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The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:12 pm
by JMak
Where is the liberal angst and outrage these days?

From the dismissal of the voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party (that the government had already won) to the re-investigation of CIA interrogators after DOJ prosecutors had already reviewed the matter and decided there was no reason for further criminal prosecution — the latest news from DoJ is about dropping the pay-for-play investigation against New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, Obama’s former nominee to be commerce secretary.

If you're a CIA interrogator who used harsh interrogation techniques authorized by the Bush administration to obtain life-saving intelligence from terrorists, and professional line prosecutors — after laboriously scrutinizing your conduct — decided there was no criminality, Attorney General Eric will unleash a new prosecutor to investigate the case yet again, seven years after the fact.

But if you're a high-profile Democrat pol who helped Barack Obama get elected, the Holder Justice Department's political appointees will reach out from Washington to kill a corruption investigation begun only last year by professional line prosecutors and a grand jury in New Mexico.

Seems to be so typical these days...Bush allegedly politiczes the DoJ (on grounds far less meaningful than the above situations and the left is silent.

Edited - title.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:48 pm
by JMak
Come on now...Obama's first case of rendition and no liberal angst, hand-wringing and outrage?
A Lebanese citizen being held in a detention center here was hooded, stripped naked for photographs and bundled onto an executive jet by FBI agents in Afghanistan in April, making him the first known target of a rendition during the Obama administration.

Unlike terrorism suspects who were secretly snatched by the CIA and harshly interrogated and imprisoned overseas during the George W. Bush administration, Raymond Azar was flown to this Washington suburb for a case involving inflated invoices.

Azar, 45, pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy to commit bribery, the only charge against him. He faces a maximum of five years in prison, but a sentence of 2 1/2 years or less is likely under federal guidelines.
I get it...Bush is Hitler for using rendition in the cases of terrorism suspects, but rendition is appropriate when the individual is accused in a conspiracy to commit bribery?

Here's the best part, though:
In court papers, Azar said he was denied his eyeglasses, not given food for 30 hours and put in a freezing room after his arrest by "more than 10 men wearing flak jackets and carrying military style assault rifles."

Azar also said he was shackled and forced to wear a blindfold, dark hood and earphones for! up to 18 hours on a Gulfstream V jet that flew him from Bagra! m air base, outside Kabul, to Virginia.

Before the hood was put on, he said, one of his captors waved a photo of Azar's wife and four children and warned Azar that he would "never see them again" unless he confessed.
Should we bother holding our collective breath waiting for Obama and Holder to investigate this tortuous treatment of an individual suspected of being engaged in a conspiracy to commit bribery??

What a joke, but becoming all too familiar nowadays.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:53 pm
by Mikey
You seem to have plenty to go around.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:46 pm
by JMak
The ability to just lie to yourself is prevalent all across the left...according to the deputy WH press sec'y:
"As I recall, the previous president [took] quite a bit of vacation himself, and I don't think anyone bemoaned that,"


This is hysterical. This ability to simply lie to yourself is an amazing capability that liberals possess.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:51 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Why don't you do something about this liberal scum disease that's raping your country?

Fucking Jew Trotskyite "liberals" jacked your country.

Take it back.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:56 pm
by JMak
Martyred wrote:Why don't you do something about this liberal scum disease that's raping your country?

Fucking Jew Trotskyite "liberals" jacked your country.

Take it back.
This typical white person, to borrow some of Obama's linguistic currency only has one vote, much unlike my fellow black, homeless, dead Americans and even some of their pets that overwhelmingly vote for the D on the ticket. Going to be much tougher these next ten years after the Democrats hijack the census to inflate the number of Americans and legalize illegals to bloat their voting rolls. But I'll keep trying.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 5:59 pm
by BSmack
JMak wrote:
Martyred wrote:Why don't you do something about this liberal scum disease that's raping your country?

Fucking Jew Trotskyite "liberals" jacked your country.

Take it back.
This typical white person, to borrow some of Obama's linguistic currency only has one vote, much unlike my fellow black, homeless, dead Americans and even some of their pets that overwhelmingly vote for the D on the ticket. Going to be much tougher these next ten years after the Democrats hijack the census to inflate the number of Americans and legalize illegals to bloat their voting rolls. But I'll keep trying.
Wow. What a sore loser.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:08 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
BSmack wrote:
Wow. What a sore loser.
You'll all be "sore losers" at the end of Obama's (only) term.

That is, if you don't get killed in one of his "humanitarian" wars.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:15 pm
by JMak
BSmack wrote:
JMak wrote:
Martyred wrote:Why don't you do something about this liberal scum disease that's raping your country?

Fucking Jew Trotskyite "liberals" jacked your country.

Take it back.
This typical white person, to borrow some of Obama's linguistic currency only has one vote, much unlike my fellow black, homeless, dead Americans and even some of their pets that overwhelmingly vote for the D on the ticket. Going to be much tougher these next ten years after the Democrats hijack the census to inflate the number of Americans and legalize illegals to bloat their voting rolls. But I'll keep trying.
Wow. What a sore loser.
Sore loser? Hardly. Unlike you idiots who disowned your President because you disagreed with him, Obama is my President whether I agree with him or not.

I was simply pointing out how it will become more difficult for us typicla white people to make much of a difference at the polls as the Democrats corrupt the census process and legalize illegals.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:17 pm
by JMak
Martyred wrote:
BSmack wrote:
Wow. What a sore loser.
You'll all be "sore losers" at the end of Obama's (only) term.

That is, if you don't get killed in one of his "humanitarian" wars.
Now that's a reasonable possibility given that Obama and the people that voted for him would have us deply troops to Darfur rather than fight actual terrorists.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:45 pm
by ChargerMike
...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.


Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:50 pm
by BSmack
ChargerMike wrote:...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.

Or maybe he remembers what the "liberal media" did to Kerry when he was photographed wearing a helmet.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:51 pm
by JMak
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.

Or maybe he remembers what the "liberal media" did to Kerry when he was photographed wearing a helmet.
And what was that? What did the media "do" to Kerry when he wore a helmet? This ought to be a hoot?

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:59 pm
by Mikey
ChargerMike wrote:...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.


Coming from you that's pretty funny.


Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:07 pm
by Cuda
JMak wrote:
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.

Or maybe he remembers what the "liberal media" did to Kerry when he was photographed wearing a helmet.
And what was that? What did the media "do" to Kerry when he wore a helmet? This ought to be a hoot?
I think he means "bunny suit", but it's practically the same thing

oh wait, it's not

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:07 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
JMak wrote: Now that's a reasonable possibility given that Obama and the people that voted for him would have us deply troops to Darfur rather than fight actual terrorists.

Yep. Americans dying in some shithole for an unappreciative population.

Welcome To Obama Country.

When Obama said "health care", he actually meant "order more body bags".

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:22 pm
by JMak
Ah yes the bunny suit.

It's not the media's fault that Kerry looked ridiculous. Just as it's not the media's fault that the photo of Kerry parasailing made him look like an elitist snob while Bush was clearing brush on his ranch.

Publishing photos of Kerry is not doing something to Kerry. But people like Bri have to believe it is because he works from the presumption, like most liberals, that the rest of us cant think for ourselves and have to rely on the media to tell us what to think.

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:47 pm
by ChargerMike
Mikey wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.


Coming from you that's pretty funny.



someone say bunny suit..


Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:04 am
by Diego in Seattle
JMak wrote:
BSmack wrote:
ChargerMike wrote:...look ma, no helmet... Onoggin shows consistency, what's good for the people doesn't apply to me.

Or maybe he remembers what the "liberal media" did to Kerry when he was photographed wearing a helmet.
And what was that? What did the media "do" to Kerry when he wore a helmet? This ought to be a hoot?
Wearing a helmet sure doesn't help one's political career.

Michael Dukakis

Re: The total absence of liberal angst and outrage...

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:50 am
by MadRussian