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An Open Letter to the Oklahoma Program

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:02 pm
by War Stoops
To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing with regard to my absolute astonishment and disbelief as to the sheer magnitude of your complete lack of talent and failure to carry out the job for which you are paid to do. I am not aware of any swear word or other derogatory phrase in my current vocabulary which comes close to a description of your 'performance' (and I use that term loosely) this season, but let me just say that you have collectively reached a level of inadequacy and ineptitude that neither I nor modern science had previously considered possible.

In fact I recall a time, in my youth, when I decided to call in sick at work and instead spent the entire day in my one bedroom apartment wearing nothing but my boxers, eating toast and jerking off furiously over second-rate Scandinavian porn. Yet somehow, I still managed to contribute more to my employer in that one tissue-filled day than you complete bunch of salad-tossers have contributed to this program in your entire time here.

I would genuinely like to know how you pathetic little pissflaps sleep at night, knowing full well that you have taken my money and that of several thousand others and delivered precisely fuck-all in return. I run a business myself, and I believe I could take any 4,000 of my customers at random; burn down their houses, impregnate their wives and then dismember their children before systematically sending them back in the mail, limb-by-limb, and still ensure a level of customer satisfaction which exceeds that which I have experienced at Owen Field at any time so far this season.

You are a total disgrace, not only to your profession, not only to the human race, but to nature itself. This may sound like an exaggeration, but believe me when I say that I have passed kidney stones which have brought me a greater level of pleasure and entertainment than watching each of you worthless excuses for football players attempt to play a game you are clearly incapable of playing, week-in, week-out.

Sincerely, OU Fan


Obviously, this is not an original work. Nor does it convey my feelings about the program. Just thought it was funny as hell.

Re: An Open Letter to the Oklahoma Program

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:49 am
by DiT
I'm just a little pissed about the lack of skill down the depth chart.
and then there's the o-line,the wr's,the te's the play calling oh fuck nevermind the whole team pisses me off.

Re: An Open Letter to the Oklahoma Program

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:55 am
by campinfool
Hmmm. Seems like the downward spiral began not long after some players were busted for getting paid for work not done. Maybe an on campus rape and some 9mm rounds will help the depth cahrt rebound in the recruiting wars.

Re: An Open Letter to the Oklahoma Program

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:45 am
by PrimeX
I loves me some OU meltdowns. :lol:

Re: An Open Letter to the Oklahoma Program

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:23 pm
by indyfrisco
Yeah, it was kind of funny, but not applicable to OU. Down year due to massive amount of injuries. Now, A&M has been pretty healthy in most years recently and have still shit the bed season after season. As much money as we have, as high a quality of facilities as we have and as much in-state talent as there is, we should NOT be this bad, this long. And for some god damned reason, every year I have high hopes only to be let down again and again. While we don't have the records or tradition of Notre Dame, I can empathize with them. There's no reason either of our programs should be in the shape they are in now. At some point, we have GOT to get out of this funk.

Re: An Open Letter to the Oklahoma Program

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:29 pm
by King Crimson
originally a UK soccer rant with OU fan subbed.

i don't like losing but this season hasn't really made me contemplate the shower rod. i was reconciled to 6-7 wins early. the Nebraska and Tech games were both pretty pathetic, however. How many times has Jones made a good throw on a critical down and distance only to have one of OU's highly touted WR's drop it...and out comes the punting team? i don't understand why Broyles is the only guy who can even catch the ball on a regular basis. OL line play is even worse than 01, which is saying something.