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Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:03 am
by Diego in Seattle
What we have now works so wel!!
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:15 am
by Dinsdale
Because government interfered with the free market (sup Nixon the Liberal/scammer), and removed competition/incentive.
Definitely needs reform... get the fucking government the fuck out.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:16 am
by War Wagon
My health care works just fine. I pay my HMO premiums every week, I get right in to see a doctor whenever I want, as do my wife and daughter.
So what happens when 47 million uninsured patients get forcefed into a healthcare system that can barely manage the current ranks of those already seeking care?
Sorry Diego and all you other liberal pieces of shit, I don't want to pay for your vasectomy and I don't want to have to wait for 3 months to get to see my overloaded doctor.
Note to self: Never click on a link from Diego again.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:19 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:I pay my HMO premiums every week
Nice going, Liberal.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:30 am
by War Wagon
At the risk of being inundated with

logic of how healthcare
really works, I'll have to ask you to expound on that.
I'm probably going to regret this.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:44 am
by Cuda
You can't just have anyfuckingbody who wants to go into a doctor's office anytime they fucking well please- what are you, nuts?
The DemocRats
Just where in the fucking constitution does it allow the federal gubmint to have any fucking thing to do with health care?
I'll give everybody but Dinsdale & poptart & probably mvscal a much needed hint: there isn't anything in the constitution that allows it
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:04 am
by BSmack
Cuda wrote:You can't just have anyfuckingbody who wants to go into a doctor's office anytime they fucking well please- what are you, nuts?
The DemocRats
Just where in the fucking constitution does it allow the federal gubmint to have any fucking thing to do with health care?
I'll give everybody but Dinsdale & poptart & probably mvscal a much needed hint: there isn't anything in the constitution that allows it
When a hospital offers goods and services not obtained through interstate commerce, let me know.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:08 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:Huh?
At the risk of being inundated with :dins: logic of how healthcare really works, I'll have to ask you to expound on that.
I'm probably going to regret this.
You're in an HMO, rather than shopping for your own insurance because the government said you HAD to do it that way...
Health care has been in a severe downslide in this country ever since... FACT. Began the day Big Brother started doing your insurance shopping for you...
But I'm sure letting the government do
more thinking for you will fix the "problem."
QUICK! Name one thing the government does better than private industry...
I'll leave the light on for you.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:13 am
by War Wagon
Dinsdale wrote:
You're in an HMO, rather than shopping for your own insurance because the government said you HAD to do it that way...
Not quite.
I'm in the HMO that my company selected and they're paying half of the premium.
The government didn't have anything to do with it and I prefer to keep it that way.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:22 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:Dinsdale wrote:QUICK! Name one thing the government does better than private industry...
Kill large numbers of people. Doesn't bode well for government run health care, though. Any idiot who thinks that government sponsored health care will be a sweet deal needs to spend a little time a VA hospital some day. They're fucking horrorshows.
Why did you throw the military under the bus to protect a rapist?
Well I'm waiting.
Fucking hack.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:23 am
by Atomic Punk
Diego, I'll refrain from the usual name calling of what you really are... a certified pedophile for a moment to ask you why you picked this example to say "Republicans are bad mkaaay?"
Go ahead and tell me what Republicans have to do with this kids sad existence. Also, explain to me what type of diabetes this kid most likely had and the efforts of the family to get him on a government sponsored program that covers what should be his paid for treatments that... well taxpayers that make money pay for.
Go ahead, and take your time you sandal wearing fruitcup.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:25 am
by Moving Sale
BSmack wrote:
When a hospital offers goods and services not obtained through interstate commerce, let me know.
UHC is constitutional using Art.1 sec 8... if you twist the CC into a pretzel.
Try again.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:25 am
by Moving Sale
Atomic Punk wrote:
Diego, I'll refrain from the usual name calling of what you really are... a certified pedophile for a moment to ask you why you picked this example to say "Republicans are bad mkaaay?
Go ahead, and take your time you sandal wearing fruitcup.
STFU you Atomic Tranny.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:32 am
by Atomic Punk
TVblOw, why did you respond to a valid question? Diego is clearly wrong as you are because you don't know WTF you are talking about. Go back to trying to convince everyone that you are taller than 5' 6". That won't happen anytime soon. People here forget that you have a clear and audible lisp.
How the spreadsheeters are slipping.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:38 am
by Atomic Punk
R-Jack wrote:And you talk like a man when you prance around in lacy big girl undergarments?
You are looking to deflect attention away from being married to a horse because TVO always says that to you. Gotcha.
Sod rolls are now 2 x 8 or something like that and after taxes go for $4 a roll. Go check it out! You can do it, we can laugh at you!
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:49 am
by Moving Sale
Atomic Punk wrote:TVblOw, why did you respond to a valid question?
Diego is clearly wrong as you are because you don't know WTF you are talking about.
The only things I have stated in this thread are that mvskkkal threw the military under the bus, UHC is not Constitutional under the CC (unless you twist it into a pretzel) and that you are a tranny. All are true statements. Can you read or do you just type shit out and HOPE it's true/relevant?
How the spreadsheeters are slipping.
No you ARE a tranny.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:49 am
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:Any idiot who thinks that government sponsored health care will be a sweet deal needs to spend a little time a VA hospital some day. They're fucking horrorshows.
Not the ones I've been to. The VA hospital in KC is excellent, as are the ones in Topeka, Leavenworth, and Omaha. Maybe you've had a bad experience elsewhere?
But this is a separate issue.
Military members have paid their dues for a lifetime. I will gladly pay for their health care.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:08 am
by Atomic Punk
Moving Sale wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:TVblOw, why did you respond to a valid question?
Diego is clearly wrong as you are because you don't know WTF you are talking about.
The only things I have stated in this thread are that mvskkkal threw the military under the bus, UHC is not Constitutional under the CC (unless you twist it into a pretzel) and that you are a tranny. All are true statements. Can you read or do you just type shit out and HOPE it's true/relevant?
This is EVIDENCE that you didn't read the article Diego linked. You may resume being a midget and shitty lawyer now. You are dismissed.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:15 am
by Moving Sale
Atomic Punk wrote:
This is EVIDENCE that you didn't read the article Diego linked.
I never said I read it because I didn't read it. I also never commented to Diego and the only thing related to UHC that I did comment on was about its Constitutionality, which was dead on.
AGAIN- Can you read or do you just type shit out and HOPE it's true/relevant you horrid tranny?
A tranny running appearance smack? Good gawd!
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:22 am
by H4ever
I think we need some more skys the limit overcharging from the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Yeah, a little more greed. Bilking sick and injured Americans is going to stem the tide in this crazy march towards socialism.
Hell, let's allow a 30% increase in profits and the resulting shaft working America sits on everytime health insurance premiums, deductibles, and copays increase will surely inspire them to forget about the lost grocery money and push for a "Hug an executive" day.
Fuck-an-A right! Let's roll back those crazy wellness benefits and protect ourselves on the back-end by lowering the mothafuck out of max dollar/lifetime benefit amounts! That'll set some shit right (increase profits!)
Malpractice insurance and R&D costs.....yep, that explains why we SUCK compared to the rest of the civilized/industrialized world.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:23 am
by Atomic Punk
Moving Sale wrote:Atomic Punk wrote:
This is EVIDENCE that you didn't read the article Diego linked.
I never said I read it because I didn't read it.
A tranny running appearance smack? Good gawd!
Look you goddamned little tyke. My initial response was to Diego, not you. I asked him a valid question based on the linked article. It is STILL valid and you jumped in like R-Jacked and reacted because panty smack is all you zips have.
You TVblOw cannot possibly be a competent lawyer because you react with emotion and don't take the time to examine facts or act in a rational manner when given the opportunity to not be labeled as a little midget, pot-smoking, lisp-having, shitty lawyer.
Why not take this time to read Diego's article and THEN look at why I talked about this medical condition called Diabetes? Why won't you do that you fucking lying miniature piece of midget shit?
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:44 am
by Cosmo Kramer
War Wagon wrote:My health care works just fine. I pay my HMO premiums every week, I get right in to see a doctor whenever I want, as do my wife and daughter.
So what happens when 47 million uninsured patients get forcefed into a healthcare system that can barely manage the current ranks of those already seeking care?
Sorry Diego and all you other liberal pieces of shit, I don't want to pay for your vasectomy and I don't want to have to wait for 3 months to get to see my overloaded doctor.
Note to self: Never click on a link from Diego again.
I'm glad your HMO is working now, but you'll be singing another fucking tune when a member of your family gets REALLY sick and they start denying your claims. Mark my words "It will happen"
My premiums are already sky high and my fucking taxes pay for every baener that comes across the border stacked 30 to a car when they try to outrun "LA Migra"
It's got to be better than this....
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:18 am
by poptart
Dinsdale wrote:QUICK! Name one thing the government does better than private industry...
Control the sheeple.
No contest.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:51 am
by poptart
Start a thread.
This one's health care.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:05 am
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:panty smack is all you zips have
No, just all we need.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:08 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:I'm in the HMO that my company selected and they're paying half of the premium.
The government didn't have anything to do with it and I prefer to keep it that way.
Educate yourself.
Then, feel VERY embarrassed, and back right the fuck out of this thread...
you over-the-top, mondo-maxi-zoom-dumbass.
On a serious note, it truly saddens me people are this fucking ignorant.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:31 am
by Dr_Phibes
Dinsdale wrote:
QUICK! Name one thing the government does better than private industry...
I'll leave the light on for you.
Creates and operates the armed forces
Polices communities
Fire and rescue
maintains infrastructure, builds highways, bridges
launches spacecraft, explores space, develops technology
runs healthcare at a better clip across the planet outside the US
runs university systems
operates a judical system
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:53 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
War Wagon wrote:Sorry Diego and all you other liberal pieces of shit, I don't want to pay for your vasectomy
Sorry to break it to you, but you probably are already. Last time I checked most health care policies cover vasectomies.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:56 pm
by Wolfman
My vasectomy did not in 1975. Paid out of pocket. In fact our first son was born and I had no health insurance to cover that as I had just changed jobs. Out of pocket cost OB/GYN and hospital --- around $500 when I was making a cool $4,500 a year. Shows how messed up health insurance became after 1964 !
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:44 pm
by Cuda
Terry in Crapchester wrote:War Wagon wrote:Sorry Diego and all you other liberal pieces of shit, I don't want to pay for your vasectomy
Sorry to break it to you, but you probably are already. Last time I checked most health care policies cover vasectomies.
what does diego need with a vasectomy? 6 year olds dont get pregnant, especially boys, so he's reasonably safe in that regard
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:15 pm
by JMak
What we have now ain't a product of Republicans or conservatism, clown.
H4Ever wrote:Hell, let's allow a 30% increase in profits and the resulting shaft working America sits on everytime health insurance premiums, deductibles, and copays increase will surely inspire them to forget about the lost grocery money and push for a "Hug an executive" day.
Dumbass, it's those profits that allow insurance companies to pay for claims. Premiums alone could never cover the total claims amount. And profits are not simply stuffed into the pockets of executives or hidden under mattresses. It amazes me how gullible some of you people are. Profits are this evil cncept to some of you idiots, but then that doesn't stop you from fleecing the person trying to buy your house or your car.
Cosmo Kramer wrote:It's got to be better than this....
It can be. Destroy the relationship between employment and health insurance which arose primarily due to government regulations in the first place. Make people actually pay for the cost of their health care, reform tort law, and you'll end up with smarter consumers and doctors that don't order a zillion tests to insulate themselves from liability suits. Sorry, but health care costs $$$. And we haven't been paying for it.
Lastly, there are not 47 million uninsured. And that's not the problem. The problem is the chronically uninsured which numbers less than half that 47 million. The bulk of that 47 million number (which itself is unreliable) are those who are only temporarily without insurance, people already eligible for government assistance and choose not to enroll, and those who pay as they go because they choose not to carry insurance.
We don't need nationalized health care to cover what amounts to less than 20 million people. That's lunacy. That's why it's clear that the only reason Obama and the Democrats want to nationalize health care is to ration care, i.e., tell people what they can or cannot do with their health care.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:36 pm
by BSmack
JMak wrote:Dumbass, it's those profits that allow insurance companies to pay for claims.
You do realize that profits are what is left over AFTER overhead and claims are paid?
Nobody is disputing the right of a business to make a reasonable profit. In fact, I have no qualms about most companies making huge profits. It is when huge margins accompany huge rate increases for a service that literally can mean the difference between life and death for the entire public that I call bullshit.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:41 pm
by Cuda
drum yourself up an appointment, Monica. The doctor will see you... whenever
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:24 pm
by trev
Bend over, change is comin'.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:27 pm
by Mikey
JMak wrote:
Dumbass, it's those profits that allow insurance companies to pay for claims. Premiums alone could never cover the total claims amount.
What kind of drugs are you on?
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:50 pm
by Cuda
so how do you think insurance companies pay claims?
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:30 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Cosmo Kramer wrote:I'm glad your HMO is working now, but you'll be singing another fucking tune when a member of your family gets REALLY sick and they start denying your claims. Mark my words "It will happen".
Bawahahahahah. Is that how this works?
You have this backwards. Insurance companies don't reject claims "out of spite" on the back end. There's this whole process called the eligibility check. No wait... it's cool. You'll love it. It's up to the provider to check with the payer to ensure eligibility/coverage before agreeing to see you. If they don't, then that's their problem. The smart ones (ya know, the ones that are actually still in business) usually check with the payer beforehand to see if they're going to paid for any tests and/or procedures they do. This goes to the heart of the whole referral process. Are you with me? If the payer says, "fuck you, you're not in our network" or "fuck you, i'm not paying for those breast implants"<-- j/k (definitely not covered by any HMO), then there's a pretty good chance the patient never even gets an appointment, nevermind an actual claim dropping and ultimately being denied. You dig? Do you know anything about managed care, specifically the whole health maintenance organization, or are you just guessing here? Furthermore, if you have a family and you actually decided to go the whole HMO route, then maybe you're just reaping what your cheap ass sowed.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:56 pm
by Mikey
Cuda wrote:so how do you think insurance companies pay claims?
Like BSmack pointed out...not out of profits, dimwit.
You do know the definition of "profits", don't you?
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:02 pm
by Cuda
BMonica wouldn't know a profit from a dog turd, and clearly you don't either
Insurance companies pay claims from profits made on the premiums that were taken in and invested in previous years, you dumb cocksucker- that's the ONLY fucking way they can do it. Otherwise, the first fucking time claims paid out exceeded premiums taken in, the insurance company would be out of fucking business.
Re: Why Do We Need To Reform Health Care?
Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:40 pm
by Mikey
There's a pretty simple math here (you do know "math", right?):
Profit = income - expenditures
Income = premiums + investment income
Expenditures = claims paid + administrative costs + taxes + advertising + lobbying costs + bribes + etc.
Claims are not paid out of profits. Profits are what's left after paying the claims and other expenditures.
If you still can't get that you might as well go down to Aquapalooza and make love to a boat propeller.