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Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:57 pm
by Diogenes
Nice timing here...


The Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll slips into negative net approval territory for President Obama on Father's Day, 2009.

32% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2.

Then again, CBS Sunday Morning show just had a fawning ten minute interview conducted by Harry Smith of the first father. The ABC prime time special on health care is coming up.

Rosslyn Smith adds:

Overall, 53% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of Obama's performance. This ties a prior low.

Gene Schwimmer writes:

Need I mention that, barely six months into his presidency, Obama is only four points away from below 50% apprival?

Note that Obama's previous low was zero and, the day before, was +1 - so he went, in one day, directly from +1 to -2 without stopping at zero or -1. Which would mean that the yesterday's poll (the third day of Rasmussen's three-day rolling average) must have been very bad.

Obama has a pattern of splashy media events driving a recovery, each time hisapproval drops. ABC's White House Telethon to the rescue. Butif, after the American people have had an all day explanation-cum-promotion of his plan, he is in deep doo-doo. ... to_ne.html

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:05 am
by poptart
B.O. is greased.
Just a matter of time until he is filled.

His entire presidency will come unraveled in "spectacular" fashion.

He's going to feel the heat from the American people when his shit starts to stink, and then when the media (which has been in the tank for him) starts to turn the heat up on him, he will respond verrah poorly ... to say the very least.

The guy is SUCH a narcissist.
When his humiliating failure of a presidency becomes clear for all to see, he will barely be able to formulate any public dialogue.

It's going to be epic fail.

Quite enjoyable to watch, if it wasn't for the fact that he's taking the country right down the tubes with him.

The American people fugged up MAJORLY by electing this dipshit.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:14 am
by Onions
mccain would have been worse. we would already be invading north korea if that fool was in power. and it's "that one" not "the one"

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:53 am
by War Wagon
poptart wrote: Quite enjoyable to watch, if it wasn't for the fact that he's taking the country right down the tubes with him.

The American people fugged up MAJORLY by electing this dipshit.
About 17 years ago, when sitting in a meeting with the CEO of my company, I asked him if he thought the election of Clinton would have any affect on business.

He looked at me as if I were from Pluto and said that the outcome of an election wouldn't have an effect on business.

He was right, and 'tart, you doth protest too much about Obama.

The man doesn't shape the office, the office shapes the man.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:58 am
by poptart
I'll *bump* this thread at a later date, Wagon.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:12 am
by poptart
Minion wrote:mccain would have been worse. we would already be invading north korea if that fool was in power. and it's "that one" not "the one"
Minion, I've seen your posts.

Surely, the only thing more empty than Al Capone's Vault is your head.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:17 am
by Onions
poptart wrote:
Minion wrote:mccain would have been worse. we would already be invading north korea if that fool was in power. and it's "that one" not "the one"
Minion, I've seen your posts.

Surely, the only thing more empty than Al Capone's Vault is your head.

and the only thing more empty than your head is kim jong-il's nuclear arsenal

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:01 pm
by Dan Vogel
Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads here. My family provided a great one for me. The kids chipped in to buy brunch for all of us and then we went to an afternoon movie. Night at the Museum. Decent movie. Not academy award level or anything. Then home to lounge around some until my wife fixed BBQ chicken, rice, vegetables and potatos. And a glass of wine and cheesecake for desert. Then a little tv. Then the wife and I retired to the bedroom for the night.

Have a nice week!

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:18 pm
by Jerkovich
The market is tanking, Onogga is tanking, the Navy is pussfied, and the muzzies are melting.

It's all good.


Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:46 pm
by Diogenes
Jerkovich wrote:The market is tanking, Onogga is tanking, the Navy is pussfied, and the muzzies are melting

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:44 am
by poptart
The American sheeple are waking up to their morning after and are realizing B.O. doesn't love them.

They've been fucked but not kissed, basically.

The -2 on the ... strongly approve/strongly disaprove ... index on June 21 has turned into a -8 on July 9. ... ex_history

30% now strongly approve of B.O.
38% strongly disapprove of B.O.

This is just the beginning of the meltdown.

The unemployment rate has gone considerably higher than the level Obumble and Co. promised us it would if the stimulus bill (which nobody read) had NOT gone through -- and it's only going to go HIGHER yet.

The markets are not eager to rise -- 6 months in, they're at the same level as when he took office.
Housing is in shambles.
The deficit has risen DRAMATICALLY.
The budget calls for more of the same.
Stimulus two is discussed. LMAO
Cap and trade bill which will seriously hurt Americans financially, pending
The government has taken over all sort of things they have NO authorization to take over, and will no doubt butcher MAJORLY.
Inflation is right around the corner.

As the realization that the economy is not coming back anytime soon REALLY sets in, the Sheeple won't sit still.
Early next year it comes to a head.

It's gonna be a LONG 2 to 3 years for B.O. ... IF he finishes out his term.

It's my opinion that he doesn't care that much about the fate of America, specifically.
He doesn't really identify himself as an American very strongly at all.
He sees himself as the ... WORLD ... president, imo.
And his actions very clearly show him pissing all over the U.S. Constitution.

And he views the American sheeple as pawns.
Simple worker drone idiots who should be honored to finance his world socialist plan.

Cling to your guns and Bibles, dumbfucks, while the smart guys in Washington figure it all out for ya.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:02 pm
It's my opinion that he doesn't care that much about the fate of America, specifically.
He doesn't really identify himself as an American very strongly at all.
He sees himself as the ... WORLD ... president, imo.
And his actions very clearly show him pissing all over the U.S. Constitution.

And he views the American sheeple as pawns.
Simple worker drone idiots who should be honored to finance his world socialist plan.
...good stuff. Are you here all week?

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:24 pm
by Derron
poptart wrote:
The unemployment rate has gone considerably higher than the level Obumble and Co. promised us it would
The deficit has risen DRAMATICALLY.
The budget calls for more of the same.
Stimulus two is discussed. LMAO
This again is change we can believe in.
Simple worker drone idiots who should be honored to finance his world socialist plan.
Did you get BMonicas permission to use this analogy ? He may not like you horning in on his material.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:09 pm
by Diogenes
Good Intentions Aside, Are We Killing the Patient?

Published: July 11, 2009

HERE’S a funny story that made the rounds in Washington a long time ago: It’s 1955, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower has just suffered a heart attack. He is recuperating in his hospital bed. Richard M. Nixon, the vice president, comes in and says: “General, I am so sorry this has happened. Is there anything I can do to help? I’ll do anything at all.”

Ike looks over at him wanly and says, “Well, you could get your foot off my oxygen tube.”

I heard this fanciful joke from my mother, who, like me, was a huge fan of Nixon. I tell it because it reminds me of what’s going on with the economy.

The sad truth is that the economy is still extremely ill. The recovery we were all waiting for has not started in any meaningful way.

True, by many metrics, the economy has stopped falling drastically, but we are still in a painful recession, large by postwar standards. The bank crises seem to have abated for now and Wall Street is paying itself fantastically well again, thank heavens, after being rescued with taxpayer money. But housing is still extremely weak, profits are miserable and, most important, far too many Americans are unemployed — roughly 9.5 percent, by the latest data.

Just as basic, far too many Americans are living in fear.

What is President Obama doing about it? Perhaps too much. And, possibly, his efforts are too diffuse. When I think about the economy I think about a plump man who has just been hit by a truck while crossing a street and is in severely critical condition with internal bleeding. Instead of just stabilizing his hemorrhaging, the doctor decides that while the patient is unconscious, he might as well also do a face lift, some coronary bypasses and a stomach-stapling to keep him from gaining weight while he is recovering (if he does recover). After all, a crisis is not to be wasted.

The problem is that all these ambitious operations create too much of a burden for the human body to bear.

Similarly, we have an administration that is simultaneously seeking to end the recession, discussing drastic changes to laws on foreclosures and energy use and completely changing the health care system. I respectfully question whether all of this makes sense.

I don’t believe we need to do something radical about energy, but even assuming that we do, why do it right now? Do we need to take one of the few sectors that is working like clockwork through the recession — oil refining — and wring its neck by making it pay for pollution “cap and trade” credits? Why attack a healthy industry when so many other sectors are ill? What is all of this anger at Big Oil, which has not done anything blameworthy, all about? Why endlessly beat up the companies that keep the country going?

All history is the history of class struggle, as Marx said, and I suspect that the rage of the news media and academic classes against the oil industry is a form of class struggle. But more on that in another column.

And do we need drastic work on the legality of foreclosures right now? I agree that foreclosures are a huge problem. But isn’t part of the housing quandary that banks are afraid to lend because they fear losing their collateral — the mortgaged home — if the laws change? Why add that level of uncertainty to an already dicey situation?

I utterly agree that health care should not be denied to Americans because they are poor. But where will the money come from in an economy already on its knees? And if the government is going to print the money, won’t that add to the inflationary fears already hobbling the economy? The huge increase in the monetary base is blamed for a spike in interest rates which are themselves hobbling the recovery.

Long ago, I had a talk with the late, great, much lamented writer and friend John Gregory Dunne at the Palm Restaurant in West Hollywood. I told him about the many things I was doing. It sounds good, he said, but you don’t want to become like one of those third-world countries that embarks on development so ambitious that it’s too much for the economy and the country collapses.

I do not pretend that the analogy with 2009 America is precise, because it’s not. This is a huge first-world country. But there is enough truth that it makes me a bit uncomfortable. Maybe we should just concentrate on ending the recession and talk about the other plans later. Let’s consider just how much uncertainty is good for the economy.

Or, in other words, let’s take government’s foot off the oxygen tube.

Re: Happy Father's day to The One

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:14 pm
by Diogenes
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 28% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-six percent (36%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –8 .

As confirmation hearings begin today, Americans overwhelmingly expect Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be confirmed as the nation’s next Supreme Court Justice. But, they are evenly divided as to whether or not she should be confirmed. ... cking_poll