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Redskins suing season ticket holders

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:34 am
by KC Scott
This is great - the Skins are suing season ticket holders who are trying to get out of their seat contracts.

Who cares if they've lost jobs - The Dan needs to eat :paul:

So that's how theyve managed to keep that sell out streak in tact

Re: Redskins suing season ticket holders

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:27 am
by BSmack
R-Jack wrote:Meh.

It is a legally binding contract. Try reading it before you sign it next time you cross-dressing lardasses.
Legally Snyder's stance is absolutely correct. But from a marketing standpoint it is absolutely idiotic. Way to ingratiate yourself with the fan base Snyder.

Re: Redskins suing season ticket holders

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:00 am
by Doug near DC
I already have season tickets. My chair is a La Z Boy recliner, and sometimes I have a topless waitress deliver my beer.

Danny boy dosen't get any :bode: from me.

Re: Redskins suing season ticket holders

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:42 pm
by jiminphilly
mvscal wrote:Possible, but not likely. Socals fans will come out to see a winner and the Chargers are a legitimate contender. The rest of the division sucking shit through a straw hurts, though. There is no real drama to the season. They will sleepwalk through the division.
I'm banking on another big year from Rivers since I made him my QB in one of my fantasy leagues.