For the first time ever on Black Friday, I actually went out and bought some gadget for the wife as an early Christmas present. She had mentioned she wanted an MP3 player or a new digital camera as our old one took a dump.
Scouring the ads yesterday, I spotted an MP4 player that's also a digital camera, marked down 70% at the local Sears factory outlet store. I'm thinking yeah right, they probably have 5 in stock and they'll be gone by 6:00 am to the fucks who camp out overnght in freezing temps waiting for just such a bargain, and then damn near trample each other to death once the doors open. Fuck that noise.
But I figured wtf, I'll go take a look this morning and see if they have one left. This store is in an industrial area on the wrong side of the tracks for most of the bitches who might be wanting this type of item, and much to my amazement...

Now if I can just figure out how to work the damn thing.