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I want....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:26 pm
by WolverineSteve
Colorado to play North Texas on a thursday night. That way I can start a CU/NT in game thread. :hfal:

Re: I want....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:34 pm
by King Crimson
WolverineSteve wrote:Colorado to play North Texas on a thursday night. That way I can start a CU/NT in game thread. :hfal:
i think it was Barnett's last year and NT traveled to Boulder and there was some joking about just putting CU and NT on the scoreboard, above each team's respective score. it was also timely since CU's former president (a woman) had attempted to defend the use of the "C" word in some context related to the "scandal" that surrounded the the last couple-three Barnett years. I don't remember the situation....but those were halcyon days to be on CU's campus (along with the Ward Churchill situation). there were FOX and CNN vans on campus everyday for one reason or another. and helicopters. great PR for the University.

Re: I want....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:49 pm
by L45B
WolverineSteve wrote:Colorado to play North Texas on a thursday night. That way I can start a CU/NT in game thread.
How childish.

A coveted home & home series between South Carolina and Oregon State