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General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:31 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Okay, this is going to get me in a lot of hot water and possibly lose me my best internet friend, but I've been at the Memorial Union Terrace lakefront UW Madison Campus drinking beer and listening to live bands........

So here it goes.............

Way back in about 2000 I was addicted to posting on the internet and I was sick and tired of all the abuse/bannings. I tried so hard to remove myself from the addiction but it was too powerful. I nearly lost my job working in actuarial for a one of the biggest insurance providers in America. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to give my password to "The Big Pickle" to Jimmy Medallions. My password was "Win123". I reveal this only to prove that I am indeed telling the truth.

At some point there were a couple people that thought perhaps I was General Peters, but I had neither the pen nor the prose to be that incredible of a poster. However, I do know who is the person behind the identity of General Peters and it is the person that is probably least expected. So, without further adieu, and at the sake of losing one of my best internet friend in my life..............

General Peters is..............


Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:41 am
by Van
I'd be more inclined to believe mvscal is handling your troll, or even Nick's.

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:45 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Van wrote:I'd be more inclined to believe mvscal is handling your troll, or even Nick's.

That's your problem, Van.

When have I ever lied to you?


Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:52 am
by smackaholic
I could see mvscal having the keys to the gpete troll.

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:13 am
by Van
I like the idea of mvscal running the Nick troll. That'd be a special kinda lunacy.

mvscal running the Pickle troll, that would simply be too self-serving and obvious, which would make it especially funny. G-Pete isn't around here enough to be worth running. He'd be more fun to run on whatever board he normally frequents.

The one I'd really like to see mvscal run, and run hard, would be trev.

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:15 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Van wrote:I like the idea of mvscal running the Nick troll. That'd be a special kinda lunacy.

mvscal running the Pickle troll, that would simply be too self-serving and obvious, which would make it especially funny. G-Pete isn't around here enough to be worth running. He'd be more fun to run on whatever board he normally frequents.

The one I'd really like to see mvscal run, and run hard, would be trev.

Jesus Van,

I'm trying hard to think of an adjective to describe you. It's probably a million times beyond "A Hopeless Romantic".

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:23 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Van wrote:I like the idea of mvscal running the Nick troll. That'd be a special kinda lunacy.

mvscal running the Pickle troll, that would simply be too self-serving and obvious, which would make it especially funny. G-Pete isn't around here enough to be worth running. He'd be more fun to run on whatever board he normally frequents.


You are so close to answering your own questions that it's unbelieveable! Mvscal couldn''t say the things he wanted to say under his handle about me so he said them under "G-Pete". I will tell you this much, there has NEVER been a greater internet poster than mvscal. The fact that he fooled you, whom I consider one of the more intelligent people on any message board forum, speaks volumes for the genius of mvscal.

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:04 am
by Van
Pickle wrote:Jesus Van,

I'm trying hard to think of an adjective to describe you.
There ya' go, you nailed it.

Pray to me, and I'll cure your tinnitus, and the land of your fathers (and Madison, WI) will run rich with the milk of golden blonde honeys.

Okay, some adjectives to describe me, where you and this thread are concerned....

expectant (eventually mvscal will make his way in here, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the little bon mot he's sure to toss your way.)

Pickle, it would be quite the misnomer to say I'm being fooled by any of this. See, that would imply that I've actually concerned myself with trying to figure out who runs you, or G-Pete. It would also imply that I care which trolls are run by mvscal.

That would all be quite incorrect. I don't gve a Georgian ass burble who runs whose trolls here. Never have, never will. I've never given it any thought. So, fooling me with troll identities is not only impossible, it's the easiest thing in the world.

I'm merely amused at the notion of mvscal running you, or Nick.

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:17 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Van wrote:
eventually mvscal will make his way in here, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the little bon mot he's sure to toss your way.

I'm sure you'll enjoy it....and I'm sure you will also equally enjoy the google map of his residence in Lake Forest.

Auf Wiedersehen
Auf Wiederhoren
Au Revoir
Bye Bye :D

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:19 am
by Van
I didn't even look into that thread, not after the initial post.


Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:40 am
by General Peters
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:at the sake of losing one of my best internet friend in my life..
I will always refer to you as a friend. A great friend with a wealth of nobility, resilience, and love for his fukken country. I appreciate all you have done in serving our nation and being the best American you can be. Rack Stan the fukken MAN.

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:47 am
by poptart
General Peters is ..................


Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:49 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:I'd be more inclined to believe mvscal is handling your troll, or even Nick's.
Try none of the above. I don't troll. I am.

R A C K !!!!!!
:D :wink:

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:52 am
by Van
mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:I'd be more inclined to believe mvscal is handling your troll, or even Nick's.
Try none of the above. I don't troll. I am.
Nonsense. Pickle swears you're G-Pete. and he says he's never lied to me, so you're G-Pete!

That is, unless you're calling Pickle a liar.


Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:53 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Van wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Van wrote:I'd be more inclined to believe mvscal is handling your troll, or even Nick's.
Try none of the above. I don't troll. I am.
Nonsense. Pickle swears you're G-Pete. and he says he's never lied to me, so you're G-Pete!

That is, unless you're calling Pickle a liar.


hehehehehehehehehehehehehe :D :lol:

Re: General Peters is ..................

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:44 am
Gee Peete is...


a shit troll. So is ptschkle.
