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a peek at North Korea
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:13 pm
by Wolfman ... nteractive
Some interesting sat photos of the worker's paradise.
Re: a peek at North Korea
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 6:42 pm
by Van
"Should I? Will I hate myself, twenty seconds later?"
"Dude, don't do it. You fucking know you're going to pay the price, if you do it. No good can come of this. Back away."
"C'mon. What's the worst that can happen? He's too old for this to be anything other than a link to someone else's story. All I need to do is brave the possibility that he added his own thoughts, regarding whatever article he's linking. Suck it up. A couple WolfieThoughts captions that'll make me want to die? I'll spot 'em, right away. As soon as I see WolfieText, I'll scroll. Fast. So what if I scroll so wildly that I yank my hand off the mouse pad, knocking my plate of linguini onto the carpet? At least I'll be safe."
"Still, why risk it? No good can come of this. At best, you'll merely survive. At worst, you'll question your entire existence."
"Don't be such a pussy. Pain is just weakness leaving the body, or whatever it was that 'roided up Ken doll said on that infomercial."
"Dude, if you do this, and we crash and burn, don't EVER ask me to go along with you again. This will be my last wild ass treasure hunt, if we again end up shipwrecked."
"Okay. Ready? Let's do this."
"Dude, I'm scared. You know I hate the part when the plane takes off. Hold my hand."
"Quit crying. You're such a little bitch. Be strong. Live strong."
~together, our good Belushi and our evil Belushi prepare to click on this thread, hoping against hope. We lift the gun to our head, and we spin the chamber~
~Whew! Empty. No WolfieThoughts. We live to play this crazy game again~
"We can't keep doing this, you know."
"Yeah, I know."
"Seriously. What's wrong with you? Why? Why do you keep doing it?"
~long pause...uncomfortable pause...then...~
"Mother never loved me."
Re: a peek at North Korea
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 7:31 pm
Re: a peek at North Korea
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 8:39 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
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