Madison Wisconsin Art Fair on the Square - No PET
Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:30 pm
What a great White Event today!
I left my Nikon digital camera at home today instead of taking a GREAT P.E.T. because the last time I was going to entertain you bleeding heart liberal gibbering fukkks with a PET, I was banned by that CUNT, Ang.
Thanks to that dispicable kunt, you will be left with only a verbal description of events today.

First of all, Madison is the Capitol city of Wisconsin. There is a huge, beautiful central capitol with a square of streets that surrounds it.

Anyhoo, there are about 200,000 people that show up for this event every year.
For me, the greatest thing is the fact that it is practically ALL WHITE!
Today I saw 9 ni.ggers, 15 asians, and 23 hispanic strawberry picking mother fukkkers, and 199,972 White People!
What a JOY so see so many White people and so many White women with White Babies!
Restores all my faith in America.
I was going to write about the Half ni.ggger that looked like an Orangetan and remind people of the dangers of Red haired White women procreating with ni.ggggers, but fukkk it. No camera! No visual effect.
Rack Madison and Rack Wisconsin for it's Huge Majority White Population, once you get outside of the liberal decay of Madison.
PS - 99.9 Percent White is Still NOT ENOUGH WHITE!
I left my Nikon digital camera at home today instead of taking a GREAT P.E.T. because the last time I was going to entertain you bleeding heart liberal gibbering fukkks with a PET, I was banned by that CUNT, Ang.
Thanks to that dispicable kunt, you will be left with only a verbal description of events today.

First of all, Madison is the Capitol city of Wisconsin. There is a huge, beautiful central capitol with a square of streets that surrounds it.

Anyhoo, there are about 200,000 people that show up for this event every year.
For me, the greatest thing is the fact that it is practically ALL WHITE!
Today I saw 9 ni.ggers, 15 asians, and 23 hispanic strawberry picking mother fukkkers, and 199,972 White People!
What a JOY so see so many White people and so many White women with White Babies!
Restores all my faith in America.
I was going to write about the Half ni.ggger that looked like an Orangetan and remind people of the dangers of Red haired White women procreating with ni.ggggers, but fukkk it. No camera! No visual effect.
Rack Madison and Rack Wisconsin for it's Huge Majority White Population, once you get outside of the liberal decay of Madison.
PS - 99.9 Percent White is Still NOT ENOUGH WHITE!