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(!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:19 am
by Dan Vogel
My son Tony's school has always had a Halloween festival in October. Last year I guess there was pressure from parents that had the school decide it was best if they change the name of the festival from Halloween Festival to Fall Festival. Just myself I didn't think it was necessary to change the name. Halloween has always been one of the really fun days of the year.

But now the school has been pressured to take it even further. We received a notice from the school that the Festival is on Friday the 30th. And they have told us that no "religous" costumes will be allowed starting this year. They then listed what costumes children are not permitted to wear.

Religous figures

I don't get it. What harm is it if a child comes to a fun festival day in a ghost costume? Who is hurt by that? It's just fun. Who cares?

What does anyone think about this?

I have a miserable life and wish I were dead!

Re: School Festival (!)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:50 pm
by Van
What would a God costume look like anyway?

I guess it'd either be...




:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:54 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Fucking hell, Van. People post at work you know.

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:58 pm
by Diogenes
Now I remember why I use Firefox.

BTW, does 'religious figures' outlaw Obama masks?

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:58 pm
by Van
If I coulda added the (!) I woulda.

Figured one of you guys would be on the ball and add it, and there you are. Good job, Mgo!

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:07 pm
by Diogenes
Dan Vogel wrote: They then listed what costumes children are not permitted to wear.

Religous figures
I guess these two are out...


Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:25 am
by Dan Vogel
Don't ever post in a thread of mine again Van. I can't believe you had the gall to post that and your actions could legally be considered a criminal act. You do know that don't you? There are internet harassment laws. This thread has been forwarded and I hope you have a happy holiday seasn Van. I doubt you will . A big surprise is in store for you. Sad life.

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:59 pm
by smackaholic
there's laws about folks breaking down your door and sodomizing your entire family as well, dan. but it looks like mvscal is still walking around a free man.

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:06 pm
by Van

"...breakin' the laaaaaw, breakin' the laaaaaw..."


Re: School Festival (!)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:21 pm
by Mikey
Van wrote:What would a God costume look like anyway?
That's easy...


Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:45 pm
by Tom In VA

According to that all religion is based off the same pagan sun worship, so in effect, it's all the same stuff. No need to be offended.

The most politically correct costume ever would be.

The Grim Reaper. Death just doesn't really give a flying fuck who you are, how much money you make, what race you are blah blah blah .. Equal Opportunity is his motto.


Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:46 pm
by Van
Tom, nobody would have the temerity anymore to go dressed as Raider Fan.

Re: (!)School Festival(!)

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:47 pm
by Tom In VA
Van wrote:Tom, nobody would have the temerity anymore to go dressed as Raider Fan.

At this point, I MIGHT AS WELL, friggen Redskins :evil: