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Lessons From Week 4

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 7:55 pm
The Chargers are a downright FRAUD!
...memo to your HOMER-ASS radio broadcasters, fuck me what a couple of fucking tools.

The Rams and Raiders are right back where they always were in LA....let's see how long the support lasts in STL.
OAK, they're just a dumb mob and love getting drunk and playing Halloween. THIS is what LA would not support tards! :hfal:

OAK and STL, KC are ATMs

Cutler did not make Denver (no surprise) and any team with half a testicle can win The AFC West.

Peyton Manning has apparently made more "Fragile, Handle With Care" necklaces and got one to Tom "Princess" Brady.

.....and Baltimore can still lose a game in the name of QB protection just like with Indy....and fuck me Clayton!
No, it isn't BAL fault you suck and it does not justify shitty calls.

Best Monday Night Football crew in some time. Nothing against the previous but these guys are a solid crew. Jaws is beast mode man.
Fuck what a great way to watch a game.

Re: Lessons From Week 4

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:26 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
PISC wrote:.....and Baltimore can still lose a game in the name of QB protection just like with Indy....

Ah... yes. The battle cry of losers everywhere. Please... continue.

Re: Lessons From Week 4

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:39 am
by poptart
PISC wrote:The Rams and Raiders are right back where they always were in LA....let's see how long the support lasts in STL.
OAK, they're just a dumb mob and love getting drunk and playing Halloween. THIS is what LA would not support tards!
The Raiders played in LA for 13 years and they went to the playoffs 7 times.
They won a Super Bowl while in LA.

LA fans wouldn't support well because LA fans are dogshit.

Re: Lessons From Week 4

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:38 pm
by Go Coogs'
The Monday night crew is really good, except for the Gruden's obsession with Brett Favre. All the old footage and Favre completing deep passes in practice was a little rediculous. For a minute there I thought Gruden was going to show footage of Favre giving Chuckie a Cleveland Steamer and giving a play-by-play. "This is Brett Favre and I back at Green Bay when I was a receivers coach. Brett is shitting on my chest. What a great guy!"