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Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:58 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:47 pm
by Tom In VA
Damn, brother needs to hang out with the skater dude posted a few weeks back and learn a thing or two.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:18 pm
by Tom In VA
He wasn't prepared. Sucker punched and Christ his bookbag was stuck on his right arm for the majority of the beating.

I dont know if he'll wind up a trenchcoat mafia kid there Sudden "Van Jones" Sam. But I'm pretty sure the next time he's on a bus he'll ditch the book bag from his shoulder - put it on the floor or hold it on his lap - such that it is ready to be used as a shield or a weapon.

Of course, the fucking libs have even taken away our children's only defense in a situation like that -

The aluminum, metal Evil Knieval Lunchbox. Had he had that, books, and such in his book bag and was situationally aware enough to use it - he could have walked out of there, opened that fucker up and eaten his PB&J.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:54 pm
by JMak
[quote="Tom In VA"]I dont know if he'll wind up a trenchcoat mafia kid there Sudden "Van Jones" Sam. quote]

:lol: RACK!

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:29 pm
by Moby Dick
i gotta say...that kid was fucked either way. i saw one other white kid and maybe a mixed/messican kid.

if he HAD fought back..and say he started to win (doubtful) the others would have most undoubtedly jumped him from behind.

me personally? i'd have a helluva vendetta on that piece of shit when he got out of where ever he'll end up after the assault.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:39 pm
by Katy
Apparently now the police chief is backpedaling and claiming he no longer feels the attacks was "racially motivated." Had it been a group of white children and the victim had been a black child, this would be a hate crime. Al Sharpton would be all over the news talking about it. :meds:

Why in the fuck did the bus driver do nothing?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:48 pm
by Bizzarofelice
I'd like to thank the young cracker in that video. He took one for the entire race.

Now we can go ahead and throw that unsocialized monster into the prison system where he can hang out with his people and keep it real and represent and never bother another decent person for the rest of his life.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:59 pm
by Tom In VA
Katy wrote:this would be a hate crime
As opposed to a "We Really Like You Crime", of course.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:02 pm
by Lillian Vernon
Papa Willie wrote:Or - we could just blow his fucking head off without a trial. :D
Whoever's idea it was not to send these primates back to Africa is the one who should be shot.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:05 pm
by Katy
Tom In VA wrote:
Katy wrote:this would be a hate crime
As opposed to a "We Really Like You Crime", of course.
This is just another case of reverse racism. Nothing to see here. :meds:

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:13 pm
by Tom In VA
Katy wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Katy wrote:this would be a hate crime
As opposed to a "We Really Like You Crime", of course.
This is just another case of reverse racism. Nothing to see here. :meds:
First, there is no such thing as "reverse racism", one either manifests racism or one does not.

Was it racially motivated ? I don't know. Maybe the two thugs just happened to be black. There were also blacks trying to contain the two thugs when they had the chance. There were non black folks fanning the flames.

I've been witness to, involved in a number of similar situations throughout my life and the behavior I saw in the video parrallels the behavior I witnessed regardless of the ethnicities involved. It's the "Pack Mentality".

Shit, you can see it on boards.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:25 pm
by Katy
I know there's no such term as "reverse racism," however, you see cases like this and you know damn well had this been a black child beaten for no apparent reason, this would've been branded a hate crime.

My opinion of the video is that it is racial. The adult in this situation chose not to act possibly out of fear or maybe from lack of caring. I don't know. I can only speculate at this point.

From the video, it appears, the black child wanted the white child to sit with him. Immediately one of the black children shouted "beat his ass" and the black child sitting next to him did.

This beating was brutal and uncalled for. There was no justification for it.

My point is, and still is, stories like this often more times than not get buried. When it's a white on black crime, it's immediately thrust into the spotlight and whites are branded hateful racists. When it's black on white crime, the media doesn't care.

I'm personally tired of having my race be branded racists when there are racists of every color. Sayen.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:27 pm
by Q, West Coast Style ... guest.html

Rush blames Obama.

Funny how Rush has blamed liberals for interjecting race into issues and yet a video of black kids beating on a white kid surfaces and Rush's knee-jerk reaction is to bring up Obama. What does this have to do with Obama, OTHER than the fact that he too is black (or half black)?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:31 pm
by Katy
Q, West Coast Style wrote: ... guest.html

Rush blames Obama.

Funny how Rush has blamed liberals for interjecting race into issues and yet a video of black kids beating on a white kid surfaces and Rush's knee-jerk reaction is to bring up Obama. What does this have to do with Obama, OTHER than the fact that he too is black (or half black)?

Rush is a bit over the top at times. I am a conservative and I don't see how Obama had a damned thing to do with this. I blame the adults and parents for garbage like this.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 10:38 pm
by Van
Not getting the "Van Jones" reference.

Someone 'splain it to me, please?

I know who Sam Jones is, but, ummm, that's about it there for me.


Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:49 pm
by Tom In VA
Katy wrote:I'm personally tired of having my race be branded racists when there are racists of every color.
I'm with you. But get used to it, it's really only beginning.


Big deal was made over this. Personally, although a bit condescending in tone, I don't understand what he said that was wrong. I know he omitted a lot of things about "other races", but nevertheless.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:57 am
by Van
Tom, watching that Van Jones guy, hell, you know what my first thought was?

'Umm, white kids are just more ambitious when they go insane?'

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:11 am
by War Wagon
Q, West Coast Style wrote: ... guest.html

Rush blames Obama.

Funny how Rush has blamed liberals for interjecting race into issues and yet a video of black kids beating on a white kid surfaces and Rush's knee-jerk reaction is to bring up Obama. What does this have to do with Obama, OTHER than the fact that he too is black (or half black)?
Ok, I get the whole "I'm just keeping up surveillance on the enemy" angle. I do the same thing occasionally with Olberman and it's why I subscribe to Time magazine.

But why the lefts obessesion with Rush, Beck, Hannity, etc? To the point of posting links that nobody cares about?

I watch or listen to them about as much as Rachel Maddow and her little smirky, pugnacious smile that makes me want to see an enraged cock get rammed down her throat John Holmes style.

Feeling insecure much?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:28 am
by titlover
what kind of parents let their kid grow up in a neighborhood like that? the minute i find out my white kid will be the only whitey on a bus full of gorillas, i'm fukken moving,.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:38 am
by Moby Dick
titlover wrote:what kind of parents let their kid grow up in a neighborhood like that? the minute i find out my white kid will be the only whitey on a bus full of gorillas, i'm fukken moving,.

or at least take bananas in the morning.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:53 am
by indyfrisco
Papa Willie wrote:Or - we could just blow his fucking head off without a trial. :D
I was thinking of m2-art in a tree would be fitting.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:27 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote:
Q, West Coast Style wrote: ... guest.html

Rush blames Obama.

Funny how Rush has blamed liberals for interjecting race into issues and yet a video of black kids beating on a white kid surfaces and Rush's knee-jerk reaction is to bring up Obama. What does this have to do with Obama, OTHER than the fact that he too is black (or half black)?
Ok, I get the whole "I'm just keeping up surveillance on the enemy" angle. I do the same thing occasionally with Olberman and it's why I subscribe to Time magazine.

But why the lefts obessesion with Rush, Beck, Hannity, etc? To the point of posting links that nobody cares about?

I watch or listen to them about as much as Rachel Maddow and her little smirky, pugnacious smile that makes me want to see an enraged cock get rammed down her throat John Holmes style.

Feeling insecure much?

Are you using that Mizzou degree to artfully craft a scarecrow argument, or are you just a dumbass?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:33 am
by Go Coogs'
Bizzarofelice wrote:or are you just a dumbass?
Does this even need to be asked?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:36 am
by War Wagon
The Mizzou degree i don't have is worth more than the degree you say you do have.

You went to college for... what?

Just to say you did, apparently.

I hope your parents are proud.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:36 am
by Van
Rumps, why the bizarre apostrophe in your nic? Exactly what were you going for with that, anyway? Is it an homage to m2 or something?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:44 am
by Go Coogs'
I felt it was necessary since it's sort of an abbreviation of the name 'Courgars'.

Coogs, IMO, applies to the same rule when someone abbreviates a year from 1982 to '82. Except, the Coogs' abbreviation is on the back end of the word.

Does this make any sense or did I just back myself into a corner?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:48 am
by War Wagon
Go Coogs' wrote: Does this make any sense or did I just back myself into a corner?
You did that about 2 years ago and more recently, two posts ago.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:51 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote:You went to college for... what?
Communications and Accounting. And I've been in Accounting since college. Ouch... what was that point you were making again?

Two completely failed points in one thread, Wags. I may retire the side if you step up to the plate and try to respond.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:56 am
by Go Coogs'
Okay then.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:02 am
by Go Coogs'
So what now?

Should I post some pics of my wife?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:13 am
by War Wagon
Bizzarofelice wrote:
War Wagon wrote:You went to college for... what?
Communications and Accounting. And I've been in Accounting since college. Ouch... what was that point you were making again?

Two completely failed points in one thread, Wags. I may retire the side if you step up to the plate and try to respond.
Try to respond?

Somebody is quite full of themselve.

So, you're a leftist leaning bean counter who tries to come across as a counter culture advocate, all the while stepping and fetching to your spreadsheet master who demands you make the numbers look good at the end of the month.... even if that means lying thru your teeth, aka creative accounting. Twats like you work for AIG and expect bonuses from taxpayers.

Accountants = one step above lawyers, but not by much.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:48 am
by Van
Go Coogs' wrote:I felt it was necessary since it's sort of an abbreviation of the name 'Courgars'.

Coogs, IMO, applies to the same rule when someone abbreviates a year from 1982 to '82. Except, the Coogs' abbreviation is on the back end of the word.

Does this make any sense or did I just back myself into a corner?
'Coogs' simply means the plural of the abbreviated nic for cougar.

So, 'Go Coogs' is what you're shooting for there.

Adding the apostophe before the word, as in '80s, or go get 'em, that's something you do when you're shortening the word from the front. That's not the case with Coogs, since it's short for cougar.

Adding the apostrophe the way you did it means you're referring to something possessed by the Coogs, which, in the absence of any said possessive, makes absolutely no fucking sense at all.

The Coogs'...what? Something would have to follow there, to identify what is being possessed by the Coogs.

The way you'd use an apostrophe there, following 'Coogs', would be in an example like this...

The captain of the Coogs' cheerleading squad has rampant syphilis.

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:12 pm
by indyfrisco
Van wrote:Adding the apostrophe the way you did it means you're referring to something possessed by the Coogs, which, in the absence of any said possessive, makes absolutely no fucking sense at all.
They didn't get the nickname Cougar High for football alone....

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:25 pm
by General Peters
Maybe this is what OCommieGroid meant by "bringing everyone together." :meds:

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:17 pm
by Dinsdale
Van wrote:The way you'd use an apostrophe there, following 'Coogs', would be in an example like this...

Awesome... totally awesome.

OK, I get using the single quotation marks, which is acceptable as a stylistic thing. But in a post in which you lecture someone on proper use of punctuation, you go and put the comma on the wrong side of the quotation marks, which is NEVER acceptable in American English?


Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:42 pm
by Van
It is acceptable when using 'air quotes' - as opposed to single quotation quotes within double quotes, where yes, the commas must go inside the quotes - and it's also acceptable in formal British English, which I sometimes stylistically favor over American English.

Sorry if you don't dig the style. Go eat a dick.


Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:14 pm
by Tom In VA

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:11 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:it's also acceptable in formal British English, which I sometimes stylistically favor over American English.
But not enough to stylistically favour it?

Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:36 pm
by Van
Well, I do sometimes prefer grey to gray, but you'll never catch me adding a 'u' to certain words, just to Limey/Canadian 'em up.

I'm no Pikkkle!


Re: Apes on School Bus attack human

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:02 am
by Bizzarofelice
War Wagon wrote: So, you're a leftist leaning bean counter who tries to come across as a counter culture advocate, all the while stepping and fetching to your spreadsheet master who demands you make the numbers look good at the end of the month.... even if that means lying thru your teeth, aka creative accounting. Twats like you work for AIG and expect bonuses from taxpayers.

Accountants = one step above lawyers, but not by much.
YEAH!!! And... and... what's with Chunky? That’s what kids want in their candy. Fruit.