Gay Wedding PET.

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Moving Sale

Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Three of the bridesmaids in their hideous bridesmaids attire. Why does the bride always stick her friends in such unflattering dresses? I guess ‘cause it’s their day to be Vainglorious. [dins]Anyways I’ve done one of them.[/dins] [IC] Twice[/IC]


Bigger group shot. Bride on the left in white. Still only done one, but I did finger bang another one night at a party. We laughed about it at the wedding and I'm not teling you why.

BTW- This is a tad harder but...2,3,4,1,6,5 (It ends 5,6 if you add personality)

Fucking skanks.

BTW-This one is easy. M**** in the orange has the nicest ass. H****** in the red is next and B*****, the blond on the end is third.

Body shots later? Dude in the yellow was so drunk at the ceremony he started looking for his cell phone in the sand when the steel drum player started playing. I’ll drop a pic if I can find anyone who filmed it. Good times.

Empty glasses and C+ blonds. A good time was had by all, till J**** here took a header on the rocks trying to hike out after the wedding*… which was down on the beach while the tide was rising, on a very narrow beach, with a long steep hill and a bunch of rocks to navigate to get out. Just add alcohol! I doubt anyone got pics of this.


J****** the bride and H****** arrive safely on the beach. Average BAC of the group= .134
Peed in the sand after too many drinks later on with the one in the boots. I stood, she squatted.

Bride’s ass. I don’t really have much to say about this except she has a nice ass. Halloween and New Year’s are especially good times to check it out.

The wedding finally begins. The one on the left looks better from the rear and I don’t think she’s terrorist, but I never had the opportunity to check the junk in her trunk for explosives.

Pretty easy… 1,2. Dude with plaid shirt, drink and a cig has a broken left leg (see the black cast?) and the dude behind him in the green hat had to fireman carry his ass to the beach, and no I don’t think their gay.

Not the best pic of either one, but at least I missed a full body shot of the widebody in teal approaching... and her buddy wasn’t much better.

Flammers! Dude on the left seemed mellow. Dude on the right? Very out of place fag at a gay wedding, it was quite a juxtaposition (gr? Ucan’t, can I get a ruling?)

The happy couple exchanging vows, and yes I missed the kiss. I was too busy getting a hard-on at the time. (sig anyone? - > That’s right, I got a hard-on at a Gay Wedding.

Ah the memories. “Remember when I licked your twat on the balcony at Marti Gras and you paid me back by making me breakfast in bed and tossing my salad?” “Yea that was hot, but I really liked the time we put on pink wigs and 69ed in that church on the way back from the bars.”

*Pic wytched.

Booze, Sand and Bisexual hotties. What more could you ask for?

Van I said “What more could you ask for…

Tramp stamp, and it couldn’t have been stamped on a trampier tramp. God love her!

A pic of a black man and his 10 friends. Vapid, Racist, Fuckstains… your thoughts?

I'm sure R-jack scored it 1,2 as he is prone to fuck horses, but I’m telling you it’s 2,1.

Any comments?
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by ChargerMike »

"any comments"?

...yea, any clients lately?
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Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Enough to turn down 5-10 cases a week. Thanks for asking.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by MuchoBulls »

Moving Sale wrote:Image

3, 2, 1

RACK the PET!!! Excellent effort.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Moving Sale wrote:Ucan’t, can I get a ruling?

First interesting post you've had in years. Well done.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Diogenes »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:First interesting post you've had in years. Well done.

Stick to lesbian pics, it beats the hell out of you trying to have a 'take' on anything.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Van »

Three comments...

Best TVO thread ever.

I'm not sure TVO wrote all the captions. Just doesn't read like him, at all.
Dude in the yellow was so drunk at the ceremony he started looking for his cell phone in the sand when the steel drum player started playing.

Best line of the PET.

TVO, I believe you've discovered your niche: hot lesbian pics, with captions.

Pull up a chair. Get comfy. Hope you stay awhile.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Smackie Chan »

Moving Sale wrote:Enough to turn down 5-10 cases a week.
I'm gonna have to call bullshit. I've seen you post those numbers before.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by PSUFAN »

ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:Ucan’t, can I get a ruling?

First interesting post you've had in years. Well done.
Exactly my reaction. Nice work.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
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Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Jsc810 wrote:But what's with that woman(?) covered head to toe in black?
Not sure why dude (yes dude) thought it was a good idea to dress in all black but as for what he was doing... he was in charge of the 'boombox.' :?
Roach wrote: cameras
Yes cameras at a wedding. How shocking!
Van wrote: Just doesn't read like him, at all.
When I'm not fucking with you guys for being stupid or racist or both I 'talk' like a normal human. You're stunned I can tell.
Smackie Chan wrote:I'm gonna have to call bullshit. I've seen you post those numbers before.
So because I've said it before that makes it less likely to be true? Take a logic class before you smash submit next time you stupid old hippy.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 »

Moving Sale wrote:So because I've said it before that makes it less likely to be true?
You're 5' 6"... in heels. I purchase $95 Polo shirts. Diego is a pedophile. R-Jack married a horse.

See what I'm sayin'? The only thing that does matter is you lose every fucking time you respond to the... slight.

Hope this helps. Feel free to post more PET's...
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Smackie Chan »

Moving Sale wrote:So because I've said it before that makes it less likely to be true? Take a logic class before you smash submit next time you stupid old hippy.
Does every fucking funnay have to be explained to you?

Jeebus Christ you're stupid.
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Smackie Chan wrote:Does every fucking funnay have to be explained to you?
A) It wasn't funney or funnay.
B) My response was aimed at your 'funnay.'
C) Go fuck yourself you vapid cockhole.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Smackie Chan »

Moving Sale wrote:A) It wasn't funney or funnay.
You wouldn't recognize humor if it was explained slowly to you, had a picture drawn for you, and slapped you upside your sloping forehead.
B) My response was aimed at your 'funnay.'
Of course it wasn't, skippy. You didn't even recognize what the fuck you were responding to.
C) Go fuck yourself you vapid cockhole.
The last resort of the cluelessly hopeless and the hopelessly clueless. The most pitiful and pathetic among us still thank their lucky stars that they're not you.
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Smackie Chan wrote:The most pitiful and pathetic among us still thank their lucky stars that they're not you.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You go with that, in fact make it your lead next time. :D
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Diogenes »

Motherfuckers, back off of TVO.

Do NOT encourage him to talk about politics, evil conspiracies or Agent Mulder's secret fortress.

And back away from sports takes.

More Lesbien pics. You've found your niche, pal.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

"Moving Sale" is the tired turd who trotted out this hottie thread? Well RACK his tired ass. These babes know what's what. What's your sad excuse? Really!

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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by smackaholic »

R-Jack wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:Image
A pic of a black man and his 10 friends. Vapid, Racist, Fuckstains… your thoughts?
He looks lost.

Not in that "token at the party" way. He has that look that he just realized he is at the wrong party and is wondering if he should've made that left at Albuquerque
I think he's looking right straight at the midget thinking "Yeah, he looks about the right height. Think I'm gonna walk over there and jam my cahk right in his piehole. Anybody got a phonebook to stand on in case he can't reach it?"
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

A gay marriage PET on T1B? Talk about your irony.
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Do you even know what irony is?
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by MadRussian »

Katy wrote:A gay marriage PET on T1B? Talk about your irony.
Damn! Ya beat me to it!
And the heaps of praise for the PET; what a bunch of semen gagging polesmokers! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Trampis »

Bizzare, just weird...fat guys taking pictures of skanks in white bikinis. Whats it going to take to keep you people in California so as the rest of us are not infected?
Bad spelling is a diversionary tactic

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

There are SO many things wrong with this thread.

A. Why would moving sale be at a gay wedding UNLESS he's a homo
B. Why the fuck is he bragging about fingerbanging a lesbo? She was obviously so unimpressed with his prowess, she still played for the "other" team. Unless you're 15, why would you be proud of the fact that you fingered some skank that wouldn't allow you to poke your purple-headed shroom in her whiskers??
C. Why take pictures of the two obvious homos and post them up? Who wants to see that shit? Girls in bikinis I can see, but THAT?
D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
E. I'm still not convinced that moving sale isn't a limp-wristed cock jockey.

This thread has failure all over it. But I'm sure it's archive worthy here because of the D minus, subpar T & A.

That is all.

Glad I could be of assistance. I'll head back on over to .net where blatant faggotry is frowned upon and chastised.

Good day.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by MadRussian »

Katy wrote:There are SO many things wrong with this thread.

A. Why would moving sale be at a gay wedding UNLESS he's a homo
B. Why the fuck is he bragging about fingerbanging a lesbo? She was obviously so unimpressed with his prowess, she still played for the "other" team. Unless you're 15, why would you be proud of the fact that you fingered some skank that wouldn't allow you to poke your purple-headed shroom in her whiskers??
C. Why take pictures of the two obvious homos and post them up? Who wants to see that shit? Girls in bikinis I can see, but THAT?
D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
E. I'm still not convinced that moving sale isn't a limp-wristed cock jockey.

This thread has failure all over it. But I'm sure it's archive worthy here because of the D minus, subpar T & A.

That is all.

Glad I could be of assistance. I'll head back on over to .net where blatant faggotry is frowned upon and chastised.

Good day.

RACK ^Gets it
Theres your answers, homoes

Only at T1B would posters rack a gay wedding thread
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by indyfrisco »

Katy wrote:D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
You're fucking ugly. Like really ugly. I know you know this, but I just wanted you to know we know it too. Ugly. You. Same thing. Cunt.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Katy wrote: D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
Own up you fucking cunt.

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

IndyFrisco wrote:
Katy wrote:D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
You're fucking ugly. Like really ugly. I know you know this, but I just wanted you to know we know it too. Ugly. You. Same thing. Cunt.
Further verification of your intense love of the cock. Of course I wouldn't be hot to you. I have tits.

Now run along back to the Admin forum and bitch some more about me and all the others you internet hate. Of all the Admins here, you're whiniest cunt of all.

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

Moving Sale wrote:
Katy wrote: D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
Own up you fucking cunt.

Own up to what?? That you're a short, stocky, balding, liberal douche that spends his day photographing homosexuals on a beach instead of being out trying to score some hot tang?? Yeah, we know.

The "I fingerbanged one of these dykes" was a nice added touch. Not that anyone believes you anyway.
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Katy wrote:Own up to what??
I get that you are barely literate, but you can not be that dumb. Don't get me wrong, you are quite obviously a stupid cunt, but you can't be that dumb.

BTW- Let me get this straight you have a problem believing that I fingerbanged one of them, but no comment on as to whether or not I did one of them.

Gotcha :lol:

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

Katy wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:
Katy wrote: D. None of the chicks are remotely hot.
Own up you fucking cunt.

Own up to what?? That you're a short, stocky, balding, liberal douche that spends his day photographing homosexuals on a beach instead of being out trying to score some hot tang?? Yeah, we know.

The "I fingerbanged one of these dykes" was a nice added touch. Not that anyone believes you anyway.

Reading comprehension, much?? I don't believe you fingerbanged anyone other than maybe one of those dudes you posted strutting on the beach.

No woman would willingly fuck you. Have you seen yourself?? This comes to mind:
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

Acting so stupid that you can't even follow a simple set of posts is not making you look any better. Breaking out 'Reading Comp much' is not very smart either when you can't even read. Yes I know you don't think I FB one of them I JUST FUCKING TYPED THAT. Stating it again is just stupid. My comment was not about what you said, but about what you didn't say and what that said about you. It says you are a vapid cunt in case you were wondering.

AGAIN: when are you going to own up?

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

Moving Sale wrote:Acting so stupid that you can't even follow a simple set of posts is not making you look any better. Breaking out 'Reading Comp much' is not very smart either when you can't even read. Yes I know you don't think I FB one of them I JUST FUCKING TYPED THAT. Stating it again is just stupid. My comment was not about what you said, but about what you didn't say and what that said about you. It says you are a vapid cunt in case you were wondering.

AGAIN: when are you going to own up?
With every post of yours, you further prove that you too stupid and undeserving to breathe the same oxygen I do. Your vocabulary needs to increase past the word "vapid."

Nearly every regurgitated shit post you throw up says the same thing over and over again.

I'm saying you're a faggot and this thread proved it. Your claims of playing hide the pinky in the stinkfish don't convince me that you like pussy.

Is that clear enough for you, dumbfuck?
Moving Sale

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Moving Sale »

If you could read, you would know that I got it the first time you vile cunt.

Now when are you going to own up? Simple question really.

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

Moving Sale wrote:If you could read, you would know that I got it the first time you vile cunt.

Now when are you going to own up? Simple question really.

If you're trolling for my measurements, pics, number, I'm so NOT in.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm not new to this game.

Stay focused and continue on this suicide mission of failed smack with me. You're in my crosshairs now and if you go by history, that's NOT a good thing. :D
Lillian Vernon

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Lillian Vernon »

Moving Sale wrote:Image
Bride’s ass. I don’t really have much to say about this except she has a nice ass.
Only a queerbait would think that is a nice ass on a woman. It looks like the Great Wall of China.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by MadRussian »

Katy wrote:
Moving Sale wrote:Acting so stupid that you can't even follow a simple set of posts is not making you look any better. Breaking out 'Reading Comp much' is not very smart either when you can't even read. Yes I know you don't think I FB one of them I JUST FUCKING TYPED THAT. Stating it again is just stupid. My comment was not about what you said, but about what you didn't say and what that said about you. It says you are a vapid cunt in case you were wondering.

AGAIN: when are you going to own up?
With every post of yours, you further prove that you too stupid and undeserving to breathe the same oxygen I do. Your vocabulary needs to increase past the word "vapid."

Nearly every regurgitated shit post you throw up says the same thing over and over again.

I'm saying you're a faggot and this thread proved it. Your claims of playing hide the pinky in the stinkfish don't convince me that you like pussy.

Is that clear enough for you, dumbfuck?

Tears! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can hear that smack from one side of the net to the other...... fukkin owned!!!
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by indyfrisco »

Katy wrote:Of course I wouldn't be hot to you.
Due to your extreme ugliness, I concur. What, of you, do you think is attractive? We've seen your pic. You're ugly. No need to be ashamed. Just accept it.
I have tits.
Yeah, so does my wife. Nice ones. And she ain't fugly. Known fact round these parts. Except for maybe the dumb cunts (like you) who came in late.

Fucking hell....TVO and I agreeing on something. Just goes to show how people with wildly differing opinions on damn near everything agree on something. You're a waste.

Oh, as for the admin forum shit....if I was anything like your "pal" RF, I would be banning you on a personal agenda. However, I uphold the rules which we, as admins, agreed upon. Sucking is not a bannable offense. Otherwise, your slit would have been kicked the fuck out of here long ago.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

I was an Admin and had access to your forum. It was mainly you bitching about how you hated this one or that one. Typical pussies, like yourself, hide behind secret forums to talk shit instead of calling people out.

BTW, who are you??? I've been around since SC III, bitch. I've never seen you post your grille. Mine is in my AV. Like I give two fucks if you think I'm ugly. I'm not here for you, I'm here to kick the shit out of wastes of bandwidth like your buddy TVO.

Hitching your trailer to TVO verifies your level questionable sexuality. Yeah, you have a wife? Uh huh... Being married to you probably makes her wish she was dead daily.

So ban me, shithead. I don't give a flying fuck about T1B or if I'm permitted to participate in your den of faggotry.

Now run along, cunt, start a thread in the Admin lounge and take a vote.

I'll be waiting.
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Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by indyfrisco »

Slunt, I've been around since SCIII as well. The fact you post on a board I Admin says a little more about "who are you?" vs. "who am I?"

RF did us a favor. Tell him thanks for me.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...

Re: Gay Wedding PET.

Post by Katy »

IndyFrisco wrote:Slunt, I've been around since SCIII as well. The fact you post on a board I Admin says a little more about "who are you?" vs. "who am I?"

RF did us a favor. Tell him thanks for me.

Tell that bitch yourself.

So, big guy, are you going to ban me already???

Show everyone the ethical way you do things when someone fistfucks your sloppy colons.

Do it, bitch.
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