Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

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Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by TheJON »

I love Facebook........I really do. I get to connect with old friends and get a kick out of using my Facebook status to bait certain friends into discussion about sports, politics, etc.....

But seriously...........what the fuck errrr WTF is wrong with people? I'm looking at people's Facebook status updates and I wonder where the fuck society went so god damn wrong!?

Here's some samples from current status updates from my friends on Facebook......
is slowpitch softball interim manager of the year. Sweeping a doubleheader with half the team gone ain't too shabby.
Who gives a fuck?
Is digging the new Freecreditreport.com commercial!

wants to stay low tonight.
Great, thanks for sharing.
Why aren't these sites, like facebook, myspace and twitter built to handle the traffic they receive? Why do they always have errors, snags and delays?
The site is free.........and you're complaining about minor shit???
Woohoo.......I don't care.
ni samir eshte ne kit qytet PRISHTINA ka lezet... mos fol po dridhma dridhma vepro shpirt se edhe neser jome ne Prishtin se tani i keni zdralat per dashni hahahahahahahaahah
feels like a complete idiot/tool, So I'm going to go to sleep.
At least he tells the truth.
our government should be doing for us? Who pays the politician's? We do, so why do they ignore us and do what they want? I think its time for a revolution! Our countrys founders would expect it of us as americans!
What the fuck is he talking about?
AAA Baseball. gotta love Des Moines.
So are you at a ballgame or is this just a random thought?
Baby's out cold. He should sleep for a while. Now to get the other one to take a nap. Probly not:)
Now why on earth would anyone give a shit about this? Nice spelling of "probly" by the way.
My laptop has finally died
And I care because???
The trouble with life is that there are so many beautiful women and so little time.
You wanna fuck every beautiful woman that ever lived???
is tired from winning 2 softball games tonight. 7 homeruns in 8 games ain't too shabby for an old dude.
Yeah, slowpitch softball is just fucking brutal.
Man is it Saturday yet?!!!!!!!!
Uhh, no. It's Thursday.
My Habaneros and Jalapenos are almost ripe. My tummy has been growling for some hot salsa since we planted them!
That shit will make you have some whicked bad gas.
is jamming out to Mr. Roboto.
Just found out Herb, my old bus driver in grade school passed away at 80 years. He was an awesome guy.
I remember that dude. Used to take us on school field trips. RIP Herb.
Day 3 leavin to take Tyler to school. After school we are goin to the zoo with some friends. Sounds like a fun day. I wish it was like last week.
Oh yeah, sounds like a fucking blast.
is feedin baby
Shouldn't you have your hands on the baby while you're feeding him and not 1 on the keyboard typing?
I'm so old it's not even midnight
It's like pampered chef, but sex toys
I got no idea what the fuck she's talking about but it sounds really hot cause she's a lesbian.
Kieren just took his first shot to the nuts! Cried for 10 mins then got up and shook it off! When we asked him if we should amputate, he screamed NO NOT MY PEEPEE! lol
Kids say the darndest things!
I need another drink.
Me too
Is it weird that I have a Bee Gees song stuck in my head? I need to cut down on listening to the oldies at work.
Not as weird as you posting that shit for everyone to see.
was just awarded a $1,000 tuition scholorship for grad school!
Very tired
So why not just go to sleep instead of telling us you're tired???
Wants to get out of town! Any suggestions where to go????
This chick is also a lesbo, so I would have to suggest Berkeley, California. She'll fit right in.
Every time I bother to straighten my hair and want to go out it rains.
You poor thing.
Great night! Don't worry Dave, I won't tell the wifey about that BJ. J/K
enough farting i have to poo

Why do people think anyone really gives a shit about this stuff? My Facebook status updates are never about what I'm doing, where I'm going, what I had for breakfast, etc..... It's all about a topic of discussion or a short little rant. I don't care to know that you just went to the grocery store and I don't care to tell you that I just went to the grocery store. What the fuck is wrong with people?
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by poptart »

After the people are dead their writings will all be hilarious.

- Cuda
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by PSUFAN »

...well, maybe they won't be hilarious, but we'll archive them anyway.

