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Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:05 pm
by Moby Dick
so i usually have a poker game at my place once every month/3 weeksish..and i was wondering how you guys do your blinds (if you have a game)
me personally i start everyone off with 13k in chips
20 - 50$
20 - 100$
10 - 500$
5 - 1000$
(i bumped up the chip count from previous games i've had i used to give 10-50 100-100 and 5-500)
antes (with blinds going up every 20 min) ----> i use this to keep track of blinds, i usually have my laptop on the bar facing the table so everyone can see. it's also used for breaks.
--break-- 5 minutes
200/400 Ante 50
250/500 Ante 50
500/750 Ante 100
--break-- 5 minutes
1000/1500 Ante 100
1500/3000 Ante 250
2.5k/5k Ante 250
--break-- 5 minutes
5k/10k Ante 500
10k/20k Ante 1k
(by the time the blinds are 5 and 10k the game is usualy heads up, assuming it's just one table)
any of you guys have home games?
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:56 pm
by SunCoastSooner
My friends and I have home games. Seems to me you're starting the antes too soon for a one table game to be honest. Our methods vary depending on the size of the tourny which tend to be at least 3 tables and sometimes as many as 6.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:53 pm
by Moby Dick
SunCoastSooner wrote:My friends and I have home games. Seems to me you're starting the antes too soon for a one table game to be honest. Our methods vary depending on the size of the tourny which tend to be at least 3 tables and sometimes as many as 6.
wow..3 to 6 would be nice. the most i've ever had at a home game is 10. Half of which are total donks who think we cheat because they just can't seem to win a tourny. go figure
when would you suggest to start antes? after the 2nd hour?
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:37 pm
by TheJON
$25 buy-in........10 players. Winner gets $200. 2nd gets $50.
I shoot for once a month, but it usually ends up being closer to once every 6-7 weeks. Typically on a Saturday night.
We play 2 tournaments a night.
First game we play is NL Hold 'em. $3,000 in chips. Blinds start at 25/50 and go up every 12 minutes. We actually stop increasing blinds once they get to 300/600. That allows late play.
2nd game is PL Omaha Hi. Same blind structures.
I bought a nice poker table at a store just down the street and when I was in there the other day I saw a sweet new one at a good price and I'm thinking about going to get it tomorrow. We're planning on playing tomorrow night. It's got a blue felt as opposed to the green one I currently have and it's a bit bigger. We are too crowded with the table I've got and 10 players.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:49 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Moby Dick wrote:SunCoastSooner wrote:My friends and I have home games. Seems to me you're starting the antes too soon for a one table game to be honest. Our methods vary depending on the size of the tourny which tend to be at least 3 tables and sometimes as many as 6.
wow..3 to 6 would be nice. the most i've ever had at a home game is 10. Half of which are total donks who think we cheat because they just can't seem to win a tourny. go figure
when would you suggest to start antes? after the 2nd hour?
With the way you have your tourny structured after the second break would be optimal. Unless you're just cramming as many tourny's into an evening as possible. 13k in chips seems like a bit of overkill for such a small gathering as well. The entire point to tournies is the outcome is based on a few critical plays and by basically giving away massive amount of play it encourages much more reckless play.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:17 pm
by buckeye_in_sc
When I run a tourney in the neighborhood clubhouse I usually get between 4/5 tables about 7 each...I usually do
4-6k in chips with 20-25 minute levels...I need a decent combination of speed/play...allows for some early blinds usually follow this (no antes some of the folks are too stupid to do this)
when I get to the 1000 level I go up 500...kind of weird but it works
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:41 am
by Dinsdale
TheJON wrote:2nd game is PL Omaha Hi.
My friends and I have a name for people who play PL in home games...
We call them "fucking idiots."
Fun to watch drunk fools try to keep track of the pot...
once. After that, it gets pretty old.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:14 am
by Doug near DC
I play 3-4 tournaments a week, and I have enough chips, chairs and tables to host a 20 player tournament.
If you host a big tournament, a "Poker Genie" blind clock is a must have.
We generally play $30 buy in for what amounts to a 2050 chips. We run 15 minute blinds. Rebuys are allowed thru 50-100
each player starts with....
10 blue chips (10)
10 red chips (25)
7 green chips (100)
2 black chips (500)
Our blind structure is
we rarely get much further than that
1st place gets 60%
Depending on how big the field is we pay up to 5 places. Generally the last money position gets their money back.
Do any of you guys play a 7-2 jackpot?
Win a hand with a 7-2 and you win the pot. If it is with a bluff, you must show your bluff to get the pot.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:42 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Doug near DC wrote:
Do any of you guys play a 7-2 jackpot?
Win a hand with a 7-2 and you win the pot. If it is with a bluff, you must show your bluff to get the pot.
We do high hand, rarely an aces cracked side, ... when a tourny is large enough and there is a small group talking shit sometimes there are some last man standing side bets.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:22 am
by Doug near DC
Some of the guys do a "last man standing" pot here.
I play a couple of times a week on the "Stars N Bars" poker series. It's free poker, played at a bunch of the local sports bars in the area. If you win 2 nightly events, you are qualified for a regional tournament. If you make the final table at a regional, you are qualified for the annual tourney. Win that, and you have a seat at the WSOP.
I'm playing today in a charity tournament. $40 buy in gets you 6000 chips. Rebuys or add ons are $25, but you only get 3000 chips. They are taking half off the top for breast cancer research. But with over 100 players, there will be a decent pot.
The tables look good, I feel good. I like my chances. :D
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:14 pm
by Dinsdale
Doug near DC wrote:If you make the final table at a regional, you are qualified for the annual tourney. Win that, and you have a seat at the WSOP.
Couple of years ago, a buddy of mine was playing for the WSOP seat. Final table, head-to-head.
Flopped quads.
Got all the chips in the middle (they were stacked fairly equally).
Lost to the straight flush.
What a way to go down.
Re: Home poker games...
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:30 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Dinsdale wrote:Doug near DC wrote:If you make the final table at a regional, you are qualified for the annual tourney. Win that, and you have a seat at the WSOP.
Couple of years ago, a buddy of mine was playing for the WSOP seat. Final table, head-to-head.
Flopped quads.
Got all the chips in the middle (they were stacked fairly equally).
Lost to the straight flush.
What a way to go down.
I saw a straight flush beat by a royal about a year ago for seat at the Gulf Coast Poker Championship in Biloxi.