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Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:52 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
The fukkken Italians are trying to send her to jail for life for a murder some ni....gggger committed.




The Real Killer is the Nogger on the left. Once again, two WHITE lives shattered at the hands of a ni....ger beast!

Why do some White people befriend these primitive savage apes? Nothing but trouble ever comes from these interspeices relationships. Just ask Terry in Crapchester with his two half human/half ape niglets.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:57 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle

:( :( :(

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:57 pm
by Mikey
Stanley 'upside it' Pikkkle wrote:Pray for more cocks

Whatever floats your boat.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:12 pm
by Dinsdale
She's a Husky, and therefore guilty.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:02 am
by LTS TRN 2
Pik-wad, why do you assume she wasn't in cahoots with said n-word?

Yeah, you forgot that.

And regardless of your juvenile (and fake) bigotry, the bitch is guilty of a heinous murder--do you know anything about the case? :hfal:

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:16 pm
by MuchoBulls
When is the sentencing for this bitch?

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:06 pm
What the hell are you wailing about now, Pickle - you godawful welfare mvscal?

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:44 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
LTS TRN 2 wrote: And regardless of your juvenile (and fake) bigotry, the bitch is guilty of a heinous murder--do you know anything about the case? :hfal:

The ni...g.gger in this case has already been convicted of rape and murder. The savage, brutal nature of this heinous crime has NI.GG.ER brutality written all over it.

And if you think a sweet innocent girl like Amanda Knox is guilty of leaving her semen, ape DNA and inflicting hundreds of stab wounds on a person, then you are a big, bloody, wankerfukkk.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:23 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle

Does this look like the kind of girl that could stab some cunt 100 times????

Of course NOT!

PS - Love the "dirty jew" comment in the background. :mrgreen:

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:39 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Craving Chocolate Pickkkle wrote:Why do some White people befriend these primitive savage apes? Nothing but trouble ever comes from these interspeices relationships. Just ask Terry in Crapchester with his two half human/half ape niglets.
Say what?

Btw, Picklehead, still paying people to be your friend? How's that working out for you?

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:45 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Terry in Crapchester wrote:
Pickkkle Trolling idiots like Terry wrote:Just ask Terry in Crapchester with his two half human/half ape niglets.
Say what?

So... he was only half right? :meds: Still giving BODE to pile-on trolls, I see.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:11 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:

Does this look like the kind of girl that could stab some cunt 100 times????

Of course NOT!

PS - Love the "dirty jew" comment in the background. :mrgreen:
Yeah, what's with that unprompted ejaculation of anit-Semitism at :22? Somebody pile on those suburban kids, already, this could get out of hand! Actually the guy saying "You dirty Jew" is speaking to the Jewish kid next to Knox--probably her boyfriend (blondie's jealous 8) ).

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:16 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle

Fukkkken Paisons!

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:42 pm
by Doug near DC
mvscal wrote:Serves the little mudshark right.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 1:15 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Doug near DC wrote:
mvscal wrote:Serves the little mudshark right.

Shows how little you cunters actually know about this case. The had been to the house to visit the dudes on the 1st floor of the villa. Amanda had no idea whom the ni...ggger was beyond the fact that she had seen him a couple times in the vincity. Amanda NEVER fukkkked an african ni...gggger and is completely innoncent.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:07 am
by LTS TRN 2
She may well have not fucked any African--though once the lights are out, who can tell what? What's the difference? Do you suppose Ray Charles could really tell the difference between a white chick and a black? I mean besides her lingo and aroma. And as for black dudes having big've got to be kidding :lol:

Look, are perhaps the most pathetic idiot here. And so I'll help you just a bit, as best I can. I'll let you in on the fallacy (no pun) that's helped a whole lot of innocent young black guys get lynched over the past hundred years or so. Ya guys' dicks are really just the same as those of Euro types (or White People, as folks like you denote). The difference is that they often don't contract when relaxed. Get it? That is, when you saw a black kid in gym class or whatever taking a shower and applied the same ratio of expansion to his dick that you yourself enjoyed, got very uptight. And when you saw porn flicks (of guys who got the job because they happened to have a big dick) you got VERY uptight. See where you are now? consider the classic Mel Brooks farce, Blazing know, the scene where the hot German babe finds out if "it's truuue!"? Of course you do. But what you don't know is that Brooks actually had a joke for that scene--when the lights go out and she unzips his pants...say's "it's true"...the darkness holds for a second and he says, "Sorry to disillusion you, mam, but you're sucking on my arm!" ... re=related
And that was the original script, but the studio wouldn't go for it, so it stands now as this jokeless and misleading mainstream stereotype, like a giant cultural McDonalds death burger. :P

As for the Knox bitch, you're completely wandering in a fog.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 1:29 pm
by Katy
Leave it to Felcho to flaunt his homosexuality in yet another thread. He speaks from experience as he discusses the size and girth of black cock.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:05 pm
by LTS TRN 2
R-Jack wrote:OK, I'm just going to ignore your detailed discussion of men's dicks for a moment and call you a fucking moron for this..............

LTS TRN 2 wrote: consider the classic Mel Brooks farce, Blazing know, the scene where the hot German babe finds out if "it's truuue!"? Of course you do. But what you don't know is that Brooks actually had a joke for that scene--when the lights go out and she unzips his pants...say's "it's true"...the darkness holds for a second and he says, "Sorry to disillusion you, mam, but you're sucking on my arm!" ... re=related
And that was the original script, but the studio wouldn't go for it, so it stands now as this jokeless and misleading mainstream stereotype, like a giant cultural McDonalds death burger. :P
...............really? A punchline about sucking an arm was what the studio said "no way" to on Blazing fucking Saddles? Seeing how Brooks had final control over the cut, you're full of shit, probably packed back up your esophagus after your "studies" on so many dick sizes.

Even if it made the final cut, a line like that wouldn't make sense flowing into the morning after scene. Funny line, but it doesn't flow.

Please, chase your semen cocktails with bleach.
Sorry R-Jack, but that's exactly what happened. I have the Mel Brooks interview where he describes the whole thing. Do you really suppose a mainstream Hollywood flick in the early 1970's would openly joke about a woman sucking off a man--let alone a white woman blowing a black guy? Are you kidding? They wouldn't even let that one by now. My point in pointing it out was to illustrate just how easily (and eagerly?) white folks believe in these tired old stereotypes. Sure, Pikkle is a caricature, a ludicrous imitation of a wind-up wannabe KKK member. But like most caricatures, there is a good sized grain of truth in his fears and fantasies as they exist throughout our society. My observations are accurate and verified, and of course do not in any way suggest homosexuality on anyone's part, let alone mine.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:52 am
by Diego in Seattle
Sudden Sam wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:Why do we always freak out if an American is convicted in a foreign court?
Who's we? Pickle seems to be only one who gives a fuck.
Daddy must be a mighty wealthy donor 'cause her home state senator is weighing in.
She comes from a middle-class family that I heard on the radio this afternoon being described as now bankrupt.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:43 am
by Van
Nick wrote:Do you suppose Ray Charles could really tell the difference between a white chick and a black? I mean besides her lingo and aroma.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:30 pm
by General Peters
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:
Why do some White people befriend these primitive savage apes? Nothing but trouble ever comes from these interspeices relationships.

Because it is sooooooooooooo important to be seen with a neigroid in today's world. If you can show everyone that you have a 'grow friend, you have come of age and you've reached the pinnacle of life. And do you think that the mothers of mudsharks are going to say a word to their daughters about the dangers of STDs, beatings, and single motherhood? FUKK NO! Why? The same reason these STOOPID fukken brainwashed women voted for Obama- to show the WORLD how unracist they are. Because they'd rather have their daughter beaten to death or left with a child out of wedlock than to say nary a fukken word about keeping her daughter AWAY from them fukken savages. WAKE THE FUKK UP PEOPLE

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:45 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
General Peters wrote:
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:
Why do some White people befriend these primitive savage apes? Nothing but trouble ever comes from these interspeices relationships.

Because it is sooooooooooooo important to be seen with a neigroid in today's world. If you can show everyone that you have a 'grow friend, you have come of age and you've reached the pinnacle of life. And do you think that the mothers of mudsharks are going to say a word to their daughters about the dangers of STDs, beatings, and single motherhood? FUKK NO! Why? The same reason these STOOPID fukken brainwashed women voted for Obama- to show the WORLD how unracist they are. Because they'd rather have their daughter beaten to death or left with a child out of wedlock than to say nary a fukken word about keeping her daughter AWAY from them fukken savages. WAKE THE FUKK UP PEOPLE
:bode: :bode: :bode:

Rack the Fukkk out of the General!

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:18 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
Day 45 of Amanda held Hostage



Poor Poor Poor Amanda :(

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:55 pm
by Doug near DC
Once you go black.......

We don't want you back.

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:02 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
Doug near DC wrote:Once you go black.......

We don't want you back.


Does this guy look like a ni.ggger to you????

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:17 am
by Stanley Pickkkle
mvscal wrote:Do you really think that was the only dude she was fucking, Peekle? She's probably sucked more black cock than you have.

Welcome back spic!

Re: Pray for Amanda Knox

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:09 pm
by Trampis
Stanley Pickkkle wrote:
Doug near DC wrote:Once you go black.......

We don't want you back.


Does this guy look like a ni.ggger to you????
He looks like a guy who has a last name for a first name.