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"It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:03 pm
by JMak
Yes it is, Mr. President, yes it is.

Obama stated last night:
One man from Illinois lost his coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because his insurer found that he hadn’t reported gallstones that he didn’t even know about. They delayed his treatment, and he died because of it."
Why does the President have to lie?
This is the sad story of Mr. Otto Raddatz, a case that Mr. Obama has cited several times before, including in his August 16th editorial in the New York Times.

For the record, however, the case is not exactly the way Mr. Obama has characterized it, at least according to the sworn testimony of Mr. Raddatz’s sister.

From Ms. Raddatz’s opening statement, from pages 58-59 of the transcript (a pdf file) of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation Committee hearings on ‘The Termination Of Individual Health Policies By Insurance Companies,’ Tuesday, June 16, 2009:
Otto began more chemotherapy for purposes of preparing him for a stem cell transplant. In the midst of his chemo treatments, Otto received a phone call and letter from Fortis Insurance Company stating his insurance was canceled. It was rescinded all the way back to the effective date of August 7, 2004.

This meant none of his cancer treatments would be covered. Most importantly, he would not be able to receive the stem cell transplant need [sic] to save his life. My brother only had a very small window of time in which to have the stem cell transplant. He needed to be scheduled within the next 3 to 4 weeks.

My brother was told he was canceled during what they called a "routine review" during which they claimed to discover a "material failure to disclose". Apparently in 2000 his doctor had done a CT scan which showed an aneurysm and gall stones. My brother was never told of either one of these conditions nor was he ever treated for them and he never reported any symptoms for them either.

After months of preparation, the stem cell transplant could not be scheduled. My brother’s hope for being a cancer survivor were dashed. His prognosis was only a matter of months without the procedure.
Mr. Radditz was faced with having to pay for the stem cell transplant himself in order to save his life.

However, Mr. Raddatz’s lawyer sister contacted the Illinois Attorney General’s Office. They investigated and found that the doctor who did the CT scans could not remember whether he had ever told Mr. Raddatz about his findings.

Consequently, the insurance company overturned their original decision to rescind her brother’s coverage, and he was reinstated in the words of his sister, "without [any] lapse."

Again, from Ms. Raddatz’s sworn testimony:
After two appeals by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office, Fortis Insurance Company finally overturned their original decision to rescind my brother’s coverage and he was reinstated without lapse. This is after weeks of constant phone calls between myself and the Attorney General’s Office and we were literally scrambling hour by hour to get this accomplished so that my brother wouldn’t lose his 3- to 4-week window of opportunity that he had prepared for and lose his opportunity to have the procedure.
In other words, Mr. Raddatz’s did receive the stem cell transplant without delay.

Indeed, Ms. Raddatz does not seem to claim anywhere in her testimony that the insurance company’s actions shortened her brother’s life. (Though she does accuse them of having been cruel and unethical.)

From page 75 of the hearings transcript:
Mr. Barton. My next question is to the gentle lady there in the middle. Your brother, has he had his stem cell transplant?
Ms. Raddatz. He did indeed receive the stem cell transplant. It was extremely successful. It extended his life approximately 3-1/2 years. He did pass away January 6, 2009, and he was about to have a second stem cell transplant. Unfortunately, due to certain situations, his donor became ill at the last minute and so he did pass away on January 6. But again, it extended his life nearly 3-1/2 years and at his age, each day meant everything to him…
This is not quite the impression Mr. Obama gives with his rendition of Mr. Raddatz’s story.

Despite Mr. Obama’s claims, Mr. Raddatz’s treatment was never delayed. And he did not die because of it.

Meanwhile, in this very same speech Mr. Obama accused others of misrepresenting the facts.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:13 pm
by Cuda
It was a good STORY, goddammit!!!!!!!!!1

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:31 pm
by Mikey
Are you sure you're talking about the same Otto Raddatz?

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:40 pm
by The Seer
poetic license

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:49 pm
by ChargerMike
...of course he lied about illegals not being covered as well, something he apparently does with ease (poetic license indeed) Enter a clinic and your illegal status will not be questioned. ObamaCare has no mandatory proof of U.S. citizenship. Perfect! Obagus is already letting 3.6 million illegal aliens in the country every year and of course guess who gets to pay?.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:50 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Look, C-Mike, he's talking about how his plan will correct the current system, not enhance it. He was right up front about the unfair aspect of uninsured folks--regardless of visa status--getting treated at the tax payers' expense. He was very clear in his plan to end this. Your simpering complaint is no more thought out than the tantrums of these gun-toting morons at the Town Hall meetings.

Seriously, if you're so upset about Mexicans and Central Americans coming in without papers, go out there and patrol the border. You've got a gun, dontcha?

