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Re: 2010 - SEC Playing National Powerhouses

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:58 pm
by Van
the Bulldogs seem to enjoy their trips out west.
Trips? As in multiple times?

Georgia has ventured west only one time in fifty years, and that was only to play a meh ASU team.

Let's get Georgia on...The Blue Turf!


Re: 2010 - SEC Playing National Powerhouses

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:52 pm
by Van
So, we've got Georgia's offense going against Okie St's Defense, in the battle which will go down in the annals of BTPCF as...

The Resistible Force meets The Movable Object

Yep, it oughtta be a tepid one. It should be just like two magnets opposing each other, only the opposite of that.