but think of
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

any of you guys been?
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by Left Seater »

.m2blueblood, your thoughts?

Have not been myself.
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by PSUFAN »


They better have slave girls provided by Penthouse. Otherwise, that's a lot of geld to drop on mfoolery of this sort.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by Moving Sale »

R-Jack wrote: I'm sure Medieval Time was the same thing with chainmail.
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by Diego in Seattle »

I'm pretty sure that Wolfman was at the original medieval time.
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by Harvdog »

I took my 6 year old. It was fun. You sit in a section and the color is your knight in the tournament. It really looks like a bunch of drama fags that never got over high school ending. The food was decent....if you like ribs and chicken you should be cool. The show itself was fun. The jousting was cool.

Buy a bottle of wine. It was priced fair.
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by smackaholic »

I'd pay to go to one...if you had a bit of a format change.

Loose the high school drama club nerds. Replace them with bums. Arm them with golf clubs, baseball bats, old metal trash can lid shields, shopping carts (light cavalry). Guests would be encouraged to bring in other weapons as well. Sorry, no firearms though.

This could be done on a shoestring budget and I can guaran-damn-tee you, the place would be packed ever night. I don't give a fukk how bad the grub was. It could be beast light and ketchup sandwhiches and I'd still be there a few nights a week. Have to stop off at the dump every now and then though to keep my bum in the latest weaponry.
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Re: any of you trolls been to Medieval time before?

Post by Moby Dick »

Harvdog wrote:I took my 6 year old. It was fun. You sit in a section and the color is your knight in the tournament. It really looks like a bunch of drama fags that never got over high school ending. The food was decent....if you like ribs and chicken you should be cool. The show itself was fun. The jousting was cool.

Buy a bottle of wine. It was priced fair.

right on, but probably wont be drinking.

the wife refuses to drive in Dallas.

I think i'll get more of a kick watching the kids enjoy it then the show itself, should be fun times.
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