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Sir Francis Tarkenton slaps Brett Favre around

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 10:51 am
by poptart ... enton-says

- Tarkenton said part of him hopes Favre does wind up playing for the Vikings "so he can fail."

- He has made more stupid plays than any great quarterback that I've ever seen.


69 yrs old and Tark's still got some juice.

Truthfully, Tarkenton has always been a little bit of an arrogant pop off.

But anytime the Diva takes it across the chops it's good times.

Re: Sir Francis Tarkenton slaps Brett Favre around

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:50 pm
by Cosmo Kramer
I hope he does too. It would assure the Packers of 2 wins over the ViQueens. The dumb fuckers have to keep picking up the Packer's scraps. Try drafting a decent player instead of poaching all of the Packers.