Three of the bridesmaids in their hideous bridesmaids attire. Why does the bride always stick her friends in such unflattering dresses? I guess ‘cause it’s their day to be Vainglorious. [dins]Anyways I’ve done one of them.[/dins] [IC] Twice[/IC]

Bigger group shot. Bride on the left in white. Still only done one, but I did finger bang another one night at a party. We laughed about it at the wedding and I'm not teling you why.
BTW- This is a tad harder but...2,3,4,1,6,5 (It ends 5,6 if you add personality)

Fucking skanks.
BTW-This one is easy. M**** in the orange has the nicest ass. H****** in the red is next and B*****, the blond on the end is third.

Body shots later? Dude in the yellow was so drunk at the ceremony he started looking for his cell phone in the sand when the steel drum player started playing. I’ll drop a pic if I can find anyone who filmed it. Good times.

Empty glasses and C+ blonds. A good time was had by all, till J**** here took a header on the rocks trying to hike out after the wedding*… which was down on the beach while the tide was rising, on a very narrow beach, with a long steep hill and a bunch of rocks to navigate to get out. Just add alcohol! I doubt anyone got pics of this.

J****** the bride and H****** arrive safely on the beach. Average BAC of the group= .134
Peed in the sand after too many drinks later on with the one in the boots. I stood, she squatted.

Bride’s ass. I don’t really have much to say about this except she has a nice ass. Halloween and New Year’s are especially good times to check it out.

The wedding finally begins. The one on the left looks better from the rear and I don’t think she’s terrorist, but I never had the opportunity to check the junk in her trunk for explosives.

Pretty easy… 1,2. Dude with plaid shirt, drink and a cig has a broken left leg (see the black cast?) and the dude behind him in the green hat had to fireman carry his ass to the beach, and no I don’t think their gay.

Not the best pic of either one, but at least I missed a full body shot of the widebody in teal approaching... and her buddy wasn’t much better.

Flammers! Dude on the left seemed mellow. Dude on the right? Very out of place fag at a gay wedding, it was quite a juxtaposition (gr? Ucan’t, can I get a ruling?)

The happy couple exchanging vows, and yes I missed the kiss. I was too busy getting a hard-on at the time. (sig anyone? - > That’s right, I got a hard-on at a Gay Wedding.

Ah the memories. “Remember when I licked your twat on the balcony at Marti Gras and you paid me back by making me breakfast in bed and tossing my salad?” “Yea that was hot, but I really liked the time we put on pink wigs and 69ed in that church on the way back from the bars.”
*Pic wytched.

Booze, Sand and Bisexual hotties. What more could you ask for?
Van I said “What more could you ask for…

Tramp stamp, and it couldn’t have been stamped on a trampier tramp. God love her!

A pic of a black man and his 10 friends. Vapid, Racist, Fuckstains… your thoughts?

I'm sure R-jack scored it 1,2 as he is prone to fuck horses, but I’m telling you it’s 2,1.
Any comments?