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I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:51 pm
by smackaholic
wifey has been pedaling stuff on ebay for a number of years now. Mostly coats/handbags she finds at the salvation army store or goodwill. she found a jacket a few weeks back for two fiddy (2.50, not 250.00) went for $125. Yesterday was her best sale yet. well over three bills for a $30 jacket. I'd give further details but, I know it would result in an avalanche of trolls making rude questions/false bids. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:26 pm
by smackaholic
Mace wrote:You're buying clothing donated to the Salvation Army and intended to be purchased by the poor...and selling them for huge profits on ebay? :roll:
The store's purpose is to make a profit by selling clothes to whom the fukk ever. It then turns these profits into helping the poor. What we are doing helps them and us. I also donate to the SA. After this I will probably donate a little more.

As for snatching high end stuff out from under the noses of poo folks, that's bullshit. The racks there are overflowing with all sorts of pefectly servicable clothing that won't fetch $$$$$$ on ebay due to wear, stains or not having the right name on the tag. Let those fukkers wear that stuff. Actually, my family ends up wearing much of that type of stuff. My everyday jacket for this winter is a really nice north face which has a zip out liner that's kinda beat. This keeps it from bringing good money, so I keep it for myself.

One other thing. The OL has made purchases there that didn't pan out on ebay. She then takes them back and donates them. So, SA gets over pretty well in such cases.

Unless you make sizable donations to SA, mace, I would guess that my family helps them in their noble mission more than yours does, so GFYJO!!!!!!

Now remember to drop a little folding money in the barrel of that annoying fukking retard with the bell next time you're in front of wallymart.

Rack the Army.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:28 pm
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:At least he's soaking the rich.
Haven't a clue if the buyer is rich or just a dumbass. Don't matter to me once she makes the paypal transaction.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:32 pm
by War Wagon
Mace wrote:You're buying clothing donated to the Salvation Army and intended to be purchased by the poor...and selling them for huge profits on ebay? :roll:
Hey, it's free enterprise... though I call bullshit on anybody on ebay paying $125.00 for a used jacket that cost $2.50 at the Salvation Army.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:43 pm
by smackaholic
War Wagon wrote:
Mace wrote:You're buying clothing donated to the Salvation Army and intended to be purchased by the poor...and selling them for huge profits on ebay? :roll:
Hey, it's free enterprise... though I call bullshit on anybody on ebay paying $125.00 for a used jacket that cost $2.50 at the Salvation Army.
Call what you will wags. It's the truf. Couldn't fukking believe it myself. It was a make of jacket that I'd never heard of and would have walked right past. Apparently the pricing dude at SA thought likewise. Fortunately the OL knew better and jumped on it.

We don't get those finds every week. That's for sure. If we did, I'd quit my day yob and be a full time ebay pimp.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:48 pm
by smackaholic
Mace wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:At least he's soaking the rich.
No, he's screwing the poor who might have bought those clothing items. The rich have already deducted the donations.

Smack: You can rationalize all you want but, unless you're donating all of the ebay profits to the SA or Goodwill, you're a pathetic human being.
I got better reasons for being pathetic mace.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:21 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Mace wrote:You're buying clothing donated to the Salvation Army and intended to be purchased by the poor...and selling them for huge profits on ebay? :roll:
A lot of people who shop Salvation Army and Goodwill aren't poor. If multiple classes of society are frequenting and purchasing items, that only makes these organizations stronger. I sincerely doubt SA has any issues with people like smackaholic's wife.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:33 pm
by War Wagon
Oh, btw...
smackaholic wrote:wifey has been pedaling stuff on ebay for a number of years now.
That's a great workout routine :wink:

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:08 pm
by smackaholic
Well, I guess I gotta scratch made off my ebay customer list. That's a'ight, there's a few billion others. And their dollars/euros/pounds/yen/pesos.....etc spend just fine.

BTW, the reason some of them are in not so great parts of town is partly because that's where retail is anyway and also, they work on a tight budget and sure as hell ain't gonna lay down $$$$$$$$ on high rent places.

As for the clientele I see in the stores, I'd say it's a pretty good mix. Lot's of poor folks for sure, plenty of little old ladies, but, also plenty of very middle class looking folks who realize that they can get really nice shit at a 90% plus discount. I guess they're going to hell too, huh,mace?

Wanna know what the real shame is? There are a shitload of poor fukkers that go to the mall and drop money they can't afford on fancy shit. They think they're too good to shop at the SA. Even if they do shop at SA, they are generally looking for newer allegedly cool stuff. The coats that bring the big money are vintage ones in excellent condition. The newer stuff will bring a nice profit, but, generally don't go for much over fiddy bucks.

Re: I love ebay.

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:28 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Rack smackaholic for getting over. Genius. Not breaking any laws... it's alright in my book.