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William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:37 am
by Trampis
October 30, 2000. Hardball with Chris Mathews
Pretty much puts the global warming crusader in perspective here. One of my favorites, enjoy.

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:05 am
by Tom In VA
Funny for a guy who wanted it that bad, he sure gave up pretty quick. Then of course plunged this country into an imbroglio that served to prove ...

The Constitution works if we let it.

Good on him for playing his role in that.

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:13 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Gore's decision--if it was his--to put Lieberman on the ticket was basically like McCain choosing Palin. It was a demand to NOT be elected. Obviously a stronger veep candidate was available each time. Very weird, and we're all the worse for it ('cept with McBush and Palin). But Buckley remains the same demented hack he always was. Quite simply, he was dead wrong and deluded on every single issue he addressed. And I call out anyone to show an example to the contrary.

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:25 pm
by Smackie Chan
LTS TRN 2 wrote:But Buckley remains the same demented hack he always was.
Only difference is he's all dead and stuff.
Quite simply, he was dead wrong and deluded on every single issue he addressed. And I call out anyone to show an example to the contrary.
While few, if any, would argue that credibility is your strong suit, you do yourself no favors by repeatedly employing absolutes (all, none, always, never) in your rants. The collected papers written by Buckley and donated to Yale weighed seven tons - I'm guessing he might've been right at least once or twice in the course of doing all that writing.

But by all means, rock on, Felchco.

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:23 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Sure, Smackie, Buckley wouldn't shut up for many years. He also wrote "novels."Ever read one? Well, go ahead, find a position that Buckley advocated that stands up to hindsight. ONE. Fact is, his was a very peculiar career of being in the right place with the right weird patrician affected accent at the right time--you know, McCarthy, Cold War, Military Industrial Complex, duck 'n cover drills in public schools, etc. And Buckley fit the bill of snobbish professorial "expert" explaining this insanity to the American public. An absolute total fraud who apparently completely bought into his own fake persona, the only people who regard him as "brilliant" are--no surprise--total demented hacks like Rusp Limpdick. Check out Buckley's debate with Noam Chomsky back in the '60's to see for yourself just how obnoxious and deluded he was. And this was when he was in his top form..

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:31 pm
by Mikey
He spoke through his nose and used big words. He must have had something on the ball.

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:17 pm
by Dinsdale
While working away from home on weekends in high school, I helped my supervisor pick up a VIP, one William F Buckley, from SeaTac Airport, after an urgent call telling him to do so.

And by "helped," I mean helping said supervisor into his pickup to make the trip to the airpoirt (we were in Tacoma, not exactly "right up the street"), since he was so freaking drunk, he couldn't get into the truck and get it started on his own.

True story-btw. I'm sure Mr. Buckley was impressed with the VIP treatment.

Re: William Buckley on Al Gore

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:34 am
by Trampis
LTS TRN 2 wrote: And Buckley fit the bill of snobbish professorial "expert" explaining this insanity to the American public. An absolute total fraud who apparently completely bought into his own fake persona, the only people who regard him as "brilliant" are--no surprise--total demented hacks like Rusp Limpdick.
Dont forget the late Tim Russert, Charlie Rose and Chris Mathews, who all did loving tributes to him on their shows.