So you thought Hitler Youth were a bad thing? That's a turnabout for you.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:52 pm
by indyfrisco
That liberal douchebag owned you, pickle.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:10 pm
by jiminphilly
I'm not sure why you would own up to this??
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:18 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
IndyFrisco wrote:That liberal douchebag owned you, pickle.
I had a really big final blast planned, but I thought he disconnected me so I hung up. I was really disappointed when I found out he still wanted to continue the conversation. Oh well, I'll call again tomorrow and go for back to back "calls of the day".
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:20 pm
by indyfrisco
Oh pray tell. What was the extreme comeback?
Ths thread is sounding like a Netboy thread...
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:33 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
IndyFrisco wrote:Oh pray tell. What was the extreme comeback?
Ths thread is sounding like a Netboy thread...
I was planning on bringing up the planned re-education camps and incarcerations of White people and reparations payments to negroes.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:45 pm
by smackaholic
Stan, You got pwned rather badly there.
I'd say calling in to talk shows is not your best element. Stick will interweb bbs. Other interweb bbs. I hear .net is back up.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:54 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Pickle, you've got no game. And I really can't believe that anyone could possibly buy into the ludicrous Glenn Beck nonsense you were weakly offering. You've got to do better than that. Obviously the host could fold you up and toss you like a used kleenex because he knows his facts and history. You sound like a junior high school twerp who is attempting to repeat what he remembers his drunk dad was rambling on about at the dinner table last night. And as for comparing Barry to Hitler, you really need to study the actual situation in Germany and Europe during the 20's and 30's. The closest we've had to true Nazi-like behavior at the top levels of government (besides directly supporting them in the 1930's, of course) was the ultimate Reichstag Fire of 9/11 when Air Force stand downs and controlled demolitions were the order of the day--and the Permanent (fake) War has duly ensued.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:11 pm
by jiminphilly
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Reichstag Fire of 9/11 when Air Force stand downs and controlled demolitions were the order of the day--and the Permanent (fake) War has duly ensued.
Last night the The discovery channel had a documentary on the 9/11 conspiracy theories and the expert response to each of the conspiracies. Needless to say the conspiracy theorists sounded like uneducated morons once again.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:26 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
Jsc810 wrote:Uh, Pickle, this thread is basically like you posting a photo of yourself wearing women's panties.
In my defense I was sleeping while listening to the radio this morning and called the radio show only half awake. Also, I'm not used to being able to talk this much on the radio....usually they hang up on me in the first five seconds.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:18 am
by MadRussian
why would you post you getting owned by a liberal fuckstick? :?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:31 am
by indyfrisco
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:usually they hang up on me in the first five seconds.
Kinda like chicks.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:36 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
You are one pathetic fuck.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:38 am
by Mikey
Stanley, pick one and only one.
A. Hitler bad
B. Hitler good
And don't tell me he had some good ideas but he just carried them a little too far.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:47 am
by Rack Fu
jiminphilly wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: Reichstag Fire of 9/11 when Air Force stand downs and controlled demolitions were the order of the day--and the Permanent (fake) War has duly ensued.
Last night the The discovery channel had a documentary on the 9/11 conspiracy theories and the expert response to each of the conspiracies. Needless to say the conspiracy theorists sounded like uneducated morons once again.
I watched that too and thought of LTDunce and TVMidget.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:41 am
by LTS TRN 2
So..? I've seen Gerald (Ron is the MDC guitarist, no relation) Posner's "Case Closed" about the JFK assassination, noted the ludicrous rationales for the "magic bullet" and so forth...and?
Okay...go ahead...
tell us just how a 42-story building falls down in a controlled demolition fashion--for no apparent reason. It wasn't struck by anything more than some falling debris.
Well? :?
And explain why ALL the video cameras of the pentagon attack were confiscated, and why there's not a single clear photo of an actual jet airliner striking the building. ... re=related
Go ahead, the anniversary of Pearl Harbor II is coming up, let's hear what you've learned.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:30 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:And, if there is nothing to hide, why hasn't all video been released, if for no other reason than to silence all the conspiracy theorists?
Security is the reason all video hasn't been released and silencing conspiracy theorists that nobody with three functioning synapses takes seriously isn't much of a priority.
Avi, is this supposed to be English? WTF do you mean "security is the reason"? And obviously releasing any clear evidence would be the best way to silence any and all conspiracy theorists. So...why is there NO evidence? No photos or videos of a 757 flying through one of th highest level security zones in the world?
Where did SIXTY TONS of a fully loaded 757 disappear to? Did it "vaporize"? And who are those plain clothes guys cleaning up small lightweight chunks of fuselage? ... re=related
Gee, do you suppose those might be chunks of a lightweight drone?
Step up, Avi, let's hear some more of these polished paragraphs concerning "security is the reason"
Tim King, an F-16 pilot comments on the Popular Mechanics piece:
"If Popular Mechanics considers this their national duty, then where is their journalistic integrity? As a news reporter for most of the last twenty years, I don`t remember ever being sent out to do a story that specifically argued the point of view of a government agency, never.
The first statement is from a professor at Purdue, the university that interestingly to many, has been receiving enormous amounts of federal money in recent years. That professor named Mete Sozen, says there was no wreckage because `the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass." The statement is actually written by the author, and sandwiched between quotes from the professor, but it is clearly attributed to him.
He and a team from the university were also selected to create the computer `simulation" of the 757 crash for the federal government, which is supposed to demonstrate `what really happened" and surely carried a big price tag from Purdue. The big money for Purdue has been on the minds of many, and the relationship between this institution and the Bush administration is automatically brought into question by the contradicting statements of the so-called `experts" selected to talk nationally about Flight 77.
Then there is the Blast expert in the PM article, Allyn E. Kilsheimer, who said "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"
One says the plane turned to liquid, that`s why there is no wreckage, and the other held parts of the crew`s uniform and body parts in his hand?
These guys needed to get on the same page before being interviewed for Popular Mechanics.
The author of that PM article by the way is not named, at least on the published Web story.
Finally, if Kilsheimer did hold parts of uniforms, then they easily could have come from the poor unfortunate people inside the building, I mean we are talking about the Pentagon."
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:click on "Call of the Day" from Stanley.
I believe that was 'Tool of Day', Peekle.
Yeah, as usual....I agree with you.
Like I said, in my defense I was listening to the radio while lying in bed and sleeping. I grabbed my cellie phone in a semi-coma state of mind. If you really want to hear me going off on a liberal, douchebag, radio host, then you should listen to the shit I say to Alan Colmes every night.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:55 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Pickle, yer done, now shut up and stop interrupting.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:56 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Pickle, yer done, now shut up and stop interrupting.
This is my thread, you ignorant cunt!
Fukkk off and die, like a jew in a pizza oven.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Go to your room! We've listened to your embarrassing spurt on the local radio. You're pathetic, and now it's time for your nap. GO!
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:23 pm
by jiminphilly
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
And obviously releasing any clear evidence would be the best way to silence any and all conspiracy theorists. So...why is there NO evidence? No photos or videos of a 757 flying through one of th highest level security zones in the world?
I'm pretty sure silencing a bunch of basement-dwelling, tin-foil hat wearing nitwits is the least of their concern.
Just to prove your sanity can you at least give your "theory" as to where the plane that didn't crash into the Pentagon actually went? How about the crew? Passengers? If they were killed in some black box hanger who was involved and how is it that nothing has been leaked?
Oh and don't forget to address the dozens of eye witness accounts of people around the Pentagon who saw and heard the plane heading towards the Pentagon. Where is your search on those eye witnesses and their alleged role in the coverup?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:43 pm
by BSmack
These 9-11 conspiracy honks crack me up. The same government who gave us this,
somehow also managed to coordinate the kidnapping and murder of hundreds of Americans, including the husband of a Presidential adviser, the demolition of the WTC, and attack on one of the most secure facilities on the planet, all in the middle of some of the world's largest metro areas all without anybody spilling the beans?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:44 pm
by LTS TRN 2
What witnesses? A few folks who made comments? Where are any photos or videos? Why were they all impounded?
The onus is on YOU, not the skeptics of the ludicrous premise of a disappearing jet airliner! Where did 60 tons of debris go?
As to the passengers, well if these insane neocons are willing to go to these lengths to insure Permanent War on Terrorism, they would have no compunction about murdering a few hundred more--for the cause!
It's obviously the greatest case of treason in modern history, and it's natural that an automatic sense of denial would set in among good rational folks like yourself. But, there's simply far too many glaring contradictions in the official story, and far too much secrecy and cover-ups in the aftermath.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:35 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:These 9-11 conspiracy honks crack me up. The same government who gave us this,
The state of Louisiana was not involved in any alleged coverup of 9/11.
I thought that was a cooling tower at Three Mile Island.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:39 pm
by LTS TRN 2
And indeed if a fully loaded Boeing 757 rammed into the Superdome, you can be damn sure there would be lots of actual debris from that 60-ton airliner. Got it?
Okay, let's continue..
First Lets Meet The So Called "Experts" who claim a 757 struck the pentagon : Davin Colburn , Paul Mlakar. Allyn Kilsheimer, and James Meigs.
Davin Colburn is an editor over at Popular Mechanics Magazine and holds no credentials that would make him an "expert" on this issue. In fact Mr. Coburn is a shill for Hearst Publishing the inventor of Yellow Journalism.
Mr. Meigs is a magazine editor for the premier name in Yellow Journalism Hearst. He is obviously no "expert". In fact Hearst owns The History Channel and Popular Mechanics the producers of this hit piece.
Allyn Kilsheimer works for K C E S T R U C T U R A L E N G I N E E R S . Apparently Mr. Kilsheimer was awarded the contract to rebuild the pentagon. His statements about 9/11 have been contradictory if not straight up bald faced lies. He has been known to display some contempt toward Arabs. In fact he's a total Zionist.
Paul Mlakar is a member of The Society of Civil Engineers. ASCE members are the strongest backers of the "official" government story. Dr. Mlaker also participated in the cover up of the Oklahoma city bombing in 1995 . He is also a member of the American Concrete Institute and the Society of American Military Engineers. He is a shill for the establishment.
Benjamin Chertoff, 'Senior Researcher' for Popular Mechanics' is Homeland Security Director, Michael Chertoffs cousin.
These fuckwads are supposed to be trustworthy? What, about as much as FOX News?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:51 pm
by LTS TRN 2
The facts are that a 60-ton Boeing 757 disappeared with virtually no debris. The facts are that the FBI impounded all videos and have kept them sealed. The facts are that damage to the pentagon was consistent with a drone, not a fully fueled airliner--which also had mysteriously avoided radar for several hundred miles before it supposedly suddenly appeared at the pentagon.
These are facts, Avi, not speculation. Why don't you try answering them instead of hissing your typical ad hominem dismissals? Where's YOUR take on the 60-tons of "vaporized" debris?
C'mon, Pearl Harbor/Reichstag Fire Day is almost here.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:03 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:These 9-11 conspiracy honks crack me up. The same government who gave us this,
The state of Louisiana was not involved in any alleged coverup of 9/11.
The death of millions of ni.g.gers is always fresh.
Here is a toast to the impending ni.g.ger riots and the impending death of all said
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:12 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The facts are that a 60-ton Boeing 757 disappeared with virtually no debris.
Yes, that is precisely what happens when lightweight aluminum tubes slam into steel reinforced concrete at a high rate of speed.
Again you fail to present any facts to bolster your (totally ignorant) opinion.
Dear God,
Please kill all liberals and all bleeding heart dumb fukkks.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:52 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The facts are that a 60-ton Boeing 757 disappeared with virtually no debris.
Yes, that is precisely what happens when lightweight aluminum tubes slam into steel reinforced concrete at a high rate of speed.
Again you fail to present any facts to bolster your (totally ignorant) opinion.
Uh..Avi, the weight of a jet fighter as in the vid is much more in line with a drone missile, not a 60-ton airliner. The hole through the pentagon was similarly consistent with being pierced by a missile, not slammed by a 757. You're making my point! Of course there would be lots of wreckage from a plane that large.
And where's the video footage to settle it all so easily? Oh that's right, "security is the reason" that the tapes must remain sealed.
Now Avi, it's a fact that you stated this, and it's a yet another fact you're unwilling to deal with or in any way explain.
Your defense or denial or whatever it is you're suggesting is hanging in the barn, as it were, like a dressed deer.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:09 pm
by War Wagon
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
As to the passengers, well if these insane neocons are willing to go to these lengths to insure Permanent War on Terrorism, they would have no compunction about murdering a few hundred more--for the cause!
So let me get this straight.
You believe that 9/11 was entirely orchestrated by the "neo-cons" with-in the Bush administration and that Bush himself signed off on it? Or was he just Cheney's stooge?
And it was about 10 times more than a few hundred murders, btw... unless you're saying that only the Pentagon was the work of some vast right wing conspiracy with-in the administration. The WTC must've been AIPAC, right?
How does a raving lunatic type while in a straight jacket?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:37 pm
by jiminphilly
LTS TRN 2 wrote: The hole through the pentagon was similarly consistent with being pierced by a missile, not slammed by a 757.
You do know all those looney toon cartoons of Wiley E. Coyote creating a full body imprints into rock walls and dirt floors after high speed crashes was just pretend right?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:44 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No, let's get you straight. You are suggesting that any deviation from the official version--as approved by Cheney, et al--is tantamount to asserting that indeed the whole thing was orchestrated. And therefore any such deviation is grounds for being in a straight jacket. Okay.
So explain why the videos were all impounded and presumably permanently sealed?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:55 pm
by War Wagon
LTS TRN 2 wrote:No, let's get you straight.
That's what I said. "Let me get this straight".
You are suggesting that any deviation from the official version....
I'm not suggesting anything other than you should be placed in a straightjacket and perhaps waterboaded, but that's beside the point.
Since you doubt the "official" version, I want to know what your version of the 9/11 events were.
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:42 am
by LTS TRN 2
R-Jack wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote: presumably permanently sealed?
Please think about what those three words mean when strung together and then you will realize why the world laughs at you.
I can guess for a FACT that those records are permanently sealed I think.
It's clear English, wad. The videos are sealed, presumably this is a permanent step. Okay? See what I'm saying? See how it reflects the current situation? Or what, have you seen the impounded videos?
Who's next? Oh It's wagoneer suddenly helpless in explaining why all the videos were impounded and sealed. But suggesting I should be tortured! Okay...
War Wagon wrote:
I'm not suggesting anything other than you should be placed in a straightjacket and perhaps waterboaded, but that's beside the point./quote]
But, being a bleating sort, he's actually curious about what did happen...
War Wagon wrote:Since you doubt the "official" version, I want to know what your version of the 9/11 events were.
Well, fellas, the code of a true agnostic is to never claim to know what something is, but only that the given version has obvious fallacies.
In this case we know that the group of neocons who had been waiting for a more friendly administration were eager and clear as to their desire for "a new Pearl Harbor," a blank check, as it were, to launch total war on their perceived enemies and to establish an American empire unparalleled in the post Soviet era. This is all clearly documented in the PNAC charter. Okay, so these guys are in place in 2001 and .....
It's dancing time for ZioNazis. It's GAME ON with no budget constraints because it's non-stop TERROR from now on...just like living in the bunkered artificial apartheid state itself, come to think of it.....
Here are some folks who are directly connected to the greatest act of treason in history
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:55 pm
by jiminphilly
Don't worry Nicky. I've got your back.
Think you can score me some blow?
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:20 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Aw c'mon, all I'm saying is that we can't actually claim to know exactly how they arranged it only that they did it. That is, we know who and why, when and where, of course, and now it remains to discover how. What can you do to help? :wink:
Re: I was "Call of the Day" on local radio show
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:53 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So...why did the Air Force stand down and allow the most secured area in the entire world to be attacked despite having over an hour since the first attack on the WTC? How come Cheney ordered the Air Force to not interfere?
How come all the videos of the supposed 757 strike on the pentagon were seized and (presumably) permanently sealed?
Hmmm? Got any quick dismissive answers? Got anything besides your fake blustering assertion? :doh: