Just cracked open my first brewsky of the weekend (a Heineken) and realized that first beer of the weekend sure does taste extra awesome! Here's to not remembering what the fuck we did this weekend! Cheers!
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:08 pm
by TheJON
Screw_Michigan wrote:Only the balcks drink Heineken, too. What a horrible, horrible beer.
Dude I'm gonna live to be 90 it doesn't matter. I work out and eat healthy for the most part and no one on either side of my family ever dies before their mid 80s. Its the weekend dude, crack a fucking brewsky open and enjoy these last few days of summer! My next beer will be in honor of you.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:15 pm
by TheJON
Screw_Michigan wrote:Only the balcks drink Heineken, too. What a horrible, horrible beer.
I got 2 Heinekens in the fridge and the rest is my wife's nasty ass chick drinks. Waiting for fuckers to get off work and bring some beer over but this will do for now. Its a decent beer. I know white people that drink it! I'm craving some Fat Tire ever since Killian mentioned that the other day.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:16 pm
by KC Scott
Heineken is piss
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:22 pm
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:
Heineken is piss
Heineken is the most over rated skunky pisswater ever made. Newcastle is particularly good on tap.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:37 pm
by Mr T
TheJON wrote:Just cracked open my first brewsky of the weekend (a Heineken) and realized that first beer of the weekend sure does taste extra awesome! Here's to not remembering what the fuck we did this weekend! Cheers!
You are the scum of society. You fucking drug user
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:37 pm
by Wolfman
Post about drinking any beer at 4:02 PM 8/28/09 and beer snob smack is posted at 4:05 close behind lame "how's your liver" smack at 4:04 by the same fool. Typical day here.
BTW-- the human liver has a pretty good ability to regenerate damaged cells. Now the human kidney is another matter.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:33 pm
by smackaholic
Calling heineken shit is not being a beer snob, it's just pointing out a shitty beer which, through very good marketing, has many fools thinking they are drinking a premium brand.
I think they are idiots. I don't think so of you and your fellow beast swillers. You guys are just drinking shit beer because you aren't that fussy and the price is right. I get that. I used to be one of you.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:41 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Heineken has less taste and body than B-Minus, yet is twice the price. That is one beer I do not understand. Gonna go out for a while, then will be IN with some 312.
Yeah it's a wheat ale, big whoop wanna fight about it?
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:57 pm
by H4ever
Wolfman wrote:Post about drinking any beer at 4:02 PM 8/28/09 and beer snob smack is posted at 4:05 close behind lame "how's your liver" smack at 4:04 by the same fool. Typical day here.
BTW-- the human liver has a pretty good ability to regenerate damaged cells. Now the human kidney is another matter.
^^^gets it. I can drink the cheap swill (most of it) or the good stuff. As long as you're having good times with good friends... WGARA?
Add 4 bottles of Red Stripe to the list of beers sitting in my beer fridge that will only be consumed when their original owner comes back over.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:12 am
by Dr_Phibes
smackaholic wrote:
KC Scott wrote:
Heineken is piss
Heineken is the most over rated skunky pisswater ever made. Newcastle is particularly good on tap.
Deadly. Once you get into dark ales you're on a higher plain of existence, everything else becomes fizzy, cold, tasteless pop.
Smirking becomes mandatory and phrases like 'I wouldn't drink a lager in the desert' are essential for maximum arrogance.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:18 am
by Mikey
Just picked up a couple of these at the grocery store. Quite good actually. Try some if you can find it.
When they're gone I've got a couple of Coronas in the back of the fridge...
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:19 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Phibes, I thought this would be more to your liking...
North Korean Beer: Tastes Great...Less Freedom
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:24 am
by indyfrisco
In radio and chat. Glass of Shiraz, but moving to jack/coke soon.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:25 am
by Katy
IN too, Indy. Nursing chick beer AKA Coors Light. :D
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:34 am
by Dr_Phibes
Martyred wrote:Phibes, I thought this would be more to your liking...
North Korean Beer: Tastes Great...Less Freedom
Dave 'Baby' Cortez had an impact in Asian commercial jingles.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:28 am
by H4ever
Guy on the team shows up tonight with a 30 pack of Busch Lite he purchased at a local Wal-Mart. He's feeling all giddy about the purchase cuz he owed the team a case for 3rd strike, swing and a miss in SLOWPITCH SOFTBALL. I'm going to need The Deciders to convene on this one. What shall his punishment be for bringing such swill to a gathering celebrating a great year?
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:38 am
flay him alive and soak him with rat piss.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:12 pm
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote:... a couple of Coronas....
Speaking of shit beer that gets over on the beer swilling lemmings with marketing alone...
It's not that I actively detest Corona as I do skunkiken. If it's hot out and the corona is cold and I'm not paying for it and somebody puts one in my hand, I'll drink it. But, I can say the same for most shit beers.
Oh, and if you try to put a twist of lime in it, you are a special kind of lemming dumbass and I will hit you over the head with the bottle.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:09 pm
by TheJON
Always love the tards that criticize others for what they eat or drink because they claim its shit food/drink. You have your taste buds, I have mine. Only a loser acts like their taste buds are so much more fucking epic than someone else. If it tastes good to you, drink it. If it doesn't, don't.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:42 pm
by Truman
Kinda fond of a glass-or-six of this:
An aquired taste and not for everyone, but damn tasty shared with good friends in a good bar.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:11 pm
by TheJON
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:35 am
by smackaholic
TheJON wrote:Always love the tards that criticize others for what they eat or drink because they claim its shit food/drink. You have your taste buds, I have mine. Only a loser acts like their taste buds are so much more fucking epic than someone else. If it tastes good to you, drink it. If it doesn't, don't.
My criticism isn't directed at shit beer drinkers. It directed at shit beer drinking lemmings. These are fukks that pay 7 or 8 bucks a six (or more) for watered down piss like corona or skunky asses heineken when they could have paid half as much for shit american beer which at least realizes it is shit american beer and is priced accordingly.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:01 am
by Trampis
Im going to save my typing finger and just let Smackaholic do the typing for me. You are spot on brother!
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:49 am
by Trampis
Toddowen wrote:
Trampis wrote:Im going to save my typing finger and just let Smackaholic do the typing for me. You are spot on brother!
I should point out that he's criticizing people for spending $7+ on a whatever beer is being marketed as elite, yet I seem to recall his brew of choice is Sam Adams.
No, hes pissing on those that cannot discern between $7 pisswater and good $7 beer. Spending a few more bucks sometimes just gets you glorified Natty Light.
I like Sam Adams too, but thats just me. Now, Henniken tastes like shit, so does Corrona and Fat tire is glorified Bud light. And that Guiness with the stupid plastic torpedo in the bottle???...If I had to choose I would say give me an IPA of any brand, though I'm not on my game tonight.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:28 pm
by smackaholic
Toddowen wrote:I'm hop-free tonight too. Work just doesn't allow me to pound 'em like I used to, doing the seven days a week gig. This summer just fucking dissapeared. What have I done for fun? Started inhaling Marlboro's again with a dedicated passion. I also lit off a few fireworks out the back door last night at the yob. Shit from New Hampshire I had saved over from the 4th. Matter of fact, one of the bitches that was labeled "safe and sane" exploded with the force of an m-80. What a shock to be standing that close and get an unexpected BANG!
Anyway....Sunday night's my time to drink without worry, as I don't have to be into work until 3:30pm Monday. And usually I'm as groggy as a sloth at that time.
But onto the subject of beer:
I can't claim to be much of a beer snob lately. My swill of choice is MGD cans- mostly because it's cheap, the returnable machine at Stop & Shop accepts them, and I like the color of the cans.
If I had a choice for the choicest, I'll go with my favorite North Coast Brewery stuff. Still have a few Old Rasputins from my trip to Fort Bragg, CA. last March. They're a little too thick for this time of the year. But they also make a decent IPA- Red Seal Ale. Those are long gone and I sure could do for more.
Newcastle ain't bad for a mass-marketed Brit brew. I loathe Bass Ale, tho. A little too sweet.
But Sam Adams? I don't think it's the worst beer. But there's a lot better out there for eight bucks a six.
Todd, So you're the motherfukker in CT, fukk, might as well make it the country, still getting OT.
Rack you.
Our OT dried up awhile back after a pretty steady diet of the stuff since I moved back to CT in '98. If the OL wasn't done with school and working, I wouldn't even be able to drink piss light.
As for SA, some seem to think that it's crap now because it's gotten to be pretty damn big. I think it's still pretty fuggen' good. Good enough to pay 7 bucks a six. 8 bucks? I dunno. Beats paying 5-6 for AB swill. There are better beers out there, but, not many, IMO and they are hard to find and pricey. Had some shit up in vermont last year that was pretty damn good and up there where they make it, it was comparably priced to SA. Haven't seen it here and I forget the damn name of it. I will admit to not only drinking but actually paying for MGD, but, not in a can. They aren't getting 7 bucks a six out of me for it though.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:54 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I just don't understand any of the so called economical advantages behind Piss Lite. If you have to drink 37 of them to feel the slightest tingle, while assaulting your taste buds with stale bedpan remains, is it really worth it? Or maybe I'm just a MACHINE. Do you Puss Lighters have the tolerance of a fucking chihuahua or something?
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:04 pm
by Mikey
Mace wrote:I've never understood beer snobs. I normally drink Miller Lite but will drink anything that's cold. I've tried a few of the so-called "better beers" but much prefer Miller Lite or some other cheap substitute. I went to a party on Friday night with our high school football coaches to celebrate a big win in the season opener, and there wasn't a high priced "good beer" in the place. Lots of Natty Lite and Busch Lite, but nothing that would have satisfied the snobbish taste buds of the beer snobs. I'm not sure, but I think we had just as much fun drinking Busch Light as we would have had drinking the "better stuff". Bottom line....who gives a fuck what somebody likes to drink? Drinking a more expensive beer doesn't make you a better person than someone who drinks cheap beer and anyone who insinuates otherwise has to be a snobbish piece of shit. What's next? Gonna see who drives the nicest car? Has the nicest golf clubs? Hottest wife? Beer snobs of the world......go fuck yourselves.
Not a "beer snob" here. You drink what you like, I'll drink what I like. I won't hold your taste (or lack thereof) against you. And what's wrong with discussing what you like?
I don't drink beer to get drunk. Anymore. In fact I really don't like getting drunk like I used to because it's no longer a buzz. At a certain point I just start feeling shitty, and the recovery the next day is a lot more painful than it used to be.
So...If I'm not drinking to get loaded I don't need to worry whether or not I can afford two sixpacks or not. Sure I can enjoy a MGD or Bud Lite once in a while. Corona or Model Especial tastes great with Mexican food. But I drink "good" beer because I like the taste. Why should I drink skunky smelling crap that tastes like piss, or even worse is not much more than slightly flavored carbonated water, if I can afford something that actually has a decent flavor?
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:12 pm
by Mikey
Mace wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Mace wrote:I went to a party on Friday night with our high school football coaches to celebrate a big win in the season opener, and there wasn't a high priced "good beer" in the place.
That's because nobody throwing a party in their right minds would buy anything more expensive than Bud or Quaff-, it just doesn't make economical sense.
The host didn't buy the beer. We brought our own.
Anybody taking "good" beer to a coaches party should have their head examined.
Just inviting ridicule...
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:24 pm
by indyfrisco
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Do you Puss Lighters have the tolerance of a fucking chihuahua or something?
While I'm a more jack/coke or meyer's/coke, I do enjoy a good beer. I am partial to IPAs, but pretty much any quality beer will do. My problem is I can't drink more than 2-3 of a god beer before I feel bloated and move to liquor.
I will say though that when spending a day doing yardwork, I hammer Miller Lites. Maybe it is the "bout like water factor". I dunno. But no way could I spend the day mowing/edging/weedeating/picking weeds/cuttin branches/etc. while gulping down a heavier beer. No chance in hell. But I can drink 15 Miller Lites and not feel a damn thing. It's more about refreshment on a day like that than taste. I don't think it tastes awful, nor great. Just enough to satisfy my thirst.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:39 pm
by indyfrisco
mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Corona or Model Especial tastes great with Mexican food.
I'd have to go with Negra Modelo in that situation.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:08 pm
by smackaholic
IndyFrisco wrote:
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Do you Puss Lighters have the tolerance of a fucking chihuahua or something?
While I'm a more jack/coke or meyer's/coke, I do enjoy a good beer. I am partial to IPAs, but pretty much any quality beer will do. My problem is I can't drink more than 2-3 of a god beer before I feel bloated and move to liquor.
I will say though that when spending a day doing yardwork, I hammer Miller Lites. Maybe it is the "bout like water factor". I dunno. But no way could I spend the day mowing/edging/weedeating/picking weeds/cuttin branches/etc. while gulping down a heavier beer. No chance in hell. But I can drink 15 Miller Lites and not feel a damn thing. It's more about refreshment on a day like that than taste. I don't think it tastes awful, nor great. Just enough to satisfy my thirst.
You are correct indy. It is easy enough to pound 15 MLs while doing yard work. This is because you are basically drinking bad tasting colored water. When I'm sweating my ass off, I just drink actual water or iced tea or maybe a gatorade.
As for the getting hammered part, I'm kinda with mikey. Not much fun in it anymore, although I will on occasion get hammered when I'm with one of my alky fliends. I gotta stop hangin' around that dude, he's a bad influence.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:16 pm
by War Wagon
Mace wrote:Bottom line....who gives a fuck what somebody likes to drink? Drinking a more expensive beer doesn't make you a better person than someone who drinks cheap beer and anyone who insinuates otherwise has to be a snobbish piece of shit. What's next? Gonna see who drives the nicest car? Has the nicest golf clubs? Hottest wife? Beer snobs of the world......go fuck yourselves.
Fuckin' RACK!
The beer snobs are the same posers who act like shopping at Wal-mart is beneath them. Suckers who don't mind paying 25% more for the exact same thing at some "classy" higher priced store are fine with me... they keep Walmart more competitive.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:57 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Corona or Model Especial tastes great with Mexican food.
I'd have to go with Negra Modelo in that situation.
That's good too. Also Bohemia.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:01 pm
by Mikey
Mace wrote:
Mikey wrote:
Mace wrote:I've never understood beer snobs. I normally drink Miller Lite but will drink anything that's cold. I've tried a few of the so-called "better beers" but much prefer Miller Lite or some other cheap substitute. I went to a party on Friday night with our high school football coaches to celebrate a big win in the season opener, and there wasn't a high priced "good beer" in the place. Lots of Natty Lite and Busch Lite, but nothing that would have satisfied the snobbish taste buds of the beer snobs. I'm not sure, but I think we had just as much fun drinking Busch Light as we would have had drinking the "better stuff". Bottom line....who gives a fuck what somebody likes to drink? Drinking a more expensive beer doesn't make you a better person than someone who drinks cheap beer and anyone who insinuates otherwise has to be a snobbish piece of shit. What's next? Gonna see who drives the nicest car? Has the nicest golf clubs? Hottest wife? Beer snobs of the world......go fuck yourselves.
Not a "beer snob" here. You drink what you like, I'll drink what I like. I won't hold your taste (or lack thereof) against you. And what's wrong with discussing what you like?
I don't drink beer to get drunk. Anymore. In fact I really don't like getting drunk like I used to because it's no longer a buzz. At a certain point I just start feeling shitty, and the recovery the next day is a lot more painful than it used to be.
So...If I'm not drinking to get loaded I don't need to worry whether or not I can afford two sixpacks or not. Sure I can enjoy a MGD or Bud Lite once in a while. Corona or Model Especial tastes great with Mexican food. But I drink "good" beer because I like the taste. Why should I drink skunky smelling crap that tastes like piss, or even worse is not much more than slightly flavored carbonated water, if I can afford something that actually has a decent flavor?
You're not a beer snob, Mikey? You certainly appear to be giving a solid effort to be one. Don't want to be perceived as a beer snob, then stop making derogatory comments about the cheaper beers consumed by others. If you truly don't care what kind of beer others drink, then why would you be critical of their beer of choice and make it sound like you're something special because you drink more expensive beer? I might be able afford to drink "better beer" but I choose to drink the cheaper beers because I like them. Geez, talk about bad taste all you want, but you don't have to display bad taste in your assessments and judgments of others.
Not being critical. I just don't like shitty beer.
You really need to stop being so defensive Mace. You choose to drink crap that's your choice. More power to you. I don't hold it against you.
Then you come in here with the attitude that the fact you can keep that pisswater down makes you special, and somehow better than the "beer snobs".
Reverse snobbery anybody?
I'm not buying it.
Reverse beer snobs of the world...go fuck yourselves.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:24 pm
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote:I just don't like shitty beer.
Pretty subjective criteria, as there's no accounting for personal taste. Myself, I drink Bud Lite. $16.99 for a 30 pack at Walmart and that's not the cheapest beer but it's one I like. Once in awhile I'll spring for some Corona, St. Pauli Girl, or Dos Equis, but not often.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:00 pm
by TheJON
Plain and simple.........
If I like the taste (food or beverage) I will eat/drink it.
Some of my least favorite meals have been expensive. Some of my favorite meals have been cheaper. Some of my favorite beers are inexpensive and some of my least favorite beers are more expensive.
Went out for a couple hours Saturday and wanted to take it easy and just have a few so I ordered nothing but Miller Lite. I didn't mind it. I spent $9 total (plus tip of course) for 3 beers over the course of about 2 hours. Had fun, didn't mind the beer, and didn't spend a lot. What's wrong with that?
Don't get me wrong, my beer purchases have greatly changed since my college days when I would drink anything (well, except for Bud Light- fuck that nasty shit!). My days of Busch Light and Keystone Light are long gone, but that doesn't mean I've gotta spend $5 for a bottle when I go out to the bar especially when I don't find it any tastier than many beers that cost under $4 normally.
Beer snobs are very annoying. "Your beer is nasty and mine is awesome because mine costs more". If you ever say or think that you're a fucking douchebag.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:14 pm
by War Wagon
TheJON wrote:
...my beer purchases have greatly changed since my college days when I would drink anything (well, except for Bud Light- fuck that nasty shit!).
I feel exactly the same about Miller Lite. I wouldn't drink that horse piss if it were free.
But of course, you're free to drink buckets full of it and I won't think any less of you just for your choice of suds.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:45 pm
by War Wagon
Screw_Michigan wrote:I'd like either of you beer serfs to explain the differences between Miller Lite and Bud Light, other than the spelling of "Light." Take your time.
To me, ML has a skunky taste and smell to it. Maybe it's the extra hops they say they put in it. Been a time or two a bartender has poured me a brew from the wrong tap and I immediately knew it wasn't a BL but a ML and had to just about spit it out.
That, and I can tell just by looking if it's in a clear glass. ML is much darker.
Re: that first beer on a friday
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:54 pm
by TheJON
Bud Light is made in St Leweeze. Actually, I can taste a big difference between the 2. Like I said, I don't drink Miller Lite that often but I don't mind it. Bud Light just has a weird taste to it that I do not like. Was at a bar a couple weeks back and they were actually giving out free Bud Light. I refused to drink it and bought a beer instead. That shit makes me wanna puke.