Mikey wrote:
OK, mensa, what ARE the numbers?
How the fuck would I know ?? I will just pull a number out of my ass and says that is the number. The gubmint numbers went down because the numbers are tracked for less than a year, and the poor bastards who run out of unemployment are not counted any more maybe ?
That would account for the "downturn" in unemployed.....
And why do you care anyway? I think most people here agree that if you're unemployed it's your own fault.
The employees I recently laid off had no fault at all...the market segment we worked in completely collapsed..and we had to contract the company to ride it out hopefully..It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do as an employer, and it was not their fault..mine to some extent...more a victim of the times..
You really are the fucking idiot you make yourself out to be. It is their fault because they worked a drone job to support a family and one day management busted a cap into them ?
it is their fault because a segment of the economy contracted and their business and job went away ? Riggghtttt..you fucking idiot...