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Sarahs in town

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:12 pm
by Trampis
Visiting family, running in the local tg fun-run and of course signing books. ... 08281.html

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 9:56 pm
by LTS TRN 2

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:53 pm
by Dinsdale
Didn't know the Retard Factory was from TriCities, but that explains a lot -- those folks still haven't figured out that cousin fucking causes birth defects (sup Trampis' Folks).

As far as arid-shithole-nuke-dumps go, TriCities is nicer than most, I suppose. There's a pretty girl behind every tree there -- both trees.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:40 pm
by Trampis
The nice thing about our women compared to the coasties is that A) They wear less cloths in the summer due to the warmer climate and B) They shave their underarms.

Ive stayed away from the Sarah events...just not my deal. Being how this is a very conservative, republican voting area, she is being treated nicely from what i can tell. See how the local paper covers her book signing today.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:43 am
by Terry in Crapchester
She was in Rochester last weekend for a book signing. On a lark, I drove by the Borders where she was due to sign books just to get a look at the crowd.

The media reported that there were 1,000 people there. I had estimated about 300. I suppose it's possible that some were inside Borders, but definitely not 700. I suppose it's also possible that more people showed up later, since I drove by about 5 hours before she was due there.

I thought about sticking around just to ask her if she could see Russia from her backyard, but decided against it.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:56 pm
by Dinsdale
Trampis wrote:The nice thing about our women compared to the coasties is... They shave their underarms.

In order to attract better-looking, wealthier cousins?

When we want potatoes and onions, we'll give you a call. When we want thoughts on politics, women, and two distinct strands of DNA within children, we'll look to civilization.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:01 pm
by LTS TRN 2
As witnessed by some guy on the tour trail...

Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue" bus has logged thousands of miles as it crosses the country, promoting her memoir. But Palin herself has been traveling by private jet, using the bus only for brief stops and media appearances.

Last week I was in The Villages, the fantastical Back to the Future-style retirement enclave north of Orlando, when Palin popped out the front door of the bus to greet the thousand or so worshipers gathered outside Barnes & Noble. I thought she sure looked good for someone who had been riding a bus for a week, changing diapers--as she said--all the way. Publicist Andreadis, by contrast, had the worn and harried look of someone who had been earning an honest living by riding a bus for a week. [...]

What's wrong in this instance is the apparent fakery created and sustained for the sake of building pseudo-populist appeal--and selling books. Sarah Palin and HarperCollins have consciously tried to give the impression that she is doing her book tour by bus when the evidence suggests she is not. At every stop, she's been filmed getting off Big Blue looking rested and radiant. She dazzles onlookers and interviewers with her seemingly bottomless reserves of energy. And no one suspects she may secretly be hopping on and off her main means of transport, UJT750, and resting up in hotels.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:21 am
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I thought about sticking around just to ask her if she could see Russia from her backyard, but decided against it.
That was from a SNL skit, you fuckwitted douche. How does it feel to be dumber than Sarah Palin?
Considering that much of those SNL skits were taken from things she said verbatim . . .

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:30 am
by OCmike
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As witnessed by some guy on the tour trail...

Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue" bus has logged thousands of miles as it crosses the country, promoting her memoir. But Palin herself has been traveling by private jet, using the bus only for brief stops and media appearances.

Last week I was in The Villages, the fantastical Back to the Future-style retirement enclave north of Orlando, when Palin popped out the front door of the bus to greet the thousand or so worshipers gathered outside Barnes & Noble. I thought she sure looked good for someone who had been riding a bus for a week, changing diapers--as she said--all the way. Publicist Andreadis, by contrast, had the worn and harried look of someone who had been earning an honest living by riding a bus for a week. [...]

What's wrong in this instance is the apparent fakery created and sustained for the sake of building pseudo-populist appeal--and selling books. Sarah Palin and HarperCollins have consciously tried to give the impression that she is doing her book tour by bus when the evidence suggests she is not. At every stop, she's been filmed getting off Big Blue looking rested and radiant. She dazzles onlookers and interviewers with her seemingly bottomless reserves of energy. And no one suspects she may secretly be hopping on and off her main means of transport, UJT750, and resting up in hotels.
A politician is full of shit? No fucking way. :meds: The average Roman citizen 1000 thousand years ago was more aware than you. Feel free to fast-forward, faggot.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:59 pm
by Trampis
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As witnessed by some guy on the tour trail...

Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue" bus has logged thousands of miles as it crosses the country, promoting her memoir. But Palin herself has been traveling by private jet, using the bus only for brief stops and media appearances.

Last week I was in The Villages, the fantastical Back to the Future-style retirement enclave north of Orlando, when Palin popped out the front door of the bus to greet the thousand or so worshipers gathered outside Barnes & Noble. I thought she sure looked good for someone who had been riding a bus for a week, changing diapers--as she said--all the way. Publicist Andreadis, by contrast, had the worn and harried look of someone who had been earning an honest living by riding a bus for a week. [...]

What's wrong in this instance is the apparent fakery created and sustained for the sake of building pseudo-populist appeal--and selling books. Sarah Palin and HarperCollins have consciously tried to give the impression that she is doing her book tour by bus when the evidence suggests she is not. At every stop, she's been filmed getting off Big Blue looking rested and radiant. She dazzles onlookers and interviewers with her seemingly bottomless reserves of energy. And no one suspects she may secretly be hopping on and off her main means of transport, UJT750, and resting up in hotels.
Is she supposed to travel from her hotel room to the book signing event in a Kia Spectra? Having a bus to get freshened up in before the ...well basically performs for a few hours seems reasonable.
Focusing on the bus is something that only a partisan would care about. I do not think her mode of travel matters, rather the fact that she showed up in my/your town and has something to say in her book is the thing of importance.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:03 pm
by Dinsdale
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Terry in Crapchester wrote:I thought about sticking around just to ask her if she could see Russia from her backyard, but decided against it.
That was from a SNL skit, you fuckwitted douche. How does it feel to be dumber than Sarah Palin?
Considering that much of those SNL skits were taken from things she said verbatim . . .

As much as I hate the stupid fucking bitch...

I thought it was common knowledge she said "You can see Russia from Alaska."

And since an air-traffic-controller I know who works in Alaska says the same thing (or at least it's visible from a tower), I'll go with "true statement."

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:53 pm
by Smackie Chan
Dinsdale wrote:I thought it was common knowledge she said "You can see Russia from Alaska."
BIG difference between saying you can see Russia from Alaska vs. she could see Russia from her house or backyard. If you're on whatever the fuck that peninsula is where Nome is located, yeah, you can probably see Russia on a clear day. From Juneau or Wasilla? No fucking way, even from an ATC tower. SNL took comedic license with her statement of being able to see Russia from Alaska and twisted it to her house. While funny, she never said it. And I'm not a fan.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:57 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well, no, Dins, it's patently false. Look on a map. Unless you're in an airplane on a perfectly clear day, there's no way you can see anything from the Alaskan coast. She was lying through her teeth because she was caught like a shoplifter in a simple question from Charles Gibson. The idea that she represents something is frightening, since she can barely combine words into a legible sentence. She doesn't dare take a single question--even from her supporters--and she hasn't had a paid speaking gig since the Hong Kong jaw-dropping fiasco. Check out the ex-brother in-law state trooper who is finally speaking out on her malicious character assault on him. He calls the whole family "a bunch of snakes." He's still on the job, of course, her charges all having been proven false, etc.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:40 pm
by Dinsdale
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, no, Dins, it's patently false.

Damn, another "who to believe" conundrum -- someone I've known 20+ years, whose worked all over Alaska for the last 15+...

or Felcho?

Hmmm... tough call.

As a matter of fact, you complete fucking tool, there's a fucking webcam, so anyone with a fucking internet connection "can see Russia from Alaska. (Too dark to see much this time of year.)

You are a raginmg fucking dumbass.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:35 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Settle down, dins, I'm just pointing out that a person standing on the shore of Alaska cannot see more than a couple miles out--even on the three or four days a year when it's not raining sideways!

As to why Palin would have even said something so stupid is a bit scary. She was trying to suggest (without joking!) that the close proximity of the most distant part of Alaska to the most distant part of Siberia somehow counts towards her expertise in foreign affairs. This must stand as one of the greatest gaffes in American political history. And while everyone properly laughed it off--and sent her packing--it seems that she and her "supporters" are creeping back, pretending that everything's fine, and that she's still "viable" for something. Just what that is remains very unclear..sorta like the weather up there...


Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:57 pm
by Dinsdale
I'm quite certain that parts of Alaska's shores are also on bluffs several hundred feet above the water... much like oh, say... the area where Crisco lives, among plenty of others.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:59 pm
by Tom In VA
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As to why Palin would have even said something so stupid is a bit scary. She was trying to suggest (without joking!) that the close proximity of the most distant part of Alaska to the most distant part of Siberia somehow counts towards her expertise in foreign affairs.
I interpreted her comment as a phony folksy style of saying "Of course I stay abreast of current foreign affairs, in fact, I'm the Governor of a State that can actually see one our enemies".

I think her act, is an act.

Behind the scenes I'm sure she is a smart as a whip and saunters through her staff ordering people around like a field general. Informed, knowledgeable, and decisive. Wearing thigh high PVC boots of course.

That's how I picture President Palin.

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:18 am
by LTS TRN 2
Tom In VA wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As to why Palin would have even said something so stupid is a bit scary. She was trying to suggest (without joking!) that the close proximity of the most distant part of Alaska to the most distant part of Siberia somehow counts towards her expertise in foreign affairs.
I interpreted her comment as a phony folksy style of saying "Of course I stay abreast of current foreign affairs, in fact, I'm the Governor of a State that can actually see one our enemies".
Sure, except Russia isn't our enemy! We have no direct or even indirect conflicts with Russia. Quite the contrary, as non-Chinese nations with some remaining vestige of international clout, we should be more allied than ever. Certainly in the fight against terrorists, be they religious or economic ones. ... _continues

We could certainly use a good dose of this sort of justice in America right about now! :wink:

Re: Sarahs in town

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:26 pm
by smackaholic
LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:As to why Palin would have even said something so stupid is a bit scary. She was trying to suggest (without joking!) that the close proximity of the most distant part of Alaska to the most distant part of Siberia somehow counts towards her expertise in foreign affairs.
I interpreted her comment as a phony folksy style of saying "Of course I stay abreast of current foreign affairs, in fact, I'm the Governor of a State that can actually see one our enemies".
Sure, except Russia isn't our enemy! We have no direct or even indirect conflicts with Russia. Quite the contrary, as non-Chinese nations with some remaining vestige of international clout, we should be more allied than ever. Certainly in the fight against terrorists, be they religious or economic ones. ... _continues

We could certainly use a good dose of this sort of justice in America right about now! :wink:
this has got to be a first. i actually find myself agreeing with a let's turd political take.

back in the early nineties when the russkies publicly rejected communism, we were in a position to help them become good capitalists by becoming trading partners with them. instead, we continued on our path to turning honest to god real commies into an economic and military super power. Reach down and pick up the closest thing to you. Where's it from? I just did this. My wireless microsoft mouse is from china. this fukking keyboard is from china. Atleast half the shit on this desk in from china. i don't have any stolichnaya in the cabinet and no sukhois in the driveway, so i am fairly certain i own nothing made in russia.