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SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:59 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
WASHINGTON – Mississippi's still king of cellulite, but an ominous tide is rolling toward the Medicare doctors in neighboring Alabama: obese baby boomers.

It's time for the nation's annual obesity rankings and, outside of fairly lean Colorado, there's little good news. Obesity rates among adults rose in 23 states over the past year and didn't decline anywhere, says a new report from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

And while the nation has long been bracing for a surge in Medicare as the boomers start turning 65, the new report makes clear that fat, not just age, will fuel much of those bills. In every state, the rate of obesity is higher among 55- to 64-year-olds — the oldest boomers — than among today's 65-and-beyond.

That translates into a coming jump of obese Medicare patients that ranges from 5.2 percent in New York to a high of 16.3 percent in Alabama, the report concluded. In Alabama, nearly 39 percent of the oldest boomers are obese.

Health economists once made the harsh financial calculation that the obese would save money by dying sooner, notes Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust, a nonprofit public health group. But more recent research instead suggests they live nearly as long but are much sicker for longer, requiring such costly interventions as knee replacements and diabetes care and dialysis. Studies show Medicare spends anywhere from $1,400 to $6,000 more annually on health care for an obese senior than for the non-obese.

"There isn't a magic bullet. We don't have a pill for it," said Levi, whose group is pushing for health reform legislation to include community-level programs that help people make healthier choices — like building sidewalks so people can walk their neighborhoods instead of drive, and providing healthier school lunches.

"It's not going to be solved in the doctor's office but in the community, where we change norms," Levi said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has long said that nearly a third of Americans are obese. The Trust report uses somewhat more conservative CDC surveys for a closer state-by-state look. Among the findings:

_Mississippi had the highest rate of adult obesity, 32.5 percent, for the fifth year in a row.

_Three additional states now have adult obesity rates above 30 percent, including Alabama, 31.2 percent; West Virginia, 31.1 percent; and Tennessee, 30.2 percent.

_Colorado had the lowest rate of obese adults, at 18.9 percent, followed by Massachusetts, 21.2 percent; and Connecticut, 21.3 percent.

_Mississippi also had the highest rate of overweight and obese children, at 44.4 percent. It's followed by Arkansas, 37.5 percent; and Georgia, 37.3 percent.

_Following Alabama, Michigan ranks No. 2 with the most obese 55- to 64-year-olds, 36 percent. Colorado has the lowest rate, 21.8 percent.



Jesus Christ. Must have something to do with its consistently weak OOC schedule. Fat fuck much?

Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:18 pm
by SEC Ballsucking Homer
We weigh more because our dicks are so much bigger.

Tell me you knew.

Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:36 pm
by Smackie Chan
Robert Wood Johnson
Glad his first name isn't Richard. Otherwise, his full name would be doubly redundant.

Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:53 pm
by Van
It's all those OOC cupcakes.

Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:44 pm
by socal
Sudden Sam wrote:I ain't contributing to it, by god.

I'm at 182 and holding.
Height? Age?

Find your ideal "fighting" weight.

Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:45 pm
by indyfrisco
Speaking of...don't think I've told this story.

I had a training course down in Atlanta about 4 years ago. I left early at 4 AM so I could make the 7 hour drive in order to catch the Falcons/Bucs game. I buy a ticket from a scalper just outside the gate just before gametime. 50 yard line. 6th row. $50. Face value on the damn thing was only $60. I was like "WTF? Our season tix to the Colts on the 35 yard line 9 rows up face value is about $200 (4 years ago, now they are $330 in the new stadium)."

Anyhow, that's not the point of the story. As I was walking to the stadium through the ghetto of tailgating, I noticed something I have never seen before. And I wished I had a camera. One group had this huge smoker on wheels. the wheels had spinning rims. Yes, spinning rims on a grill. And to top it off, they had a generator running and two fans streetside blowing the rims so they would spin.

I thought at that point I had seen it all.

Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:29 pm
by Van
So, what are you trying to say?


Re: SEC Ball Sucking Homer... your thoughts???

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:43 pm
by JMak
Probably something I learned years ago...obesity is massive problem among blacks. But it's also celebrated, too and people are condemned for "judging" those who choose to be fat.