Hiram Monserrate - Democrat
Pedro Espada Jr. - Democrat
Actually, if you've been following the story in the least, you'd know that the two above agreed to caucus with the Republicans, thereby shifting the majority in the State Senate. Some good may have come out of it, though, in that the new (temporary?) Senate majority agreed to a more equitable distribution of resources between the majority and minority parties.
And if you want to list New York State's Political Hall of Shame, it certainly wouldn't be complete without these entries:
Former U.S. Rep. Vito Fossella (R-Staten Island): Arrested and convicted for DWI, and in the process of his arrest managed to blurt out to arresting officers that he had been enroute to visiting his mistress and illegitimate child.
Former U.S. Rep. Randy Kuhl (R-Hammondsport): Arrested and convicted for DWI. Once threatened his former wife with a shotgun during the pendency of their divorce.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:08 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Papa Willie wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:Oh - and btw:
Hiram Monserrate - Democrat
Pedro Espada Jr. - Democrat
Actually, if you've been following the story in the least, you'd know that the two above agreed to caucus with the Republicans, thereby shifting the majority in the State Senate. Some good may have come out of it, though, in that the new (temporary?) Senate majority agreed to a more equitable distribution of resources between the majority and minority parties.
And if you want to list New York State's Political Hall of Shame, it certainly wouldn't be complete without these entries:
Former U.S. Rep. Vito Fossella (R-Staten Island): Arrested and convicted for DWI, and in the process of his arrest managed to blurt out to arresting officers that he had been enroute to visiting his mistress and illegitimate child.
Former U.S. Rep. Randy Kuhl (R-Hammondsport): Arrested and convicted for DWI. Once threatened his former wife with a shotgun during the pendency of their divorce.
There ya go. You got two!
See - here's the deal with me. I think the Republicans you mentioned should have their fucking legs cut off - just like the Democraps. Democrats, though, will defend their crooks until the dying end. Weird.
Actually, I got three, counting Bruno. And given their defections, you might as well count Monserrate and Espada as Republicans as well.
Where have I defended anyone? But I don't think cutting off their legs is appropriate for any of these folks, though -- Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments out front told me so.
Paterson hasn't done anything criminal, just incompetent. He doesn't have the chance of the proverbial snowball in hell of getting the nomination next year.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:34 pm
by BSmack
Terry, aren't you also forgetting Jerry Johnson, R-Nuda? He was convicted of stalking and stealing the panties of one of his office workers.
And let's not forget some of these GOP rogues...
Guy Vellela, fathered an illegitimate child and resigned over a bribery scandal.
Mike Cole, violated rules against fraternizing with interns.
Nancy Calhoun, stalking an ex-boyfriend
Pat Manning, sexual harasser and imposter.
John Sweeney, partying with frat boys and domestic violence.
Tom Reynolds, ongoing NRCC scandal and Marc Foley page scandal.
Caroline Quartararo, CPB Executive Deputy Director under Pataki arrested buying crack.
And lest we forget also here in Rochester the late Steve Minarick who shacked up with his handpicked candidate for the 28th Congressional district Renee Forgensi Davidson back in 1994. Not long after her loss in that race she became Mrs. Minarick and was appointed to a judgeship.
We live in a political cesspool here in NY. And the cess resides on both sides of the pool.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:36 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Absolutely classic shit. I want videos! Let's remember, btw, that Spitzer's private hetero affairs were outted by the Rove team only after the Steamroller Gov published a blistering attack on the bankers--and the AIG fucks, etc., who had undermined the world economy. Somehow with Spitzer still in office, I don't see this current clown show hitting the boards at all.
A fierce struggle between Republicans and Democrats for control of the state Senate was plunged into farce when the two parties held dueling legislative sessions, shouting at times to drown out the other side, under the Senate's ornate roof. Two groups of senators talked and shouted over one another as the parallel Senates conducted business simultaneously. There were two Senate presidents, two sets of bills being voted on, even the hammering of competing gavels. Tempers repeatedly flared, and on more than one occasion senators had to step between their bickering colleagues.
"We have gone beyond embarrassing," said Barbara Bartoletti, the legislative director of the League of Women Voters. "All we are lacking is someone throwing shoes."
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:50 pm
by Wolfman
It's New York---what else is new ??
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:12 pm
by BSmack
Wolfman wrote:It's New York---what else is new ??
Even by NY standards this is insane. Even Rod Blagojevich thinks this is insane.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:57 am
by LTS TRN 2
Papa Willie wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Absolutely classic shit. I want videos! Let's remember, btw, that Spitzer's private hetero affairs were outted by the Rove team only after the Steamroller Gov published a blistering attack on the bankers--and the AIG fucks, etc., who had undermined the world economy. Somehow with Spitzer still in office, I don't see this current clown show hitting the boards at all.
A fierce struggle between Republicans and Democrats for control of the state Senate was plunged into farce when the two parties held dueling legislative sessions, shouting at times to drown out the other side, under the Senate's ornate roof. Two groups of senators talked and shouted over one another as the parallel Senates conducted business simultaneously. There were two Senate presidents, two sets of bills being voted on, even the hammering of competing gavels. Tempers repeatedly flared, and on more than one occasion senators had to step between their bickering colleagues.
"We have gone beyond embarrassing," said Barbara Bartoletti, the legislative director of the League of Women Voters. "All we are lacking is someone throwing shoes."
So you approve of the Democrats (in article above), but not the Republicans who do it. Right?
Huh? .......um...if you are in any way disposed to the notion that I somehow favor any of this sheer comedy ...well..yer right! I really love it. I do. The Mr. Magoo idiot a-action nice guy guv wandering between the dueling senates...!!! What is not to love? C'mon!
That there has been no significant differences between the two nominal "parties" since 1947 is apparently a clumsy fact lost upon your Opie-like apprehensions. That the various furrows of lies and fake myths hammered in earnest are now rising like flooded New Orleans coffins amid the diversions of fake wars and false promises is interesting. Keep focused.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:34 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:Terry, aren't you also forgetting Jerry Johnson, R-Nuda? He was convicted of stalking and stealing the panties of one of his office workers.
And let's not forget some of these GOP rogues...
Guy Vellela, fathered an illegitimate child and resigned over a bribery scandal.
Mike Cole, violated rules against fraternizing with interns.
Nancy Calhoun, stalking an ex-boyfriend
Pat Manning, sexual harasser and imposter.
John Sweeney, partying with frat boys and domestic violence.
Tom Reynolds, ongoing NRCC scandal and Marc Foley page scandal.
Caroline Quartararo, CPB Executive Deputy Director under Pataki arrested buying crack.
And lest we forget also here in Rochester the late Steve Minarick who shacked up with his handpicked candidate for the 28th Congressional district Renee Forgensi Davidson back in 1994. Not long after her loss in that race she became Mrs. Minarick and was appointed to a judgeship.
We live in a political cesspool here in NY. And the cess resides on both sides of the pool.
I think we both forgot the biggest fish of all. Al D'Amato.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:46 pm
by JMak
LTS TRN 2 wrote:That there has been no significant differences between the two nominal "parties" since 1947 is apparently a clumsy fact lost upon your Opie-like apprehensions. That the various furrows of lies and fake myths hammered in earnest are now rising like flooded New Orleans coffins amid the diversions of fake wars and false promises is interesting. Keep focused.
Look, cuckold, I know all that time in the cage wearing your wife-approved chastity belt leaves you lots of time to rummage the 'spiracy websites. But this nonsense, I think you might want to reconsider the cuckold lifestyle...you're alone way too much. The brief amounts of time you spend with your wife getting her tarted up for that night's date just ain't a real connection to reality. Get out of the cage and off the internets...you'll be surprised how refreshed you'll feel.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:55 pm
by ChargerMike
...seems to me the Crapchester crew has made an excellent case for N.Y. being a sh!thole of crime...nice state ya got there fellas.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:09 pm
by BSmack
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I think we both forgot the biggest fish of all. Al D'Amato.
Alphonse was one of a kind. Back when I was just out of college, I worked as a foot messenger for Al's #1 bagman in the Rochester area. I've got a few Al D'Amato stories, but my favorite had to do with when one of his Rochester area supporters dropped dead of a coronary while on vacation in Sicily. It seems that the Italian government had lost this guy's body while it was in the airport in Rome awaiting transfer to the US. Well my boss got Al's office on the line and Al turned his entire Rochester office into a body recovery operation. It took a day, and a bunch of hand delivered envelopes from me to Al's office, but they did finally find the body. And I never did ask what was in those envelopes.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:11 pm
by BSmack
ChargerMike wrote:...seems to me the Crapchester crew has made an excellent case for N.Y. being a sh!thole of crime...nice state ya got there fellas.
Don't confuse NYC and Albany with our little slice of heaven.
...would that be Ms. Brooks throwing one of her supervisers under the bus....uh yea
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:45 pm
by BSmack
ChargerMike wrote:...would that be Ms. Brooks throwing one of her supervisers under the bus....uh yea
She's trying. Fortunately for us, the Regional Transit Service doesn't have very good coverage. So she's going to have to wait a while to find a bus.
Oh, and if we had a real media, the name Irene Matichyn would not be a mystery to 95% of Rochesterians. She's been the woman behind the curtain around here for many, many years.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:10 am
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...seems to me the Crapchester crew has made an excellent case for N.Y. being a sh!thole of crime...nice state ya got there fellas.
Don't confuse NYC and Albany with our little slice of heaven.
If, when the dust settles, the worst thing that happens to Merritt Rahn is that he is the former Town of Greece Police Chief, he should consider himself very, very fortunate.
Oh, and if we had a real media, the name Irene Matichyn would not be a mystery to 95% of Rochesterians. She's been the woman behind the curtain around here for many, many years.
True. But the fact that Irene Matichyn exists in the first place has less to do with her personally than it does with the fact that Monroe County government has been dominated by a single political party since, oh, about the early 90's (at least). Until relatively recently, I don't think there were more than 1-2 Democratic county legislators representing suburban districts. And if Ms. Matichyn were to pull a Jacko tomorrow, I don't doubt for a second that somebody would be there to fill her shoes.
Speaking of single-party political dominance, it's even worse out here in the hinterlands than it is in Monroe County.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:52 pm
by BSmack
Terry in Crapchester wrote:If, when the dust settles, the worst thing that happens to Merritt Rahn is that he is the former Town of Greece Police Chief, he should consider himself very, very fortunate.
Yep. He's a prime candidate to follow Gordon Urlacher (former Rochester Chief convicted of embezzelment) into the penal system.
True. But the fact that Irene Matichyn exists in the first place has less to do with her personally than it does with the fact that Monroe County government has been dominated by a single political party since, oh, about the early 90's (at least).
It was 91 when Tom Frey got voted out and 92 when the GOP took over the County Leg. I was working with the MCDC back then on Clinton's campaign and then with Bob Cook on Kevin Murray's failed race for mayor the following year. The Democrats were tearing themselves apart internally back them, kind of like the Republicans are doing right now.
Until relatively recently, I don't think there were more than 1-2 Democratic county legislators representing suburban districts. And if Ms. Matichyn were to pull a Jacko tomorrow, I don't doubt for a second that somebody would be there to fill her shoes.
We can thank the redistricting plan of 92 for that. There are 29 leg districts in Monroe county. Well some mensa in the Democratic caucus decided to draw the districts in such a way that there would be 10 city only leg districts, 1 city/town district (Fred Amato's 6th district) and the remainder of the districts to be town only. It effectively guaranteed the 10 city legislators 10 more years in office at the expense of the party's majority in the leg.
Speaking of single-party political dominance, it's even worse out here in the hinterlands than it is in Monroe County.
Yea. I have more than a few relatives in Livingston county who register as Republicans only so they can vote in primary elections. The ghost of James Wadsworth is strong in those parts even to this day.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:56 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:Oh, and if we had a real media, . . .
Speaking of which, if I were inclined to believe the local media, I would believe that the local economy is better than the national average, and that violent crime in the local area is worse than the national average. Of course, it's not exactly a huge secret that neither of those statements happens to be true. Sad thing is, the local media actually seems to believe themselves on those points. And it's not exactly as though they'd have to get their hands dirty doing real journalistic work. 5 or 10 minutes on the interwebs would do the trick.
Even when they get something right, they still manage to fuck it up somehow. Take the "brain drain" issue, for example. The local media blames it entirely on New York's tax system stifling job growth. That may be true in part (although it's worth pointing out that New York's tax system is not the most burdensome in the nation, nor has it been so for awhile), but they completely ignore another component: that New York is a net exporter of college students, and has been just about forever. When you're sending that many college students out of state, it is (or at least should be) only natural to expect that some of them won't come back.
At best, the local media is grossly negligent. At worst, they're guilty of pushing their own agenda regardless of how it fits in with the truth.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:52 am
by smackaholic
BSmack wrote:
Mike Cole, violated rules against fraternizing with interns.
What's wrong with consensual sex among adults? Sheeesh, can't you people just stay out of folks' bedrooms?
Wait, this guy's a republican?
String him up now.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:34 am
by Imus
Papa Willie, I don't think you know what all those big words in that c/p job mean.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:16 pm
by indyfrisco
Papa Willie wrote:Obama could come in and tax murder their family, and they'd still vote for the guy.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:10 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Papa Willie wrote:Honestly - I'm just amazed at some of the Dems in here trying to justify these crooks. A lot of Democrats are funny folks. Obama could come in and axe murder their family, and they'd still vote for the guy.
You don't really want to go there, do you? Considering the attitude many Republicans had, and have, toward Bush, this has IKYABWAI written all over it.
But that's not the reason why I came back to this thread. This is.
Granted, he was only convicted of misdemeanors, not felonies, so expulsion isn't automatic. But he should do the right thing and resign. For once.
On a broader scale, New York is in a unique position in 2010 with the Governor and both U.S. Senators up for re-election all at the same time. And all three office holders currently are Democrats. Two of them -- Paterson and Gillibrand -- are in trouble, assuming that they wind up on the ballot in the first place, not a sure thing. They do have one thing -- and perhaps just one thing -- going for them, though: the New York GOP is currently playing the role of AP in the New York political establishment's version of "At least I'm not AP."
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:40 pm
by Tom In VA
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:Honestly - I'm just amazed at some of the Dems in here trying to justify these crooks. A lot of Democrats are funny folks. Obama could come in and axe murder their family, and they'd still vote for the guy.
You don't really want to go there, do you? Considering the attitude many Republicans had, and have, toward Bush, this has IKYABWAI written all over it.
Repeating a lie over and over again doesn't make it true. Why do you do it ? What compels you to do it ?
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:20 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
BSmack wrote:
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...seems to me the Crapchester crew has made an excellent case for N.Y. being a sh!thole of crime...nice state ya got there fellas.
Don't confuse NYC and Albany with our little slice of heaven.
Btw, if the rumors floating around are to be believed, there's far more to that particular story than ever got reported in the media. But I'd probably best not traffick in rumors on this board.
Tom In VA wrote:Repeating a lie over and over again doesn't make it true. Why do you do it ? What compels you to do it ?
It's not a lie. Or maybe you've conveniently forgotten all the "Rack Dubya" posts that have permeated these boards over the years. In fact, I'd bet that at least a few of them came from you.
Btw, when Bush left office, his approval rating was in the 20's overall, but in the 60's among Republicans. You expect a little bit of a difference, but a difference of that magnitude is pretty ponderous stuff.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:39 pm
by Tom In VA
Terry in Crapchester wrote:It's not a lie. Or maybe you've conveniently forgotten all the "Rack Dubya" posts that have permeated these boards over the years. In fact, I'd bet that at least a few of them came from you.
We've covered this ground, ad nauseum. I mean that literally; not just as literary tool for effect. Your gross avoidance of reality and the truth seriously makes me sick to my stomach. I'm going to pass gas and get some relief. I don't hold you responsible for your delusions and fantasy world Terry. I think you're a victim. I will go ask the Imam how I should pray for you.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:10 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Tom In VA wrote:I will go ask the Imam how I should pray for you.
Ask whoever you want. The Free Exercise Clause is part of the beauty of living in America.
Btw, I can see where being reminded of the fact that you used to be a Bush supporter can make you sick to your stomach. Better late than never, I guess. Sorry, but I can't let you forget about it. Not yet, anyway.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:18 pm
by BSmack
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Don't forget your neighbors to the west, either.
She looks like one of Rumplewife halfway through the weight loss process. Hop[e she was worth losing your job for Makowski.
Btw, if the rumors floating around are to be believed, there's far more to that particular story than ever got reported in the media. But I'd probably best not traffick in rumors on this board.
So what you're saying is that Ms. Adams, Mr. Makowsk of both will soon be the target of divorce proceedings as well as criminal proceedings?
Almost as shocking as Steve Minarik wrecking the home of one of his Congressional candidates back in the early 90s. You know Renee Minarik? Back then she went by Renee Forgensi Davidson. Steve Minarik was so full of himself he figured he could get his latest fling elected to Congress. She failed, but Steve did not. And within a year Mr. Davidson was history.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:42 pm
by Tom In VA
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Ask whoever you want.
I did. The Imam said you're a kafir and I shouldn't bother. Bush ?, I defended his actions and decisions when I saw fit and I more or less questioned his critics who never supplied adequate answers.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:09 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:
Of course it's a lie. He was never, at any point, the object of the bizarre, cult-like adulation that surrounds On...igger. You never saw Republicans brainwashing school children into singing hymns of praise to "George....Walker....Bush...mmm hmm."
The "Obama Cult" is a %100 Jew media fabrication.
The media are the ones saying "I can't believe how beloved Obama is!". The Jews peddled the Hope And Change farce to a largely apathetic citizenry. It's a fairly textbook Bernays mass propaganda technique.
You know that "tight crowd shot" of the rent-a-crowd pulling down Saddam's statue? Same deal.
You dopes fall for it every time, but in a way I don't blame you, it's a savagely powerful manipulation.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:14 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Those democrats, especially the ones from NY, are so corrupt!
Diego in Seattle wrote:Corruption in politics is okay, hey everyone does it. I like corrupt politics.
Duly noted dude. Duly noted.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:24 pm
by Tom In VA
Martyred wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Of course it's a lie. He was never, at any point, the object of the bizarre, cult-like adulation that surrounds On...igger. You never saw Republicans brainwashing school children into singing hymns of praise to "George....Walker....Bush...mmm hmm."
The "Obama Cult" is a %100 Jew media fabrication.
The media are the ones saying "I can't believe how beloved Obama is!". The Jews peddled the Hope And Change farce to a largely apathetic citizenry. It's a fairly textbook Bernays mass propaganda technique.
You know that "tight crowd shot" of the rent-a-crowd pulling down Saddam's statue? Same deal.
You dopes fall for it every time, but in a way I don't blame you, it's a savagely powerful manipulation.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:05 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Pure market strategy hypnosis.
If you keep pounding it into my brain, day after day, that I really crave "brand X", one day I'll wake up saying...
"you know...I really could go for some "brand X"..."
It's not rocket science.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:29 am
by Tom In VA
Martyred wrote:Pure market strategy hypnosis.
If you keep pounding it into my brain, day after day, that I really crave "brand X", one day I'll wake up saying...
"you know...I really could go for some "brand X"..."
It's not rocket science.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:50 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
I'm quite familiar with Alan Watt's "work".
He's a real crackpot's crackpot.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:36 am
by Tom In VA
I wouldn't worry about that Papa Willie. The New "Key Master of Gozer", "Paymaster General", "Compensation Czar" or whatever will target attornies next, so a lot will leave the field.
And stop with the "liberal lawyer" crap. EVERY CITIZEN BY RIGHT, DESERVES A CAPABALE DEFENSE when the Government levies charges agains them.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:40 am
by Tom In VA
Well it's either that or the incurable cancer of corrupt government that even with the system we have today convicts innocent people from time to time.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:07 am
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:It's not a lie.
Of course it's a lie. He was never, at any point, the object of the bizarre, cult-like adulation that surrounds On...igger. You never saw Republicans brainwashing school children into singing hymns of praise to "George....Walker....Bush...mmm hmm."
You're kidding, right?
You never saw media pantloads like Chris Tingle . . . swearing fealty to the Bush Administration and vowing that it was their sacred duty to help the administration succeed.
Maybe not, but he did engage in an Irie Lagos moment with Bush, and later proclaimed "we're all neocons now."
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:05 pm
by Tom In VA
This is why Marty might win.
Re: Democrats in New York.
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:10 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Tom In VA wrote:^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This is why Marty might win.
Tom, it's not about Obama cultism or reactionary Right populism.
Your country has a burning lust for celebrity-blessed idolatry festooned with "magic" and pageantry.
I'll tell you this...at least poptart and I can agree on one thing. You're country is more concerned with building a golden calf than anything else.