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Alex Rodriguez- true Yankee?

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:42 pm
by Yer a Fuckin Jerkoff
While New York wouldn't have won the WS without him due to his reg. season and clutch as tits performances in the playoffs and World Series, I just get this feeling that going into next year, he may have a little chip on his shoulder.

What do you think the general perception is now? If you factor in Matsui being the MVP plus so much attention given to "The Core Four" afterwards as opposed to "A-Rod gets his first ring!" I just think there's still a separation there. Clearly the pressure will be off from now on, and he'll be looser and can focus on catching Baroid, but I am not sure the Yankee fans have really accepted him as a true Yankee even now. As mentally fragile as he is, you know that not getting as much attention as some others after this big win has to be fucking with his dome a little.

Re: Alex Rodriguez- true Yankee?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:49 pm
by MuchoBulls
I don't think he is mentally fragile anymore. He proved that during the postseason. Whatever Kate Hudson is doing for him I hope she keeps it up.