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:29 pm
by ChargerMike
"You've got a gun, dontcha?" well yes I do!

here's the problem...while you read this response, 50 more Illegals will pour across our borders...I can't get them all. Here in L.A. county a multitude of hospitals and emergency centers have shut down..busted, out of business! You tell me why! Perhaps if I thought it out a little more I could find some good in that...Oh yea, the hospital here in neighboring Granada Hills went belly, and on that property they're throwing up one of the new cookie cutter High schools to house the exploding population.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:02 pm
by LTS TRN 2
And this relates to Barry's brave if daunting declaration of reforming the rapacious insurance

Look, I really do sympathize completely with cities and towns getting swamped with sneaky lazy illegals and their bursting broods. Even though I hate the Dodgers and Padres. And I feel the same sympathy for England, France, and Holland, etc., I really do.

But...the basic reason all of these poor fertile folk are fleeing to the rich West is because of concerted efforts by "neoliberal" strategists to implement disastrous institutions like NAFTA and GATT and the World Bank. The sheer exploitation by these groups and plans has caused a fundamental and drastic imbalance in the world's economies. The only solution to saving any vestige of the world we knew to reverse the grotesque policies of exploitation visited upon those Third World nations and allow those lands to become once again a viable and desirous home for its natives. And that means Mexico for starters.

Despite the immediate concern required for the insane drug wars going on in that otherwise rich and beautiful country, the strangling policies of Free Trade go unchecked and basically unquestioned. Complaining about the locals having to flee is superficial. Look at the cause, and at who most vigorously promoted it--philosophically!--and that's the very same GOP fuckstains opposing Barry.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:16 pm
by Dinsdale
LTS TRN 2 wrote:the very same GOP fuckstains opposing Barry.



Whose name is at the bottom of the NAFTA?

Which party controlled both sides of Congress when it was ratified?

LETSTARD's KHOA is in overdrive today.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:37 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Of course Bubba signed on--to the disgrace of his supposed convictions and traditional democratic principles. He also pardoned Marc Rich. But, the fact remains that the World Bank, IMF, GATT, and NAFTA were the bedrock of GOP philosophy all along--and the "neoliberal" economists that designed it. International conglomerates are far beyond mere Democrat versus Republican nonsense. Wake the fuck up!

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:44 pm
by Dinsdale
So, first you say that the GOP were those who "who most vigorously promoted it [NAFTA]," and when it was pointed out that it was signed by a Dem POTUS, and ratified by a Dem House and a Dem Senate, you then counter with "yeah, but it's the 'bedrock of GOP philosophy' ," even though everyone who did the actual enactment of the law had a "D" by their name... you know, those guys who oppose everything the GOP does?

And then went with "it's all the GOP's doing... UHHHHHH... I mean, it's bipartisan!!!"

Dude, at this point, I gotta give you a lot of credit -- few people on this board can lay down an asswhooping like you have here... the person you chose as a target (you) is somewhat suspect, but the ease and efficiency with which you laid said asswhooping was a thing of beauty.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:53 pm
by LTS TRN 2
So, you're suggesting that NAFTA and GATT are not GOP bedrock because...the Demos rolled over? Are you doubting that the essential Democrat philosophy is in fact in solidarity with labor? And did the unions not go to the mat in opposition? So we had the Demo controlled congress roll over. I'm shocked, but it does not in any way dispute the fact that deregulation and Free Market trade policies constitute the essence of GOP philosophy. And you of course can't dispute this. And similarly you can't dispute that this philosophy has proven toxic for the entire world. Oh, you can run off some twerpy wiggling--but neither you nor the other punks who are for some unknown reason defending the disgraced GOP can really stand up and deliver. But if you say I'm getting an ass kicking, well that's something, right? :P

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:01 pm
by Derron
LTS TRN 2 wrote:So, you're suggesting that NAFTA and GATT are not GOP bedrock because...the Demos rolled over? Are you doubting that the essential Democrat philosophy is in fact in solidarity with labor? And did the unions not go to the mat in opposition? So we had the Demo controlled congress roll over. I'm shocked, but it does not in any way dispute the fact that deregulation and Free Market trade policies constitute the essence of GOP philosophy. And you of course can't dispute this. And similarly you can't dispute that this philosophy has proven toxic for the entire world. Oh, you can run off some twerpy wiggling--but neither you nor the other punks who are for some unknown reason defending the disgraced GOP can really stand up and deliver. But if you say I'm getting an ass kicking, well that's something, right? :P
They have some really good rock where you live..and you seem to smoke it real well.

I am picturing Dins doing this :doh: :doh: , trying to understand how you just, again kicked your own ass. And in fine style.

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:09 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Are you pretending to dispute something? C'mon, D-ron, tell us about "neoliberalism" and the GOP. Or what? ...don't know anything about it? :?

Re: "It is a lie, plain and simple." Sin., Obama

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:57 pm
by JMak
LTS KHOA on a subject not even remotely connected to this thread...who would have guessed? LMAO! :hfal: