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Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:44 am
by Mikey
When you heard that Michael Jackson died?
This is such an important moment in history, I'm sure that all of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard the tragic news.
I was driving north on Springdale St. in Seal Beach, heading for the 405. I turned the radio to KNX and heard live reports from UCLA Medical Center and from in front of Jacko's house in Bel-Air as well as commentary from well known writers from Rolling Stone and other sources.
What a story. This will go down in history. If I had any of his records I might bronze them and put them in a safe deposit box.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:52 am
by BSmack
I was at work. Doing work type stuff. Like I am every time between 9 and 5 eastern time. Did something important happen?
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:53 am
by Trampis
I was just locking up the entrance to my secret room behind the bedroom closet.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:07 am
by socal
I was here trading barbs with vapid, racist fuckbricks.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:08 am
by Mikey
socal wrote:I was here trading barbs with vapid, racist fuckbricks.
Now that's memorable.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:06 am
by smackaholic
socal wrote:I was here trading barbs with vapid, racist fuckbricks.
me too. what a coincidence.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:48 pm
by indyfrisco
I was taking a shit reading the news on my Blackberry. Thought I was done shitting when I read that jacko checked out. Then I chuckled just enough to force the last bit of black corn out. When I got up to flush, I looked at my work and commented aloud how my turds were about the same color as Jackson in the Thriller era.
I'll never forget that shit.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:57 pm
by Shoalzie
I just got home from work and was drinking a couple beers and watching The Who on Palladia. I had my laptop out and I saw the headline on Yahoo. I flipped the channel to CNN because I figured they'd have more about it.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:00 pm
by poptart
Chipping golf balls in the front yard.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:08 pm
by jiminphilly
Hanging with the wife and some of her co-workers and clients at the Marathon Grill in Philly. Our waiter told us what happened which I thought was a weak excuse for him not keeping my beer glass full.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:08 pm
by socal
poptart wrote:Chipping golf balls in the front yard.
Rack the OJ reset.
Does somebody have smackaholic in the DP? He's gonna shit (sup IndyF) after just 10 minutes of media saturation.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:26 pm
by smackaholic
Jsc810 wrote:BSmack wrote:Did something important happen?
No. A filthy pederast died, that's all. The world is a better place today.
Too bad nobody on TV has the balls to say this. Shep Smith was talking about him like he was a saint yesterday.
Have fun in hell jacko.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:09 pm
by White Cock
When I heard it, I was... uh... helping burn some firewood.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:46 pm
by smackaholic
Sudden Sam wrote:
Then, last night, I was flipping between 'The Game' (Michael Douglas/Sean Penn), 'Crimson Tide' (Denzel Washington/Gene Hackman), and the South Africa-Brazil soccer game (yeah, I was that desperate...who won?), thinking the Jackson weepfest on all the news networks would end eventually. I never saw any news about Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, or Mark Sanford. The Geraldo slobberfest was particularly disgusting. Obviously he and MJ slept together. There's no other excuse for that shit.
I'm waiting for someone on a news show to have the balls to say that kids are much safer now.
I'm kinda dissapointed with jerry. Dude has made a career out of being a rock thrower. I would have expected a "good riddance, ya pedo freak" blast out of him, but, I guess not. I guess he's worried about somebody going all TiVO on him.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:52 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote:Sudden Sam wrote:
Then, last night, I was flipping between 'The Game' (Michael Douglas/Sean Penn), 'Crimson Tide' (Denzel Washington/Gene Hackman), and the South Africa-Brazil soccer game (yeah, I was that desperate...who won?), thinking the Jackson weepfest on all the news networks would end eventually. I never saw any news about Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, or Mark Sanford. The Geraldo slobberfest was particularly disgusting. Obviously he and MJ slept together. There's no other excuse for that shit.
I'm waiting for someone on a news show to have the balls to say that kids are much safer now.
I'm kinda dissapointed with jerry. Dude has made a career out of being a rock thrower. I would have expected a "good riddance, ya pedo freak" blast out of him, but, I guess not. I guess he's worried about somebody going all TiVO on him.
A rock thrower (in the distant past anyway), but also a well known self-promoter and celebrity fucker. I would never expect any better from him.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:55 pm
by BSmack
Sudden Sam wrote:I'm waiting for someone on a news show to have the balls to say that kids are much safer now.
They're not. They might well wind up with his parents. No child is really safe in that family.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:00 pm
I was working! Bwahahahaaaaaaa....
I'm up for a promotion I've been told!
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:14 pm
by Patrick Bateman
I happened to be listening to my new Robert Palmer tape.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:36 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:When you heard that Michael Jackson died?
In yer ma.
Has SirFindaFold checked in, yet?
The only good thing about this non-event is that the local radio stations are going all Michael all the time...great tunes.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:47 pm
by smackaholic
JMak wrote:Mikey wrote:When you heard that Michael Jackson died?
In yer ma.
Has SirFindaFold checked in, yet?
The only good thing about this non-event is that the local radio stations are going all Michael all the time...great tunes.
Mikey's ma has gotta be at least in her 70s and if anything like her boy, a bit overweight with back trouble.
Not sure I'd be braggin' bout this accomplishment on the interwebs.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:54 pm
by Mikey
JMak wrote:Mikey wrote:When you heard that Michael Jackson died?
In yer ma.
Has SirFindaFold checked in, yet?
The only good thing about this non-event is that the local radio stations are going all Michael all the time...
great tunes.
Yeah, great tunes.
If you're another Peter Pan wannabe.
I'll bet you're running around in your socks trying to moonwalk just like Mike, too.
What a fucking dumbass.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:01 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:Yeah, great tunes.
If you're another Peter Pan wannabe.
I'll bet you're running around in your socks trying to moonwalk just like Mike, too.
What a fucking dumbass.
You sound as sore as yer ma looks. Get her a f#$%ing icepack you ungrateful little shit. And be sure to change her sheets. It shouldn't be a difficult chore given you merely have to come up out of the basement, pick up the pile, and go back to the basement.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:05 pm
by Mikey
l to r: JMak (never wanna grow up) trying to "be like Mike".
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:09 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:l to r: JMak (never wanna grow up) trying to "be like Mikey".
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:18 pm
by socal
Mikey wrote:Yeah, great tunes.
C'mon, Mikey. I bet Michael Jackson and Jerry Garcia, brothers in heart failure, are ripping it up good right now.
I lit out from Holmby
I was trailed by tourist hounds
Didn't resuscitate me last night
So the media came around
I set out dancing but I take my time
A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine
If I get to Boyle Heights before daylight
I might get some sleep tonight

Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:22 pm
by JMak
Sudden Sam might wanna consider not posting any more. Good lord.
So one of the most popular entertainers in several generations was most popular because...he weirded out and bleached his skin? Because he was a good dancer?
You might want to stfu, clown. Among my top ten we see Lynyrd Skynyrd, CSNY, Elvis, MJ, Eric Clapton, John Lee Hooker, and a few classical notes that you wouldn't fuckin recognize. Yeah, MJ made some great tunes. What's your fuckin problem with that?
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:26 pm
by Mikey
Papa Willie wrote:socal wrote:Mikey wrote:Yeah, great tunes.
C'mon, Mikey. I bet Michael Jackson and Jerry Garcia, brothers in heart failure, are ripping it up good right now.
I lit out from Holmby
I was trailed by tourist hounds
Didn't resuscitate me last night
So the media came around
I set out dancing but I take my time
A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine
If I get to Boyle Heights before daylight
I might get some sleep tonight

I seriously doubt Jacko and Jerry are in the same place.
I dunno, there were a couple of times I could have sworn I saw Jerry moonwalking.
Could have been something else, though.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:28 pm
by BSmack
Mikey wrote:LOL.
I dunno, there were a couple of times I could have sworn I saw Jerry moonwalking.
Could have been something else, though.
Probably the vitamin C. Because we all know that Jerry didn't move.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:38 pm
by Mikey
Even if you like that shit (I'll have to admit some of the original J5 stuff was OK), most of the musical credit Thriller and later has to go to Quincy Jones.
Never Can Say Goodbye was written by Clifton Davis.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:40 pm
by Mikey
Screw_Michigan wrote:Did Jacko ever play an instrument?
Did you really just ask that question?

Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:44 pm
by socal
You say your remarks were stricken from the site?
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:46 pm
by JMak
Sudden Sam wrote:Please name one song that he wrote or performed that is anywhere near the equal of anything the Beatles did, or Elvis, or Sinatra, or Prokofiev, or Hooker.
Moron, I didn't say he was equal to any of them. I said he had some great tunes. And he did, imo. What kind of jerkoff are you?
Look, two-time Music Hall of Fame inductee, more than a dozen grammys, and nearly 3/4 of a billion records sold around the world. Yeah, he had some great tunes despite the fact that you don't feel he compares to Sinatra, Elvis, other.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:49 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:Even if you like that shit (I'll have to admit some of the original J5 stuff was OK), most of the musical credit Thriller and later has to go to Quincy Jones.
Never Can Say Goodbye was written by Clifton Davis.
And there we go. So your whining about my comment that I thought he had some great tunes was that I not properly attributing credit to Quincy Jones? I thought it was because you thought liking Jackson's music was gay? Maybe you wanna hit the reset button and start over?
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:54 pm
by socal
Screw_Michigan wrote:Yeah, my whole point. They even deleted my comments where I said he wasn't a real musician because he didn't play any instruments, other than the skin flutes of little kids.
:shocking, not really:
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:58 pm
by JMak
Sudden Sam wrote:We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Ya think, genius? Boy, I sure am impresses that you've slowed down from suggesting that I stop posting to "oh well, we'll have to disagree." To think this was the first time two people disagreed about whether music was great or time, simply post your opinion, shitheels.
Grammys don't impress me in the least. Neither does being inducted into a music hall of fame.
So what? The fact is that these things have happened and they would not have happened if the guy was making half-assed music.
Obviously a helluva lot of people enjoyed his music. I was not one of them, other than some early Jackson Five stuff. Different tastes. I honestly can't think of a single song of his that I like at all.
And so your gut reaction to someone who thinks he may have had some great tunes is to suggest that they leave the board?
Funny watching you and Mikey come strong then wilt away like Obama's approval ratings.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:00 pm
by Mikey
JMak wrote:Mikey wrote:Even if you like that shit (I'll have to admit some of the original J5 stuff was OK), most of the musical credit Thriller and later has to go to Quincy Jones.
Never Can Say Goodbye was written by Clifton Davis.
And there we go. So your whining about my comment that I thought he had some great tunes was that I not properly attributing credit to Quincy Jones? I thought it was because you thought liking Jackson's music was gay? Maybe you wanna hit the reset button and start over?
Did you ever learn to read?
Mikey wrote:Even if you like that shit...
Maybe you wanna hit eject and stay ejected?
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:04 pm
by BSmack
Screw_Michigan wrote:Did Jacko ever play an instrument?
You mean other than skin flute?
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:13 pm
by JMak
Mikey wrote:Did you ever learn to read?
What a retarded question. Of course, I learned how to read, fool. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to read your first post nor respond to it and have you understand it.
The fact is that after I posted a rather weak ma joke you flew to the homo card and now when I recall that you stupidly ask whether I had learned to read. WTF is wrong with you? Did you not post:
If you're another Peter Pan wannabe.
Was that not an attempt at homosmack? Or at least sissy smack? So...what didn't I read correctly? Where did I go wrong in noting that went from homosmack and backed down your impish qualified statement, "Even if you like that shit..." taking me to task for not granting credit for the music to the producers or writers? Did I miss something?
Maybe you wanna hit eject and stay ejected?
Look in the mirror, bitch.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:15 pm
by JMak
Sudden Sam wrote:I keep forgetting that there are a couple teen posters in here. Keep on rockin', young goober.
Memory-challenged old farts like tend to forget a lot. You also tend to misread what posters post.
Maybe it's a result of having too many wives and keeping track of such shit. Maybe it really was a senior moment. I don't know. Either way, top off with a little glucosamine and Metamucil and you'll be tip-top by Monday.
Re: Where Were You?
Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 6:22 pm
by indyfrisco
Kid Gashville wrote:Memory-challenged old farts like tend to forget a lot. You also tend to misread what posters post.
Maybe it's a result of having too many wives and keeping track of such shit. Maybe it really was a senior moment. I don't know. Either way, top off with a little glucosamine and Metamucil and you'll be tip-top by Monday.