OCmike wrote:I think it's great that Barry does these things, mostly because many of his predecessors have not. Yeah, it creates a traffic nightmare (Gore fucked up my commute during campaign 2000 :brad:), but it's important for the POTUS to be visible. As long as these things aren't happening 8 times/month, I'm fine with it.
Pretty much my thoughts as well, except I wouldn't go so far as to say, "many of his predecessors have not." Photo ops are part of the job, like it or not, but they shouldn't get in the way of doing real work. The NYC AF-1 photo op was certainly ill-advised, but steppin' out of the Oval Office to grab a burger should be well within the realm of reasonableness. If you'll recall, shortly after he took office, Obama was asked what he would miss most about being the POTUS, and he said something to the effect of not being able to go out for a walk in the neighborhood. Sure, he could've had an aide go and fetch him lunch like he can every day, but on a rare nice day here in DC, I have no problem with the Prez (regardless of who he/she is) getting outside for some sun, some charred animal flesh on a bun, and a chance to mingle with the masses. The fact that this necessarily means there'll be a horde of press in tow doesn't change that. No harm, no foul.
The location he chose is probably optimal as well. It's in SE DC, near the Navy Yard (where I work) and across from the Dept of Transportation. Traffic at midday is not typically a problem, and most of the patrons of the local restaurants and other businesses are on foot or travel by Metro rather than driving 'cuz no one wants to give up their precious parking space (I won't drive during work hours for that reason). I've been to that Five Guys on several occasions, and can't say that I blame him for going. Just because he got elected Prez doesn't mean he has to resign himself to being a prisoner in the White House.