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How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:00 pm
by LTS TRN 2
With Bernie in a very small cell and all..

On Andrew Madoff's recent birthday, April 8, his social X-ray girlfriend Catherine Hooper gave him a card: "Hope you have a fun day doing all the things people in prison wish they could do," it said.

"I wish I had my parents back," he told her. "Yeah," she is said to have replied. "They were a really nice idea."

Mark Madoff, meanwhile, the is said to be obsessed with the scandal, huddled over his computer, hyper-scrutinizing every story and blog-posting he can find.

And old friends are a bit cold: a trader, Reed Abend, spotted Andrew outside of East Side Poultry and started screaming at him.

"Where's my money? he demanded.... "We know you stole the money! It's obvious you took it! You're a criminal!" By now Andrew had reached the car, where his fiancee, Catherine Hooper, sat in the front seat. "Is that your new whore girlfriend?" Abend demanded. With that, Andrew Madoff stopped, placed his chicken down on the hood, and socked Abend on the side of the head. Then he got into his car and drove off. Abend shouted for help to no avail. Later, he tried to file a report with the police. More remarkably, Andrew also contacted the police—to hand himself in."

Just something to consider when you want to start complaining about your problems--you know, stuff like the massive budget cuts in your state resulting from the Ponzi boys--well just back off, because these kids have it worse.

Re: How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:35 pm
by Phoenix Rob
Speak English you stupid FUCK

Re: How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:52 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Where are you taking your FUCKING FAMILY and your FAT ASS WIFE for dinner tonight, Rob? Your son still taking it up the ass at college?

Re: How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:16 pm
by Cuda
More remarkably, Andrew also contacted the police—to hand himself in."
Ok, so he's dumb, and a crook.

Then what?

Re: How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:56 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Then what? Well, then he dips deep into his squirrelled "trust" funds to service his lawyer to keep some distance between he and the steel bars, tattoos, bedtime stories etc., of the "big house." Oh, and he starts using his wife's maiden name.

Re: How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:41 pm
by Cuda
Add Pussy to Dumb and Crooked.

I still don't see what you're driving at

Re: How Are The Children Coping...

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:46 am
by LTS TRN 2
Well why should you see or understand anything, Prick? You're a wind-up narrow little...prick..after all.