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by TheJON »

Jsc810 wrote:
TheJON wrote:Why do people think anyone really gives a shit about this stuff?
Except for us, that's basically what people say about this forum.
Right, but the people here do care. Who the fuck cares if someone is "feeding baby" or going to the mall?
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by Moby Dick »

TheJON wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:
TheJON wrote:Why do people think anyone really gives a shit about this stuff?
Except for us, that's basically what people say about this forum.
Right, but the people here do care.
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by socal »

Of theNOJ=Bitch's 11 friends on Facebook, nine are hiding him. Even moms.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by TheJON »

socal wrote:Of theNOJ=Bitch's 11 friends on Facebook, nine are hiding him. Even moms.
That's some pretty epic smack. Bravo.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by socal »

TheJON wrote:
socal wrote:Of theNOJ=Bitch's 11 friends on Facebook, nine are hiding him. Even moms.
That's some pretty epic smack. Bravo.
You might say it was probly whicked (sic) smack, dumbfuck.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by Trampis »

OMG, Im so fucking glad (ISFG) i didnt read any of this post and imed. just hit reply.... BTW, Im drinking Natty Light this evening and am getting ready to bang my wife. She just got done chopping dried basil...rack her(RH)
Bad spelling is a diversionary tactic
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by H4ever »

Trampis wrote:OMG, Im so fucking glad (ISFG) i didnt read any of this post and imed. just hit reply.... BTW, Im drinking Natty Light this evening and am getting ready to bang my wife. She just got done chopping dried basil...rack her(RH)

Post that shit on facebook so we can bear witness to Jon=Bitch's final rantings before he offs himself.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by Mr T »

TheJON wrote:Why do people think anyone really gives a shit about this stuff?
Well we now know you do. You just c/p about 20 of them, commented on them, and posted them.
My Facebook status updates are never about what I'm doing, where I'm going, what I had for breakfast, etc..... It's all about a topic of discussion or a short little rant. I don't care to know that you just went to the grocery store and I don't care to tell you that I just went to the grocery store. What the fuck is wrong with people?
People who do not see themselves as crazy are usually really fucked up. So what the fuck is wrong with you?
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by TheJON »

How does me copying and pasting it show I give 2 shits about what they said?? I copied them to make my point about how people use thei Facebook updates to tell everyone a whole lotta shit no one cares about. What the fuck is the point of that? Do you really care when one of your friends if off to buy some groceries?? I sure as fuck don't. The ONLY time I use my status updates to mention something I'm doing or about to do is to say I'm going to a certain bar at a certain time so that I don't have to text/call everyone. Its convenient if you're trying to get a big group outing. Other than that I don't tell anyone where I'm at, what I'm doing, or what the fuck I had for breakfast because I don't care to tell nor do I care to hear about it. I espescially love the tards that actually respond to gay status updates like that. Someone will say they're at the grocery store and then they'll get responses like "omg I just LUV tha tomatoes they got at hy-vee. Lolz". So fucking gay!
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by Mr T »

Hopefully you are trolling.

If you are not, I think you are going R_t_S on us
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by TheJON »

Mr T wrote:Hopefully you are trolling.

If you are not, I think you are going R_t_S on us
You'll have to excuse me, I speak English, not internet. So I haven't a clue what the fuck R_t_S is.

That said, can't a brotha go on a fucking rant about shit that fucking irritates the piss outta him once in a while without it being called a troll job??? Jesus fucking Christ!
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by socal »

TheJON wrote:You'll have to excuse me, I speak Gibberish-Tard, not internet.
Fixed, dumbfuck.
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by Mr T »

TheJON wrote:
Mr T wrote:Hopefully you are trolling.

If you are not, I think you are going R_t_S on us
You'll have to excuse me, I speak English, not internet. So I haven't a clue what the fuck R_t_S is.

That said, can't a brotha go on a fucking rant about shit that fucking irritates the piss outta him once in a while without it being called a troll job??? Jesus fucking Christ!
R_t_S = Roger_the_Shrubber

Yes this is a free country, you can go on a fucking rant on the internet about other people fucking ranting on the internet
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by indyfrisco »

TheJON wrote:I espescially love the tards that actually respond to gay status updates like that. Someone will say they're at the grocery store and then they'll get responses like "omg I just LUV tha tomatoes they got at hy-vee. Lolz". So fucking gay!
Or even better, someone else will C&P 20-something of these status updates and respond to them elsewhere.
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
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Re: Facebook........lolz omfg lmfao idk

Post by PSUFAN »


King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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