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Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:54 am
by poptart
The meat-processing executive took his last breath.

Image ... ?GT1=43001

I figured somebody would have something funny to say about this.

That is all.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:13 am
by Tom In VA
poptart wrote:
I figured somebody would have something funny to say about this.

So far nobody has mustard up the courage but I'm sure someone will.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:51 pm
by Diego in Seattle
Tom In VA wrote:
poptart wrote:
I figured somebody would have something funny to say about this.

So far nobody has mustard up the courage but I'm sure someone will.
I bet you relished posting that.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:37 pm
by Jerkovich
Diego in Seattle wrote:Oh I wish that I had a little boy's wiener

FTFY :lol:

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:28 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
I knew Oscar Mayer. When I was a little kid I used to caddy for him at Maple Bluff Country Club. He was the best tipper too! All of us wanted to caddy for him because at the turn he would always buy us a large coke and a hot dog and then he would always leave us the biggest tip of all the members.

When I moved to Newport Beach I applied for a job at Oscar Mayers....a small sales office with a sales rep opening. During the interview I asked if it would help if I knew Oscar Mayer...and they were like "Really?" :? :? :? And then I rattled off all the names of all the Vice Presidents I knew...McVey, Pat Richter, etc..etc... Went to high school with all their kids too.

Anyhoo, got down to the final interview and somehow didn't get the job.... :(

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:43 pm
by BSmack
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:I knew Oscar Mayer. When I was a little kid I used to caddy for him at Maple Bluff Country Club. He was the best tipper too! All of us wanted to caddy for him because at the turn he would always buy us a large coke and a hot dog and then he would always leave us the biggest tip of all the members.

When I moved to Newport Beach I applied for a job at Oscar Mayers....a small sales office with a sales rep opening. During the interview I asked if it would help if I knew Oscar Mayer...and they were like "Really?" :? :? :? And then I rattled off all the names of all the Vice Presidents I knew...McVey, Pat Richter, etc..etc... Went to high school with all their kids too.

Anyhoo, got down to the final interview and somehow didn't get the job.... :(
Probably because they knew you.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:06 pm
by socal
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:Anyhoo, got down to the final interview and somehow didn't get the job.... :(
Interviewer using intercom: Send him in.

Pikkle opens door and walks in.

Interviewer: This interview is over, faggot.

Pikkkle: I know Oscar Meyer.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:23 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
socal wrote:
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:Anyhoo, got down to the final interview and somehow didn't get the job.... :(
Interviewer using intercom: Send him in.

Pikkle opens door and walks in.

Interviewer: This interview is over, faggot.

Pikkkle: I know Oscar Meyer.

Not quite, moron!

First of all, I'd like to thank Oscar Mayer for helping develop my interest in golf. If it were not for him I might NOT have won this Junior Golf Tournament at Maple Bluff Country Club (Oscar Mayer's Home Course ) in 1979.

Lastly, one of the problems the interviewer had with my resume was the fact that I listed "Soldier of the Year Candidate VII Corp and Physical Fitness Champion VII Corp"

The idiot interviewer asked me how "Fitness Champion" could be relative to sales. I told him it wasn't a matter of "strength" but it was a measure of determination. My answer wasn't good enough for him...he was probably one of those pussy military haters.

Matters not! I found a great job working in aerospace for Rockwell International in Seal Beach. RACK ME!

And RIP Oscar Mayer. :(

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:30 pm
by Tom In VA
Congrats on the achievements pickle.

You probably didn't get the job because a motivated sumbitch like yourself would have outsold that dude and he was askeered.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:34 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
Tom In VA wrote:Congrats on the achievements pickle.

You probably didn't get the job because a motivated sumbitch like yourself would have outsold that dude and he was askeered.

Thanks Tom!

I think this is the only time in 11 years that you have said something nice to me.

Yeah, dude was probably worried that I would take his job eventually. I know for a fact that he investigated my claim about knowing Oscar Mayer because he contacted Jane McVey, the daughter of the Vice President, whom was a high school friend of mine.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:19 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
Jsc810 wrote:Pickle, how is getting rid of the hate going? You have potential, but the hate drags you down, you gotta get rid of it, imho.

Like the Beatles told us:

And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Hey Chip!

So many times I almost called you when you were in the hospital. Oh well.

Interesting that you should mention that song. I was one of the biggest Beatle fans in the world when I was young. I read every book and bought every album by 1979. I was a Beatle Trivia monster! I can remember my first Beatle moment....I heard "Strawberry Fields Forever" on the radio when I was about 5 years old and never forgot that moment.

Anyhoo, you want to talk about "hate"? Actually, I'm mostly about "LOVE". That is loving my White Race. The only thing I hate are the people that are doing their best to destroy America and the White Race. If you really want to put me in a catagory, put me in the catagory that wants to perserve White heritiage. I'm NOT a hater, I'm a White Survivialist!

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:34 pm
by Tom In VA
I've been nice to you before in the 9 years I've been on Rome related boards.

I just disagree with you sometimes, vehemently.

See, preserving and celebrating European culture in this country is not wrong. Nor is preserving and celebrating the many different cultures that have assimilated into one unique American culture.

You are a separatist, apparently, and I don't agree with that. Much of what you've expressed to believe flies in the face of the majority of my life's experience. I think FEAR is the only thing that inhibits the races from getting along and I aspire to rising up and facing FEAR and doing the right thing in the face of it; rather than cower. I aspire to be like the white europeans that helped put an end to slavery and Jim Crow. I aspire to be like the black man that stood up against his neighbors to protect Reginald Denny. I find inspiration in that courage.

In the end, we're all human.

Re: Oscar Mayer -- DEAD!!

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:08 am
by Felix

dude had a schweet ride