Obama Bows to Israel Over Settlements, Iran
Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:52 am
Deal to Be Finalized Tomorrow in London
In essence, the Israeli government will freeze new construction in the West Bank, potentially for as much as a year, while continuing ongoing construction projects. East Jerusalem will reportedly not be part of this freeze. In return, the United States will reportedly back massive new sanctions against the Iranian government and will stop criticizing the growth of the settlements.
Okay, let's break down the deal:
America gets to suck Israel's dick, and in return...
...Israel allows it's dick to be sucked by America.
Way to go, Obama, you piece of shit.

In essence, the Israeli government will freeze new construction in the West Bank, potentially for as much as a year, while continuing ongoing construction projects. East Jerusalem will reportedly not be part of this freeze. In return, the United States will reportedly back massive new sanctions against the Iranian government and will stop criticizing the growth of the settlements.
Okay, let's break down the deal:
America gets to suck Israel's dick, and in return...
...Israel allows it's dick to be sucked by America.
Way to go, Obama, you piece of shit.