mvscal, please...
Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:44 am
Let Lil post here. She's got game and is an asset to the trolls.
Pretty, please, don't mess with her anymore!
Pretty, please, don't mess with her anymore!
Link, you dish pan hand cock flossing hauswhore?trev wrote:She's got game
trev wrote:Let Lil post here. She's got game and is an asset to the trolls.
Pretty, please, don't mess with her anymore!
Diogenes wrote:I thought this was going to be an Ebonics thread.
This ^^^^ should be recited repeatedly to all long-term patients in a coma ward. They'd either expire out of sheer boredom, thus saving the family untold thousands in long-term care, or spring suddenly to consciousness pleading with the reader to stop.LTS TRN 2 wrote:Sure, M-fake, prop ZioDog for nothing--as usual missing or ignoring the real thread--you no-take total fraud.
Let's consider a bit more just where Col. Nathan Jessup would be right about now having disgraced his honor, his country, and his corp....having committed murder in a state of accumulated demented cold-war paranoia, convicted properly and sentenced to prison. he's out, and like Avi living in a trailer, seething and drinking, seething and drinking...mouthing off like a bitter little prick...and spouting bigotry and hate and twisted spleen ad nauseam...constantly spitting the butt-ends of wasted years and layered lies...
And Col. Jessup, just like Avi...cannot bring himself to feel gratitude for the Japanese people who subsidize his life by propping up America's colossal debt every month--just like some sugar daddy paying your rent--and as he reaches for his Skoal and bourbon, his bucket of KFC and his porn mag, he has no clue that this basic sustenance is provided not by Japan's largess, but by having its arm twisted hard and being forced to buy those worthless T-bills...and like the tired, misplaced, confused and completely wasted Col. Jessup, Avi knows nothing...just a bitter little punk pissing in the cold wind....
For the record, I'm 100% in favor of mvscal deleting every single one of your boring, drawn out, witless and redundant grunt stains that you proudly call "posts."LTS TRN 2 wrote:Sure, M-fake, prop ZioDog for nothing--as usual missing or ignoring the real thread--you no-take total fraud.
Let's consider a bit more just where Col. Nathan Jessup would be right about now having disgraced his honor, his country, and his corp....having committed murder in a state of accumulated demented cold-war paranoia, convicted properly and sentenced to prison. he's out, and like Avi living in a trailer, seething and drinking, seething and drinking...mouthing off like a bitter little prick...and spouting bigotry and hate and twisted spleen ad nauseam...constantly spitting the butt-ends of wasted years and layered lies...
And Col. Jessup, just like Avi...cannot bring himself to feel gratitude for the Japanese people who subsidize his life by propping up America's colossal debt every month--just like some sugar daddy paying your rent--and as he reaches for his Skoal and bourbon, his bucket of KFC and his porn mag, he has no clue that this basic sustenance is provided not by Japan's largess, but by having its arm twisted hard and being forced to buy those worthless T-bills...and like the tired, misplaced, confused and completely wasted Col. Jessup, Avi knows nothing...just a bitter little punk pissing in the cold wind....
Mace wrote:Rack mvscal....first for his decision regarding lv and secondly for his Nickelson reset. Funny.
H4ever wrote:How'd I do, Mvscal?
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:H4ever wrote:How'd I do, Mvscal?
I am sure the waitstaff at Ruby Tuesday's is shitting their collective pants.
About time he posted something funny.mvscal wrote:Sweetheart, we post on a board that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with mod powers. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Katy? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Lillian Vernon and curse the Moderators; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Vernon's death, while not very tragic, probably saved us thousands of shit posts and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves bandwidth.
You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use them as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a housewife who rises and posts under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest that you pick up a forum and delete a post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
Mace wrote:It's FRY, not Frye, you Nebraska cow fuckin' mongoloid.H4ever wrote:Mace wrote:Rack mvscal....first for his decision regarding lv and secondly for his Nickelson reset. Funny.
If ya know the might want to get the spelling right. It's Nicholson u gameless, shit-drooling fucktard. Col. Nathan R. Jessup wants to order a code red and put a boot in your ass along with the rest of us.Of course, I would expect nothing less from an Iowa fan who has one decent year in the last 30. go rub one out to your Hayden Frye poster you sloped foreheaded, knuckle-dragging lifetime member of the Corky For President Fan club.
How'd I do, Mvscal?
Mace wrote:Hopefully so, husker, and maybe your underachieving Huskers will someday realize that turnovers are a pastry and not something you do against Iowa State. :)H4ever wrote:Yeah.....Nicholson, Fry.....what's the difference. Both one and the same when it comes to notoriety. Especially in Iowa since you backwoods fucks got them fancy motion picture thingys only last decade sometime and came to know the actor Jack Nicholson. I bet you all will be trading in your Commodore "63's" and Intellivisions for new computers and PS3's sometime this century.