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Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:20 pm
by Moby Dick
God bless the gov'ment.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:21 pm
by BSmack
No, you show me Barbara Olson.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:29 pm
by Smackie Chan
Washington Boulevard, Columbia Pike, and I-395
I live at this intersection, although just since '04.
Hope that's not considered divulgence of personal info.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:11 pm
by Tom In VA
Good post Sam.
There's no question Barbara Olsen is dead, and that she died in the crash.
What people fail to realize is that this was no ordinary attack. No, the Alien Space Negroes caused this in order to set the table for the eventual seating of a Luo Tribesman in the Oval Office. This conspiracy goes back a long way, everything that has transpired since is all in line with the ultimate plan.
While most have their eye on the Free Masons and Illuminati, they are subject to the Alien Space Negroes.
In the end, it was a Sodioum Dioxide Berium Enema Death Ray from above that knocked the engines out and the Electro Magnonameter Tracking System that magenetically, gently, guided the plane into the building.
Small sacrifice for what is to come, if of course you're an Alien Space Negro and one of the Alien Space Negro allies in the Masons.
Of course you realize, Sam, that now that I've told you all this - you know it, I know it, ... we're targets now.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:26 pm
by Mikey
It was great knowing you guys.
PM me and I'll send you an address where you can ship your stereo and your collection of Dead memorabilia.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:20 pm
by rozy
BSmack wrote:No, you show me Barbara Olson.
word perfect
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:34 am
by Dinsdale
Sudden Sam wrote:I guess when an airplane barely clears your car's roof at full throttle, it's tough to really ID it, huh?
You learn over time.
Driving up I-5 through Tacoma (aka "The Cleaveland of the Northwest")
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:48 pm
by JMak
Th eone thing I have learned from these truthers is the absolute insanity that plagues some groups of people.
Bush is a warmonger. He starts wars just to satiate a thirst for blood and profits for his cronies. Bush is a dummy that could read a book right side up. Yet, amazingly, this stupid profit-baron cooked up a plot to crash airliners into NYC and DC so he could launch a war in Afghanistan?
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:16 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wrong, weasel. No one is suggesting that a venal moron like the Chimp had any part in planning the greatest act of treason in history. No, his role was to read the kids' book...and just sit there (as being instructed by Ari off camera), and then to act tough and start the wars.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:18 pm
by Tom In VA
You are not wrong. It is why Obama was "elected".
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:20 pm
by JMak
And here I thought Sudden was a stable old fart. Now I find out he's a blithering idiot...on par with LTS.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:25 pm
:D Sammy
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:19 pm
by LTS TRN 2
No, the two Quagmires we've got going--and growing--in Iraq and Afghanistan are plenty big enough to keep us in a state of perpetual unease and Terror Alert. Just like Israel every wretched day of its 60-year artificial history. We cannot and will not venture into another war even if the Russians were to march right into Alaska and on down to Seattle. The great American war machine has been so wasted and abused that our nation will in fact never recover the level of prosperity that we briefly enjoyed during our peak of 1960 to 1990 or so. And the money we've wasted in Iraq alone--soon to be a Trillion dollars or so--could have fixed all of the major problems now crippling our domestic infrastructure, health care, and social security.
As for flight 77, since it obviously did not hit the pentagon, it was most likely diverted--the plane and passengers disposed of--with the official story being that they "vaporized" upon impact

The videos of course were immediately impounded and permanently sealed--and any attempt to question why is met with knee-jerk smears and dismissals. No reasoning on why the videos were seized, just robotic acceptance. So..what's your excuse?
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:38 pm
by smackaholic
I have just one question for you.
We all know that aircraft definitely hit the WTC. We know that one augered in in PA, apparently on it's way to hitting something else. Why substitute some sort of missle attack and make believe it was a plane going into the pentagon?
Other than because it fits your need for there to be a conspiracy, why would they do it that way?
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:52 pm
by JMak
LTS TRN 2 wrote:And the money we've wasted in Iraq alone--soon to be a Trillion dollars or so--could have fixed all of the major problems now crippling our domestic infrastructure, health care, and social security.
You realize that the so-called "fix" for health care being proposed by Obama is a trillion dollars by itself, right?
I mean, either you knew that and still just posted that which makes you an idiot or you didn't know yet still posted it...oh, you're an idiot either way. Way to go, champ...two-for-two.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:55 pm
by Tom In VA
smackaholic wrote:turd,
I have just one question for you.
We all know that aircraft definitely hit the WTC. We know that one augered in in PA, apparently on it's way to hitting something else. Why substitute some sort of missle attack and make believe it was a plane going into the pentagon?
Other than because it fits your need for there to be a conspiracy, why would they do it that way?
Because it fits his world view. That's the only reason. The same cat that would chime in about lower level and even some higher level g-men providing PROOF that the President did in fact LIE about WMD in Iraq has to fill in the blanks somehow. This is how he does it.
A conspiracy of this magnitude would most assuredly require the same dissemination of information and delegation of tasks to federal workers at some level. Not one of them have come forward. They've come forward about a host of other things, except this. So all those other conspiracies - lying about WMD, pushing to war in Iraq, elevating the terrorist alert levels, planting secret "Death Pretzels" in the oval office conspiracy, the conspiracy of the "Seque Incident", etc.. involved employees that have "regretted" and written som "mea culpa" piece in some paper or a book. Except this. Go figure. I'm open to certain conspiracies. I'm also open to the possibility it happened just as the official report states. LTS, is not.
LTS is either a very well trained troll or a stark raving fucking lunatic who spews out conspiracy chatter like buckshot (some hit, many miss) - or both.
Either way, he's a good read. Informative and funny as shit.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:49 pm
by LTS TRN 2
smackaholic wrote:turd,
We all know that aircraft definitely hit the WTC.
Well of course we do. After all, we've got lots of videos and pictures, etc. Well, where's an actual picture or video of flight 77? Where was any of the 60-tons of wreckage? The "expert" who oversaw the scene claimed he found the black box? Really? How come not a single mention of this has ever come forth since?
Moreover, how are we to believe that a total novice pilot--who had never flown any airplane before--was able to fly a Boeing 757 in at about FIVE FEET off the ground? This is a feat all-but impossible for even the most skilled pilots.
How did flight 77 happen to disappear from radar for several hundred miles and suddenly appear right on course to the pentagon wall? Have you considered how impossible it is to "fly below the radar" for hundreds of miles and then show up right on the dot--and then execute a perfect hit on a target--with absolutely zero experience flying a plane?
Have you really thought through any of these glaring holes in the official story?
All you offer are cheap dismissals. So far no one has offered any explanation for the sezied videos, let alone anything else.
Who are
you kidding?
Personally, I'd prefer that it was merely terrorists lucking out with a miracle success amid supposed tight--best in the world!--security. But the official story simply doesn't add up at all. And we must face the fact that the PNAC, a radical group of war-mongering "neocons" was openly hoping for a "new Pearl Harbor," etc. This is not disputed, and though the idea of these lunatics actually initiating the greatest act of treason in history is indeed a daunting premise, look at how the various members of PNAC took 9/11 in stride and immediately commenced with their long held plans of waging war on Iraq. And of course their ultimate goal has always been an attack of Iran.
So, before you smugly pretend that the official story is somehow "okay with you," try dealing with some the basic facts.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:12 pm
by Moby Dick
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:13 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
All you offer are cheap dismissals. So far no one has offered any explanation for the sezied videos.
Including you.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:02 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Tom In VA wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:
All you offer are cheap dismissals. So far no one has offered any explanation for the sezied videos.
Including you.
Uh, no Tom. I saying the tapes and every scrap of evidence was seized because it was feared they might reveal the fact that whatever it was that flew into the pentagon wasn't flight 77. Got it?
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:45 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Tom In VA wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:
All you offer are cheap dismissals. So far no one has offered any explanation for the sezied videos.
Including you.
Uh, no Tom. I saying the tapes and every scrap of evidence was seized because it was feared they might reveal the fact that whatever it was that flew into the pentagon wasn't flight 77. Got it?
So you've drawn a conclusion. Then assemblied "evidence" to support your conclusion. I get it.
You're free to do it. I am free to remain skeptical of the government's version of events AND your ilk's as well.
The real TRUTH is, nobody will ever come to a consensus as to what THE TRUTH is. There is not one fucking event in the course of human history in which that has occurred.
The government doesn't give a flying fuck if I believe them or not. You and other "truthers" seem to get all upset over the fact and start spewing bullshit. Here's the deal, "bro", even if you protest, bombard every fucking message board that exists with it the only two things for certain are:
1. The real story will never be told until long after we're dead - if ever.
2. Nobody will ever pat you on your back for your "brilliance".
Go take a gander at the "success" Michael Ruppert has had since his journey into "truth" began. What exactly, has that accomplished on a macro scale ? Absolutely nothing.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:33 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well, Tom, it sounds very much like a complete surrender on your part. You admit that there are glaring inconsistencies in the official story, yet you have no interest in considering them...because you feel it's useless? Because the government won't release those seized videos
no matter what. And to raise awareness of the issues is completely unproductive? And...because the government has stonewalled it this far...we might as well give up?
Tom In VA wrote:
The real TRUTH is, nobody will ever come to a consensus as to what THE TRUTH is. There is not one fucking event in the course of human history in which that has occurred.
The government doesn't give a flying fuck if I believe them or not. You and other "truthers" seem to get all upset over the fact and start spewing bullshit. Here's the deal, "bro", even if you protest, bombard every fucking message board that exists with it the only two things for certain are:
1. The real story will never be told until long after we're dead - if ever.
2. Nobody will ever pat you on your back for your "brilliance".
Go take a gander at the "success" Michael Ruppert has had since his journey into "truth" began. What exactly, has that accomplished on a macro scale ? Absolutely nothing.
This is the most childish nonsense I think I've ever seen on this palsied forum. There are of course all sorts of events in history which were previously clouded in doubt and controversy and which became clarified. Darwin, for example, used to be "controversial." Not anymore. Not outside the folds of some revivalist's tent, anyways. There were similar doubts as to whether the earth circled the sun or vice versa. Not anymore. There were questions as to the death of Rasputin. Not anymore. And the list goes on and on and on. All sorts of important issues and pivotal points in history have been clarified. And not by some mealy surrender--as you are proposing.
How dare you act as though you've got an opinion on
anything if you're so willing to cower and fold in the face of plain evidence which disputes a given version of events?
As far as looking to be "patted on the back for brilliance," are you kidding? Have you been sniffing glue? Where do any of your statements actually connect with reality?
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:55 pm
by Tom In VA
Not really. Just working within the capacity in which I have influence.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:35 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Are you on a bender or something? You're sitting in Virginia (the state of my birth, btw) and pouting like a poopy little kid feeling sorry for yourself because the big bad government won't stop stonewalling outrageous acts of criminality.'s outside the capacity in which you have influence. And since you feel so helpless in even questioning the official version of events, you also feel perfectly okay with attacking anyone else who does!
I've simply pointed out a variety of important questions that are at odds with the 9/11 Commission's final report. And...thus I'm a "truther"? A hack?
Well, why don't you try addressing some of these questions before acting like a scared little rabbit? Oh, that's right, they're beyond the capacity in which you have influence.
I'd like to expect more from you, frankly.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:59 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Are you on a bender or something? You're sitting in Virginia (the state of my birth, btw) and pouting like a poopy little kid feeling sorry for yourself because the big bad government won't stop stonewalling outrageous acts of criminality.'s outside the capacity in which you have influence. And since you feel so helpless is even questioning the official version of events, you also feel perfectly okay with attacking anyone else who does!
I've simply pointed out a variety of important questions that are at odds with the 9/11 Commission's final report. And...thus I'm a "truther"? A hack?
Well, why don't you try addressing some of these questions before acting like a scared little rabbit? Oh, that's right, they're beyond the capacity in which you have influence.
I'd like to expect more from you, frankly.
It's better to live on your feet than to die on your knees. I know.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:58 am
by jiminphilly
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:59 am
by KC Scott
It was all planted there or it's just photoshop
Sam & Nick
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:11 am
by Tom In VA
mvscal wrote:You first. Starting with the fact that Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
I don't think among reasonable people that is disputable.
What is curious, is why the government feels compelled to obfuscate certain things, and not release tapes.
Many would appear to question technical detail. To be honest, my hunch is that the plane was most definitely locked on target - i.e. The Pentagon, and that it was helped down. I "feel" the same way about Flight 93 over PA.
Lunatics like LTS aside, there are some folks in the respectable fields with respectable resumes that have respectable questions. It makes for interesting reading if you have time to kill.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:15 am
by KC Scott
That's plausible Tom - But if it were the true, what would it accomplish if it did come to light?
If W made a decision (or more likely Cheyney) to take those planes down to save more lives, then they made the right decision.
For them to cover it up would be hugely pussified.
But if true, that would also kill the "Let's Roll" story and would you really want to do that?
Why do you hate America?
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:23 am
by Tom In VA
KC Scott wrote:That's plausible Tom - But if it were the true, what would it accomplish if it did come to light?
Exactly. What would it accomplish ?
At one site, I listened to a guy call NTSB asking questions about a report. The dude on the other end of the phone tried to "pass the buck" the only problem with that is, his name was on the report.
I don't know where that site is now, I'd have to rediscover it.
Look at it this way. We have lawyers who argue and disseminate the law on a daily basis. What this in the Constitution means, what that means. We have folks trying to discover "evidence" about what really happened to JFK. We have military units arguing over which unit actually stumbled upon and liberated which concentration camp. Military records, even today, are so fucked up guys actually in combat aren't properly creditted with it.
Does the government cover up shit ? Yes. But a vast majority of discrepency and bad information in reports are due to incompetent systems, "yes men", and human error. BAD DATA.
Which is one reason why many of us are opposed to government run healthcare :)
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 8:26 am
by LTS TRN 2
The photos do not show the result of a 757 at all. The same shot of the small fuselage part is shown twice, and the main chunk was quickly covered with tarps and hauled away without any photos. Only one rotor was discovered, and in fact nothing has been reported about the black box or anything it may have contained. As usual, Avi is rolling out his best bullshit. And of course no answer at all as to why all the tapes and videos were seized and sealed. No suggestions as to how a complete novice pilot--never having flown a plane before in his life--was able to fly several hundred miles below radar level and still end up right on target, flying like an expert. Nothing.
The order still stands. And the order was for the New Pearl Harbor. Deal with it :doh:
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:23 pm
by Moby Dick
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
The order still stands. And the order was for the New Pearl Harbor. Deal with it :doh:

Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:22 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:The photos do not show the result of a 757 at all. The same shot of the small fuselage part is shown twice...
You some sort of forensic expert on airliner wreckage, you dumb fukk?
You asked for picks of plane wreckage. Mvscal provided picks that sure as hell look like large plane wreckage.
I saw what was undoubtedly a chunk of plane skin.
Big plane or small?
Don't know. They pretty much all turn into small planes after you run them into reinforced concrete at a few hundred miles an hour.
There was also something that looked a hell of a lot like a landing gear strut from a big plane and a rotor off a decent sized engine.
Last I checked, missles don't have landing struts.
Nice job gang raping yourself yet again, turd.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:37 pm
by jiminphilly
smackaholic wrote:LTS TRN 2 wrote:The photos do not show the result of a 757 at all. The same shot of the small fuselage part is shown twice...
You some sort of forensic expert on airliner wreckage, you dumb fukk?
I don't even think he looked that closely at the photos. Check out piece of the plane against the building to the left of the FBI agent centered in the photo. What letter of the alphabet does that appear to be? Could it be the letter C ?? Gee I wonder what part of the plane that might be from?

Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:57 pm
by LTS TRN 2
There's a lot of speculation--witnesses--that the object striking the pentagon was a smaller commuter size jet. Obviously it would be prepared with decals, etc. The paltry amount of debris, however, rules out a full-sized 757 entirely. The fact that the videos were seized implies that the actual plane was one the authorities really didn't want identified. The fact that there was only one rotor suggests indeed a smaller jet.
Explain the videos being impounded.
Explain the novice--first flight!--pilot flying like a seasoned pro.
Until then, New Pearl Harbor Day is September 11th. Deal with it.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:34 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, Sam, but the photos of this bi-plane haven't been seized and sealed. Therefore, it wasn't the plane. Carry on.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:40 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Obviously it would be prepared with decals

Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:03 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sorry, Tom, but you've got to bring a little more than that. I mean, what's the point of posting a nothing retort like that? Really. It's not funny, witty, or in any way connected to the basic issue.
The bigger picture someone like you should be concerned with is the fact of a fifth column of insanity--the evangelical Christers--having effectively hijacked the debris of the GOP. Sure, you can start by recalling Reagan wistfully wondering if if we're not "in the Last Days," and then jump up to the Chimp's prayer meetings--and now you're picturing pastor Ted Haggard getting plowed by a burly masseuse as the meth kicks in. Now jump up to screaming adults with guns throwing childish temper tantrums at town hall meetings.
The mission of a New Pearl Harbor has already been accomplished. You've got no answers to the glaring holes in the official story and have shown no interest in examining them. Quite the contrary, you're holding your hands over your ears and anxiously posting little empty snipes and carps. Okay, you're done with the topic. You've accepted the Cheney line. Now it's time to look at the present.
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:54 pm
by Cosmo Kramer
Rumor has it that a group of disgruntled Sasquatches broke into are 51 and hijacked one of the spaceships and rammed it into the Pentagon by order of Elvis to avenge all of the shit music that is crapped out!
Re: Flight 77
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:19 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well those tapes are a fucking joke and you know it.
Start with the first, which should be the best. Obviously a portion has been clipped--you know, where the plane is actually in the frame!! It's obviously been manipulated to conveniently not show the jet. Thank's Dick!
The second one actually shows a jet--but it sure enough looks seriously short of 757 length, but is also just clipped enough so not even the very best efforts, apparently, can get a clear freeze frame on the jet.
The third and forth are pathetic in terms of the question at hand. They do not--and cannot--begin to offer any clue as to whatever attacked the pentagon.
Guess what? There are a bevy of far more detailed tapes, none of which of course are included in your lame do what? To Don't Stop Believing? Or to avoid what it would mean if I'm right? :wink: