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Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:28 am
by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan
It's probably my biggest guilty pleasure. I record Raw and Smackdown every week. As multiple people noted in the TV thread, thank god for DVRs. I can watch either show in about 45 minutes if I'm vigilant with the remote. Not really sure why I continue to watch, since it really hasn't been very good (and yes, "good" is definitely a relative term when discussing rasslin') since The Rock went Hollywood and Stone Cold retired. I keep hoping they'll develop some decent new talent, but I'm starting to think they'll never be able to fill those guys' shoes. I think part of what I like about it is that there is no "off-season" or reruns. You get new content every week, which is probably why I can't seem to quit watching, even when the entire brand is pretty down.

I don't watch TNA, but I'm really hoping that it starts getting more popular, since it's pretty evident that Vince McMahon needs competition in order to put out a decent product on a weekly basis. I actually just recently shelled out almost $200 for a pair of lower level Wrestlemania tickets. As lame as it sounds, it's probably a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I'm actually kind of geeked about going. I'm starting to think that it might be my last hurrah with wrestling, though. Unless the quality dramatically improves between now and late March, I think I'll probably just quit watching after WM 26.

So... anyone else wanna 'fess up to being a closet WWE fan?

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 5:09 am
by Katy
Me :oops:

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 2:46 pm
by Wolfman
Used to love the old WWF shows on Saturday mornings with Macho Man, the Lovely Elizabeth, George the Animal Steele, etc.
Watched a little of the days with Mick Foley and Stone Cold. Much less since the lawsuit and name change to WWE. I'll watch it for a bit when channel surfing and actually caught a pretty intense "bout" between some black guy and some punk type guy last week. The rest is kind of dull. The new Mick Foley enterprise with Kevin Nash etc. is very boring.
My take---> the rasslin' world has seen its better days.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:57 pm
by Mr T
80s and 90s were the best days of 'rasslin

Dont ever watch this new stuff. I will watch if someone is streaming some old WCW or 80s WWF

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:44 pm
by Katy
I got into it because my 13 year old son and 5 year old son love it. :lol: I just sort of got into it.

Boy does The Undertaker look bad these days.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:24 am
by Adelpiero

at one time, it was kinda of entertaining, now that HHH took over control the operation, it's garbage. Quit watching in 99.

It is what it is, a Soap Opera for men.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:23 am
by TheJON
Nope, never have. Not even as a kid. Dislike real wrestling too.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:47 am
by KC Scott
Once MMA started getting exposure the erosion of WWF started.

Why watch acting when you could see actual competition.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:55 am
by Katy
I do watch MMA and UFC, too. Sad about Lesnar. I would have loved to see the Lesnar fans eat their words when Fedor beat the shit out of him.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:36 am
by SunCoastSooner
I did a decade ago... My fiance made me.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:47 am
by fix
Katy wrote:Me :oops:
Yup.. and their wrestling channels is my sole source of entertainment on occasional.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:07 pm
by ChargerMike
...during the 80's big time. My kid loved it, had a bunch of the action figures. Actually went to one at the forum. Hulk Hogan lived here in Northridge during that time. The Hulk and Brutus Beefcake used to work next door at Buck's gym. They would roll in on their harleys. Big dudes, almost as big as the Wolfman. Can't watch the crap they throw out there now. Looks like the same 4 guys every week. Just like most things, the good old days were much better.

OK, here ya the nic's of these 80's wrestlers....note: some nic's included, some don't have a nic.

brutus beefcake
Hulk Hogan
greg valentine
iron shiek
junk yard dog
paul orndorff
roddy piper
king kong bundy
John Studd
nikoli volkov
bob orton
rick rude
randy savage
mr. fuji
Jimmy snuka
honkytonk man
hillbilly jim

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:22 am
by Mikey
I used to watch those guys. Trying to think of some others...

The British Bulldogs
Sargeant Slaughter

In the Bay Area back in the 60s there was wrestling at the Cow Palace, and they promoted with weekly TV broadcast matches on KTVU channel 2...

Cowboy Bill Watts (good guy)
Pepper Gomez (good guy)
Red Bastien (good guy)
Ray Stevens (bad guy, good guy)
Pat Patterson (bad guy)
(Stevens and Patterson were a bad guy tag team, but Stevens eventually turned into a good guy)
Kenji Shibuya (bad guy)
The Sheik (bad guy)
Andre the Giant (bad guy until The Princess Bride)
Bearcat Wright (black, good guy)
Ernie Ladd (KC tards should know this guy)
Haystack Calhoun (good guy...600 lb white guy in overalls and bare feet)

I never watch pro wrestling any more. It's too fake now.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:30 am
by Wolfman
Just to clear up some things. Greg the Hammer Valentine--"Master of the Figure 4 Leg Lock" !! I'm not sure but wasn't Jimmy Snuka the first to go to the top rope and jump off onto guys ? Jesse "the Body" Ventura--anyone else use their WWF cred to end up as a state Governor. How did that work out Minnesota ? And who was "The Best There Is, the Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will be" ?? WWF freaks know. The writers actually wrote funny stuff back then. I'm not certain, but did Mean Gene Okerlund make contributions ? I remember one time he was talking about a quail hunting trip to South Dakota with a bunch of guys including Ted Kennedy. But he said Ted bailed out at the last minute because he found out they would have to drive across a bridge.
One of the shows had a "This Is Your Life Nikoli Volkov" complete with an old school teacher from Russia and of course an old girl friend. Goofy stuff and funny.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:41 am
by fix
Wolfman wrote:Just to clear up some things. Greg the Hammer Valentine--"Master of the Figure 4 Leg Lock" !! I'm not sure but wasn't Jimmy Snuka the first to go to the top rope and jump off onto guys ? Jesse "the Body" Ventura--anyone else use their WWF cred to end up as a state Governor. How did that work out Minnesota ? And who was "The Best There Is, the Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will be" ?? WWF freaks know. The writers actually wrote funny stuff back then. I'm not certain, but did Mean Gene Okerlund make contributions ? I remember one time he was talking about a quail hunting trip to South Dakota with a bunch of guys including Ted Kennedy. But he said Ted bailed out at the last minute because he found out they would have to drive across a bridge.
One of the shows had a "This Is Your Life Nikoli Volkov" complete with an old school teacher from Russia and of course an old girl friend. Goofy stuff and funny.
Bret 'Hitman' Hart

Linda McMahon's running for Senator in Connetticut

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:24 pm
by Wolfman
Will she put the figure four leg lock on Chris Dodd ? That might make good PPV !

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:42 pm
by ChargerMike
...I occasionally go back and watch Mean Gene interviews, priceless. Pipers Pit was another hilarious fiasco.

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:21 pm
by Katy
Is it me or does the Undertaker look like a corpse? I wonder how much longer they're going to keep he, Shawn Michaels, and Triple H title holders? It just seems like the same people are always winning the titles anymore. It's either John Cena, The Undertaker & Triple H. DX was funny and now it just seems pathetic. :lol:

I'd like to see some new and younger blood winning the titles.

BTW, who wants to see Edge & Christian back as tag team partners? I know I do. :doh:

Re: Since we're in a "green zone," do any of you guys watch WWE?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:53 pm
by SunCoastSooner
I've wrestled in the same tournament as two of Ric Flair's son's when I was a freshman in HS (South View's Pinning Pythons Invitational) and still in North Carolina but we were all in different weight classes. Ric Flair is a punk ass bitch and his son's are pooosey's. A close friend of mine to this day pinned one of his sons in the first minute of the match, Flair Man stormed onto the mat, and started to berate the kid to include racial epithets (he was black). Our coach snatched him by the back of the neck and led him off the mats and then told him if he had an issue with either the kid or him they could settle it after the tournament on the mats if he could still remember how real men wrestle.

When some of the last matches were completing and we were finishing cleaning up the competition our couch went and threw on some gear after reminding Mr. Poosey about thier little challenge. Poosey Flair disappeared while Coach C was getting ready.

That was a bad ass Freshman class for the HS and I was one of four kids who started as a freshman and came in second in the state in my weight class to a senior. The only two matches I lost all season scholastically were to him were to him and we went heads up at a number of opens where I actually was able to accumulate a 4-3 record against him overall; he just won win it counted more. I transferred the next year to back to Texas because my father was re-stationed at UT for the military and there was no wrestling at the HS I attended... closest AAU tourny's were at least a days drive away with my father's schedule teaching there was no way I would be able to make any so it ended my days as a wrestler. The HS I had attended had won two of the previous three state titles and went on to rattle off five straight more. Another school in Wilmington (Parkway I think) just broke the consecutive duels streak those teams held. Another one of the kids who started on that team as a freshman was killed on his bike while training a week after I left for Texas. the two other freshman who started went on to collect a combined 7 state individual titles and the kid who was back up went on to win two himself. The local paper did a story on our freshman class from that season on the tenth anniversary of the death of the kid who was killed while training. The year after that class graduated the Assistant HC (who had been with most of us since 6th grade as an AC or HC) took the HC job at a new HS that had been built in the district and the year after that Coach C took a job at the college level and the program was never the same after that. The assistant coach has won three state titles at his new school since then but none recently.