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Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 7:33 am
by Katy
My 5 year old is having oral surgery in a few hours (7:30 AM EST) and I can't sleep! It's nothing major, just your standard stuff...but makes me nervous nonetheless.
Anyway, I'm kind of stressed right now. I love the hell out of having a place I can talk more on a level with people without fear of being told to shut the fuck up.
Anyone up?
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:00 am
by Ken
I can relate, Katy. The worst part is feeling terrible for the child. All you can do is be there for them and comfort them.
I remember when my, then 6 yr. old daughter was attacked by a dog and had to be rushed to the hospital via ambulance. She had multiple wounds on her face. Worst experience of my life, perhaps. When she went in for her multiple stitches, I worried so much about her and what she was feeling inside.
What made me feel all the better was that she handled it like an absolute champ. Never cried. As a matter of fact, smiled and asked questions out of curiosity after her face was numbed for the stitches. Commented on how her face ‘tickled’.
Anyways, all will be well, Katy. You know that. Time heals.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:05 am
by Katy
Thanks, Ken.
I'm sorry you and your little one went through such an ordeal.
I have been through countless surgeries with my youngest. No matter how many times we go through it, it's still gut wrenching.
He is a champ. He's never scared, nervous, and he always handles these things like a pro. Now if his 34 year old mother can only get it together, all will be well. :D
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:22 pm
by Doug near DC
I'm 48, and I just had my first surgery 13 days ago. It was minor, out patient surgery but I was really nervous going in.
However, it was one of the best things I have done recently. My pain is almost completely gone, and I have had pain for a year.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:56 pm
by Wolfman
My oldest daughter had a short hospital stay as an infant. In those days the nurses wore all white. Later when she visited my mother who was wearing a white outfit, she was afraid of her. Since then people have wised up and wear multi-colored stuff, even around adults.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:04 pm
by jiminphilly
Katy wrote:My 5 year old is having oral surgery in a few hours (7:30 AM EST) and I can't sleep! It's nothing major, just your standard stuff...but makes me nervous nonetheless.
Anyway, I'm kind of stressed right now. I love the hell out of having a place I can talk more on a level with people without fear of being told to shut the fuck up.
Anyone up?
How did it go?
A month or so ago my 4 year old daughter took a nasty spill in our home and lost her 2 front teeth. Luckily no surgery was involved as they were able to use use the local stuff and pull the two teeth out. For now she kinda looks like a Bobby Clarke but we're looking into getting her some temporary replacements in the front since her adult teeth won't come in for another 3-4 years and from a cosmetic standpoint I think she'll feel a little more secure.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:52 pm
by Katy
Thanks, all.
His surgery went very well. He's a trooper. He's been kind of out of it and has slept a lot since we got home. The surgery was about an hour and half long. He wasn't blessed with good, strong, baby teeth. Partly due to his ear and sinus issues. He had some crowns on baby teeth, some extractions, and some fillings. It was nothing major, but the dentist felt he would be better off having it all done at once, rather than stretching it out over a period of months.
I feel pretty safe I can share this on this board and in this forum, so here:

He's the baby of my family. The doc says he'll be back on solids by turkey day!
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:01 am
by Katy
jiminphilly wrote:Katy wrote:My 5 year old is having oral surgery in a few hours (7:30 AM EST) and I can't sleep! It's nothing major, just your standard stuff...but makes me nervous nonetheless.
Anyway, I'm kind of stressed right now. I love the hell out of having a place I can talk more on a level with people without fear of being told to shut the fuck up.
Anyone up?
How did it go?
A month or so ago my 4 year old daughter took a nasty spill in our home and lost her 2 front teeth. Luckily no surgery was involved as they were able to use use the local stuff and pull the two teeth out. For now she kinda looks like a Bobby Clarke but we're looking into getting her some temporary replacements in the front since her adult teeth won't come in for another 3-4 years and from a cosmetic standpoint I think she'll feel a little more secure.
Poor baby!! That happened to my niece. She opted for the cosmetic replacements and it was pretty pricey, but it helped with her speech. She was 3 when it happened.
They pulled his two front teeth today, too.
He's 5 and probably won't get his for another year. For the two front teeth, she may get them in 2 years.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:35 am
by jiminphilly
Katy wrote:Thanks, all.
His surgery went very well. He's a trooper. He's been kind of out of it and has slept a lot since we got home. The surgery was about an hour and half long. He wasn't blessed with good, strong, baby teeth. Partly due to his ear and sinus issues. He had some crowns on baby teeth, some extractions, and some fillings. It was nothing major, but the dentist felt he would be better off having it all done at once, rather than stretching it out over a period of months.
I feel pretty safe I can share this on this board and in this forum, so here:

He's the baby of my family. The doc says he'll be back on solids by turkey day!
Pretty happy kid considering the surgery. Glad to hear things went well.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:46 am
by Paul
Little man looks like all went well Katy...glad to see it! :D
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:29 am
by Katy
Thanks, Guys. I think I'll keep him. :D
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:19 pm
by Katy
Thanks, Sam. Much appreciated. It's just me and my 3 little ones. Has been for a really, long time. Single parenting is a tough job, but life happens. I probably worry more than I should, but they're truly all I have in this world and I couldn't imagine life without them.
I took the day off work because his oral surgeon put him off school today. He's been up running around and the facial swelling is completely gone. He's been back to eating semi solid foods. It's amazing how kids bounce back so quickly. Had I had a surgery like that, I would've been dragging and whining like a baby.
It's a good thing school is out all next week. The kids and I are doing something a little different this year. I am going to cook at my house this year and we're all going to stay in and have an early dinner, then head off to the movies on Thanksgiving night. We usually travel between families, but it's just too hard on them to run around.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:48 pm
by Smackie Chan
Katy wrote:I think I'll keep him.
I lost my permanent two front teeth when I was 10. Pretty traumatic. Will you keep me?
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:32 am
by Ken
Glad everything worked out well, Katy. Kid actually looks HAPPY afterwards!
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:32 am
by Katy
Thanks, Ken. :)
Yes, Smackie, I'll keep you. Who else is going to talk to your for 2 hours on the phone to fix radio tech issues? :P
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:34 am
by poptart
I'm glad he (and you) made it through in good shape, Katy.
Take care and have a great Thanksgiving.
Re: Case of the Nerves...
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:41 pm
by Katy
Thanks, Tart. You have a Happy Thanksgiving, too.