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The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:50 am
by .m2
It's good being m2 ...

Just another day in San Francisco... year round... 65 degrees

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" ... edded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

is the truth

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:47 am
by TheJON
Go off yourself faggot

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 5:55 am
by .m2
TheJON wrote:Go off yourself faggot
Welcome to The City... corn boy....

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

the truth

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:05 am
by TheJON
Don't you have some dick to suck, queerbait?

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:45 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
A Green Day video?

bwahahahahha, what a "Hillbilly"

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:27 am
bwaahahaha, yes indeed, rack him

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:44 pm
by Moby Dick
San Fransisco one of the most abandoned cities in the U.S. ..sup with that Mfool? ... QtY2l0aWVz

San Francisco boasts balmy weather, seaside diversions and the best baseball stadium in the country.

But despite the perks, the Bay Area is losing people at an even greater clip than Miami--and ranks second on our list. Rental vacancy rates swelled from 4.7% to 7.1%; homeowner vacancies more than tripled from 1.1% to 3.4%. Why the dramatic change?

"One of the things we're noticing is that rents are still high," says Ken Shuman, a Bay Area-based spokesman for real estate data provider "What we're also seeing is the economy. San Francisco, of all cities, is the most transient. People flock here when times are good--they don't mind paying high rent as long as pay is high. Now, in many cases, wages are frozen or reduced."

And that's if you're lucky enough to still have a job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest reports, Bay Area unemployment has more than doubled since last year, up from 4.6% to 9.4% as of April. Many laid-off workers aren't sticking around.

"People are migrating. It happened after the dot-com bust too," says Shuman. "As much as it's a beautiful place to live, you really have to think about lifestyle. There's no point in being here if you can't enjoy it."

and peckerhead is still renting :meds:

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:57 pm
by indyfrisco
Moby Dick wrote:And that's if you're lucky enough to still have a job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' latest reports, Bay Area unemployment has more than doubled since last year, up from 4.6% to 9.4% as of April. Many laid-off workers aren't sticking around.
Change we can believe in.
and peckerhead is still renting :meds:
Just as those who can't do, teach...those who can't own, rent.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:08 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
IndyFrisco wrote: Just as those who can't do, teach...those who can't own, rent.

A lot of people thought they owned their own houses.

Turns out, it belonged to the bank all along.

In America, maxing out your credit card is considered good financial stewardship.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:33 pm
by indyfrisco
Martyred wrote:A lot of people thought they owned their own houses.

Turns out, it belonged to the bank all along.
Those fiscally irresponsible people got what they deserved.

My prime rate appreciates it.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:50 pm
by TheJON
IndyFrisco wrote:
Martyred wrote:A lot of people thought they owned their own houses.

Turns out, it belonged to the bank all along.
Those fiscally irresponsible people got what they deserved.

My prime rate appreciates it.
How is it fiscally irresponsible to buy a home you can definitely afford only to get laid off from your job 6 months later and now have no possible way to pay for your home? I got a friend that had that happen. He worked for a strong Fortune 500 company, good pay, bought a nice home about 2 years ago or so. Got laid off a year ago when the company he worked for had massive layoffs and his department god 86'ed. His wife was pregnant and not working at the time. So now he had no job and a baby on the way. Up to that point, financially he was doing well. Not wealthy by any means but could certainly afford his $250,000 home. You can probably guess what happened to his home after that..... The job market in Des Moines is just not that great. And so if you get laid off and need to find something're gonna need some serious luck on your side! Principal Financial Group (my former employer) employs thousands of people here but they aren't hiring at all anymore and they've been laying off people left and right. So that's really killed the job market in this town. The only other really big employer is Wells Fargo and they're not doing much hiring either and laying some people off. So it's not necessarily being fiscally irresponsible. Bad luck out of your control can happen sometimes. My guess is a good majority of the people you are referring to have similar stories to my friend. And yes, I'm sure there were idiots that just got in over their heads but not all.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:06 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
IndyFrisco wrote:
Those fiscally irresponsible people got what they deserved.

If only you would ever apply this to the banks...

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:32 pm
by ChargerMike
"The job market in Des Moines is just not that great. And so if you get laid off and need to find something're gonna need some serious luck on your side!"

... why would anyone actually choose to live in Des Moines?

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:41 pm
by indyfrisco
Martyred wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:
Those fiscally irresponsible people got what they deserved.

If only you would ever apply this to the banks...
You're preaching to the choir.

jonboy, sorry to be the asshole here, but people who are housepoor and lose their jobs and cannot then make payment on their homes are fiscally irresponsible. People who ARE fiscally responsible have what are called reserves. Living paycheck to paycheck is not the way to live. Anyone who lives within their means can accrue enough cash that can be used in the case of your boy there.

I keep 9 months of cash in low yielding CDs that I can live off of should I need it. Yeah, the returns aren't great, but I also don't have the concerns of the market tanking along with my reserves.

When I moved from Dallas to Indiana, it took me much longer to sell my home there than I expected. I had a home in Indiana I was paying mortgage on as well as my home in Dallas that was unoccupied. I owned 2 homes for 7 months, but was able to make payments due to my reserves. It is called planning. If you can't afford a 250k home as well as stockpile some more cash in case of emergency, then you can't afford a 250k home. If it takes you more than 9 months to find a job, you're a fucking loser.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:47 pm
by BSmack
TheJON wrote:How is it fiscally irresponsible to buy a home you can definitely afford only to get laid off from your job 6 months later and now have no possible way to pay for your home?
That's why smart people bite the bullet and pay rent a little longer, or buy smaller houses. If you cannot pay your mortgage after 6 months unemployment, you have no business buying the house. Period.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:49 pm
by indyfrisco
^^^ See jon? Bipartisan common sense. ^^

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:11 pm
by Cuda
Papa Willie wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:A Green Day video?

bwahahahahha, what a "Hillbilly"

No shit. Liking Green Day is like saying "I fucked all the members of Creed" - except maybe worse. :D
somewhere there are severe hurt feelings in the bacefelice household

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:28 pm
by indyfrisco
Papa Willie wrote:That's good in theory, but I'd say about 1 out of every 5,000 Americans can do that.
Many more than that CAN do it. Many just prefer to spend evry dime they get as soon as they get it.

Let's look at some examples that are not all too uncommon at all. Let's assume all these poeple can't afford to live for 9 months on reserves:

1. If you have 6 mouths to feed and are pregnant and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

2. If you have a job and live paycheck to paycheck and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

3. If you have a mortgage payment, a new car payment, student loans and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

These things are happening daily. The first thing I did out of college was put $3000 of my life savings down on a house. I had about $10k at the time, but the minimum I had to put down was $3k. I could have gotten a bigger/newer/nicer home for the whole $10k as a down payment but did not. From that point on, I began saving up reserves. Took me about a year to save up enough cushion. I have increased that cushion as my family/home/lifestyle has gotten bigger.

You see, it is fiscally responsible people who do this. And the funny things is, while you don't have to be wealthy to be fiscally responsible, people who are fiscally responsible tend to gain some sort of wealth over time. Also, I find it people who are responsible like this tend not to worry about their jobs. I know I don't worry.

So when you say 4999 in 5000 CAN'T do it, I simply say 4999 in 5000 WON'T do it. They won't make the short term sacrifice for long term stability. Sad, really.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:23 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
IndyFrisco wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:That's good in theory, but I'd say about 1 out of every 5,000 Americans can do that.
Many more than that CAN do it. Many just prefer to spend evry dime they get as soon as they get it.

Let's look at some examples that are not all too uncommon at all. Let's assume all these poeple can't afford to live for 9 months on reserves:

1. If you have 6 mouths to feed and are pregnant and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

2. If you have a job and live paycheck to paycheck and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

3. If you have a mortgage payment, a new car payment, student loans and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

These things are happening daily. The first thing I did out of college was put $3000 of my life savings down on a house. I had about $10k at the time, but the minimum I had to put down was $3k. I could have gotten a bigger/newer/nicer home for the whole $10k as a down payment but did not. From that point on, I began saving up reserves. Took me about a year to save up enough cushion. I have increased that cushion as my family/home/lifestyle has gotten bigger.

You see, it is fiscally responsible people who do this. And the funny things is, while you don't have to be wealthy to be fiscally responsible, people who are fiscally responsible tend to gain some sort of wealth over time. Also, I find it people who are responsible like this tend not to worry about their jobs. I know I don't worry.

So when you say 4999 in 5000 CAN'T do it, I simply say 4999 in 5000 WON'T do it. They won't make the short term sacrifice for long term stability. Sad, really.
You are out of touch with reality.

That's the kindest thing I can say about you.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:39 pm
by TheJON
Screw_Michigan wrote:
TheJON wrote:Up to that point, financially he was doing well. Not wealthy by any means but could certainly afford his $250,000 home.
Median price for a home in Des Moines is $124k. $250k sounds a little extravagant.
Well, my home is nearly double that. $250k is the burbs. Des Moines homes aren't worth shit except for a small section of town near downtown where the homes are about $750k on average (maybe more). I live in West Des Moines where the average home is probably around $200k but that's very misleading. There's 2 parts to WDM. The older part (which is still pretty nice) where the homes are much cheaper and the newer part, which is absolutely beautiful- and the homes are much more expensive. I'll tell you that average income in my area is probably $200k or more. I'm on the lower end of the incomes in this neighborhood for sure. I bet all of my neighbors make more than me. Homes out in Johnston go for about the same too. Then you have Waukee, which is right near WDM, and that area has gone from farmland (when I was a kid) to a new home gold mine.

$124k for an average DSM home, hu? I'm actually surprised. I would have guessed closer to $100k. The city of DSM itself is a dump. Why anyone would live there is beyond me. But the burbs are different. Especially WDM, Waukee, Johnston, and the newer parts of Urbandale. Basically anywhere west of the shithole that is the city of Des Moines.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:59 pm
by TheJON
Screw_Michigan wrote:I said median, not average. Reading comprehension, much? You do know the difference between the two, right?
My bad, was thinking "mean". Sue me.

Anyways, here's a couple links I found........

Des Moines median home according to here = $141,000 not $124,000

A couple of other statistics in terms of crime rate....

Des Moines is pretty high in crime (no surprise) as it gets a 147 with the national average being 100.

Now, in West Des Moines (where I live), the crime rate is at 22. So about 1/7 of the amount of personal crimes as in the city. 'tis why I live in the burbs..........well, that and it's nicer.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:08 pm
by BSmack
IndyFrisco wrote:So when you say 4999 in 5000 CAN'T do it, I simply say 4999 in 5000 WON'T do it. They won't make the short term sacrifice for long term stability. Sad, really.
Even worse, they are the ones artificially driving up the price of decent real estate. Which means responsible folks have to wait even longer to buy that dream house.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:11 pm
by Jerkovich
If you're going to San fagsisco, wear a gas maskon your face. the smell of urine from the multitudes of homeless is sickening.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 10:30 pm
by TheJON
Jerkovich wrote:If you're going to San fagsisco, wear a gas maskon your face. the smell of urine from the multitudes of homeless is sickening.
Yeah but, unlike other cities, their homeless population has access to the internet and the ability to post on T1B. Props m2.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:31 pm
by War Wagon
Martyred wrote:
IndyFrisco wrote:
Papa Willie wrote:That's good in theory, but I'd say about 1 out of every 5,000 Americans can do that.
Many more than that CAN do it. Many just prefer to spend evry dime they get as soon as they get it.

Let's look at some examples that are not all too uncommon at all. Let's assume all these poeple can't afford to live for 9 months on reserves:

1. If you have 6 mouths to feed and are pregnant and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

2. If you have a job and live paycheck to paycheck and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

3. If you have a mortgage payment, a new car payment, student loans and can't pay mortgage when lose a job....FISCALLY IRRESPONSIBLE!

These things are happening daily. The first thing I did out of college was put $3000 of my life savings down on a house. I had about $10k at the time, but the minimum I had to put down was $3k. I could have gotten a bigger/newer/nicer home for the whole $10k as a down payment but did not. From that point on, I began saving up reserves. Took me about a year to save up enough cushion. I have increased that cushion as my family/home/lifestyle has gotten bigger.

You see, it is fiscally responsible people who do this. And the funny things is, while you don't have to be wealthy to be fiscally responsible, people who are fiscally responsible tend to gain some sort of wealth over time. Also, I find it people who are responsible like this tend not to worry about their jobs. I know I don't worry.

So when you say 4999 in 5000 CAN'T do it, I simply say 4999 in 5000 WON'T do it. They won't make the short term sacrifice for long term stability. Sad, really.
You are out of touch with reality.

That's the kindest thing I can say about you.
Appears Indy had some wealthy parents and/or in-laws who helped him bigtime getting started.... and probably have many times over the years. Yeah, we know where that 9 month reserve came from.

Either that, or he's as completely full of shit as m2.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:24 am
by Dr_Phibes
even more embarrasing is BSmack licking the crumbs off Indy's table.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:29 am
by War Wagon
heh, Rack Screwed. Don't get used to it.

I love the line about how he had $10,000 of "life savings" out of college....

Do tell, IF... how did you come by this?

It would be real easy to say that you sucked 10,000 dicks, but I'm not going there.

But seriously, how does a naive simpleton who doesn't know the difference between sucking cock and licking twat manage to rub two nickels together out of college, much less accumulate a nest egg?

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:42 am
by Diego in Seattle
He worked hard at choosing his parents.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:43 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
But seriously, how does a naive simpleton who doesn't know the difference between sucking cock and licking twat manage to rub two nickels together out of college, much less accumulate a nest egg?

(don't get used to it)

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:32 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
War Wagon wrote: Appears Indy had some wealthy parents and/or in-laws who helped him bigtime getting started.... and probably have many times over the years. Yeah, we know where that 9 month reserve came from.

Either that, or he's as completely full of shit as m2.
reserves = dad's chequebook

Nothing like pulling yourself up by someone else's bootstraps, eh?

m2 probably does have money. That's what rich, liberal, Jew parents bestow on their offspring in lieu of actual affection.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:33 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Dr_Phibes wrote:even more embarrasing is BSmack licking the crumbs off Indy's table.

That was sickening...

...but hardly surprising.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:35 am
by indyfrisco
War Wagon wrote:But seriously, how does a naive simpleton who doesn't know the difference between sucking cock and licking twat manage to rub two nickels together out of college, much less accumulate a nest egg?
So much to respond to yet so little time.

From age 11 thru 17, I worked at a hardware store called Lake Hardware and Lumber in Lake Jackson, TX. During the school year, I would work from 3:30-7:00 after school. During the summer, I worked 20 hours a week. From age 14-17, I worked more time at the Riverside Country Club in the pro shop and taking care of carts and range. Believe it or not, some kids worked. Not because my parents made me work. I worked because I loved baseball cards and wanted to buy more.

Anyhow, not sure why you think 10k is a nest egg, but I earned it. It was a combination of my working as a kid, savings of birthday money (Mom would never let me spend b-day money) and high school/college graduation money.

I pretty much laid out what I did. Not sure why some of you can't comprehend. Took me a year to build up a reserve after college and buying a house. Since then, I got married and built it up more. Since then, I had a boy and built it up more. SInce then, I had a girl and built it up more. I can live comfortably for 9 months should I lose my job and am lazy as fuck not to find another one. I'm thinking the only ones who DON'T get this are those who can't budget and can't use their talents to pick a job rather than find a job.

And to Phibes, BSmack is the last person to defend anything I stand for. He lives a modest life out of choice as have I at some time. While he and I disagree on many things, it is apparent we agree on one thing. Personal responsibility. Anyone who blames anyone else for their situation has no sense of personal responsibility. It may not be your fault if you get shit on, but it damn sure is if you can't wipe yourself off.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:40 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
IndyFrisco wrote: And to Phibes, BSmack is the last person to defend anything I stand for.
Apparently not.

You two shit-pickles deserve each other.

Enjoy gluing quarters to the sidewalk outside the soup kitchen . Must be hours of fun.

Oh yeah....fuck off.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:43 am
by indyfrisco
Martyred wrote:Enjoy gluing quarters to the sidewalk outside the soup kitchen . Must be hours of fun.
Amazing. Something you and I agree on, shorty.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:07 am
by War Wagon
IndyFrisco wrote: From age 11 thru 17, I worked at a hardware store called Lake Hardware and Lumber in Lake Jackson, TX.
Yeah, and I threw newspapers. mowed lawns, and made enough to support my weed habit. I'll go ahead and call bullshit on a nosepicker like you earning a paycheck at age 11.
Anyhow, not sure why you think 10k is a nest egg, but I earned it. It was a combination of my working as a kid, savings of birthday money (Mom would never let me spend b-day money) and high school/college graduation money.
You "earned" it, but it was a combination... of B-day money and graduation money, that thru your extreme industriousness, you managed to turn your life into lifestyles of the rich and the famous.... without any outside help. You did it all on your own and just can't understand how anyone else could not do the same thing... and come in here and preach "fiscal responsibilty"

Go fuck yourself.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:15 am
by indyfrisco
Some of us didn't start off driving a forklift for a living. Some of us were smart enough and successful enough to get a better job than you, Whitey. And unlike you, some of us have excelled based upon our talents. You know what I'm sayin'. Those dudes you look at and envy/hate every day? Sucks I know. Some people are just meant to have better careers. I don't think yours is not worthwhile. I just would not be the bitterman for feeling ok with the low ceiling I hit. Everything I got with my career I earned. Sorry to break it to you this way. I know you wish it was handed to me, but I earned it.

Now, go tell me to fuck off again...I love to hear you cry.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:22 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
IndyFrisco wrote:And unlike you, some of us have excelled based upon our talents. You know what I'm sayin'. Those dudes you look at and envy/hate every day? Sucks I know. Some people are just meant to have better careers. I don't think yours is not worthwhile. I just would not be the bitterman for feeling ok with the low ceiling I hit.

You are pathetic.

Keep clawing your way to the top, champ.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:25 am
by Dr_Phibes
Well you've managed to create a worldview from your personal experience and applied it to everyone else, congratulations.

You're a shut in and a navel gazer, stop it - it's obnoxious and you're better than that..
I'm sure you're a decent chap in 'real' life, but fuck me. The fact that Bsmack just fell into every classic stereotype of the clouded 'middle class' is fucking hysterical, now that he's entered the wonderful world of 'property ownership democracy'.

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:27 am
by indyfrisco
Martyred wrote:Keep clawing your way to the top, champ.
Will do.

For you, never seen the top of anything, eh?

Re: The Weather in San Francisco...

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:33 am
by indyfrisco
All you debt-riddled apologists....

Please tell me one thing. How hard is it to BUDGET. Know your income. Know your expenses. Spend accordingly. If you can't cover your expenses, spend less or earn more by taking on another job. Don't like your job? Want a better one? Better your education. You're a 30+ degenerate who smoked your way through free high school? Fuck you. You are in life where you deserve to be. The world needs ditch diggers too. Where BSmack and I differ in opinion is I have worked hard for what I earn and he thinks I need to give much much more to cover for the fucks who could care less to better themselves or this country.