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District 9

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:21 pm
by Felix
Went to see this last night-didn't really know what to expect
took a little while for the movie to get going, but once it started it was pretty alienship arrives on earth unexpectedly and is seemingly stranded above Johannesburg South Africa-after months of nothing happening with the ship, the government decides to force their way an when they finally breech the ship what they find is a starving group of aliens that are taken from the ship and are then segregated from humans in "District 9"...called "Prawns" because of their resemblance to crawfish, they are portrayed as scavengers sort of giant cockroaches of no contributory value to society.....

the special effects were really amazing-realistic to the point where you forget they're in fact computer generated images....some of the "gore" in the movie is cartoonish but there are some parts that might make your stomach churn a little bit.....

the director used the hand held camera angle to great effect (nothing like the nauseating camera shaking found in Cloverfield)....stars a bunch of people I've never heard of, but it was all around a pretty entertaining movie

Re: District 9

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:21 pm
by Mikey
Is there any plot beyond taking starving crawfish of a spaceship and putting them behind a fence?

Re: District 9

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:10 pm
by Felix
Mikey wrote:Is there any plot beyond taking starving crawfish of a spaceship and putting them behind a fence?
yeah, the movie revolves around an intelligent alien named "Christopher" that's trying to find the means to rescue his fellow "prawns" and fly the spaceship back to their home planet....the movie sets the plate for a sequel

Re: District 9

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:00 am
by King Crimson
i thought it was pretty good. i did think it lost some "edge" when it became a kind of conventional "action" flick....but a good flick.

i know a lot of people who thought, going-in, that it was more in the horror/sci-fi than quasi-satire/sci-ci....and felt cheated.

i agree that it leaves off with a potential sequel in play.

Re: District 9

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:17 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I had a $35 AMC gift card to blow, so I decided on this. Solid movie. Better than expected.

Re: District 9

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:46 pm
by Bobby42
Finally viewed it yesterday.

Disturbing social undertones as earlier noted. They really did good with the $30 million budget. The main character begins the movie as nerd but develops into a heroic figure towards the end. "Three years later.." no doubt a sequel.

Cat food frenzy. Kick ass weapons. Freak'n Nigerians.
