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Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:20 am
by The Seer

Obviously, because Islam is such a "great" religion...

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:31 am
by Tom In VA
The Enemy Camp ?

The Enemy Camp ?

I think the demands placed upon these "talking heads" is way too much. I don't think they breathe enough and there's a severe lack of oxygen to the brain.

Pray for Chris Tingle.

Okay. Reason has set in.

Matthews is obviously a Navy fan. He likes young men in sailor outfits. That's all it was.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:47 pm
by Stanley Pickkkle
mvscal wrote:
Oh really? West Point is enemy territory for Onogger? That's a pretty telling remark. So what would be considered friendly territory for this scrote sucking shitbag?

Mvscal.....God bless that motherfukkker. Nothing but one incredible post after another ad infinitum.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:11 pm
by Sirfindafold
mvscal wrote:So what would be considered friendly territory for this scrote sucking shitbag?


Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 1:34 am
by ChargerMike
mvscal wrote:
Sirfindafold wrote:
mvscal wrote:So what would be considered friendly territory for this scrote sucking shitbag?

I don't think il Douche would find my reception very friendly.
...and tingle certainly wouldn't last 2 minuites vs. mv in a toe to toe debate.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:19 am
by Katy
MSNBC is a joke. Rachel Madcow and Keith Overbite are WORSE than Chris Matthews. They never do anything but twist the truth in favor of the liberal agenda. Obama is the WORST President in the history of this country. I don't care who agrees with me, or disagrees with me on this. He makes Carter look competent.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:22 am
by War Wagon
Matthews is tolerable, barely.

Olbermann though, I'd love to punch right square in his fat, snarky face.

Rachel Maddow, I'd love to shove my Viagara engorged cock up her ass and make her squeal like a pig then give the bitch a money shot.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:34 am
by Katy
War Wagon wrote:Matthews is tolerable, barely.

Olbermann though, I'd love to punch right square in his fat, snarky face.

Rachel Maddow, I'd love to shove my Viagara engorged cock up her ass and make her squeal like a pig then give the bitch a money shot.

Olbermann is unbearable. I can't stomach him because he endorses socialism and everything Obama stands for.

I'm tired of MSNBC "hinting" about racial discrimination. This isn't racial. Obama is just a dumbass who has further destroyed our economy. People are losing their jobs and good luck to them in finding another one. Nobody is hiring anywhere.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:51 am
by Katy
mvscal wrote:Hi, Katy. You'll never guess what I'm doing right now.
What? I'm no good at guessing games.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:08 am
by Katy
mvscal wrote:You have dark areolae, right? Silver dollar sized surrounded by creamy white fuh...fuh, fuh, fuh flesh, yes?
Something like that. When I'm cold, I can slice cheese, too. :P

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:28 pm
by jiminphilly
Katy wrote:
mvscal wrote:You have dark areolae, right? Silver dollar sized surrounded by creamy white fuh...fuh, fuh, fuh flesh, yes?
Something like that. When I'm cold, I can slice cheese, too. :P
This post is pointless without pics.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:28 pm
by Tom In VA
Of Katy cutting the cheese ?

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:33 pm
by jiminphilly
Tom In VA wrote:Of Katy cutting the cheese ?

We all have our fetishes.... :oops:

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:45 pm
by Tom In VA
Must be PA Dutch or German. :lol:

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:36 pm
by LTS TRN 2
The weird irony here is that the wind-up right-wing radio hack supporters are bent on Obama--when he's their best president yet! Cheney and Chimp couldn't get Afghanistan ramped up to catastrophic levels of disaster. Barry just did. Cheney 'n Chimp, despite serious efforts, couldn't hand over the full power of the federal government to Wall St. kleptocrats. Barry did it. The Chimp was actually facing congressional pressure and possible resistance to his shameless use of presidential "signing statements." Barry uses them casually and without any criticism.

Remind us again what he's doing to upset a Free Market militarist these days? Knuckling under to Big Pharma in his token efforts at Health Care reform? Toeing the line obediently with AIPAC?

Where is the socialism? Where is anything remotely liberal in his actual policies and actions?

I'm against the guy because he's so much like the previous puppet/criminals we've had since....Ike? :shock:

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:57 pm
by Tom In VA
Again, what's with your love affair of Ike, as President, save for the fact he coined a phrase you enjoy repeating ?

He was really no different, just another relay runner in the race. And his "Military Industrial Complex" that he warned us about helped propel him into history as victor of WWII, helped form and shape his career as President allowing him to pursue a precedent setting doctrine in the Middle East, engage us in Vietnam, and of course spy on the Soviet Union.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:09 pm
by Sirfindafold
Tom In VA wrote:Again, what's with your love affair of Ike.

cause he had a penis.

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:54 am
by LTS TRN 2
Ike was also complicit in the (disastrous) coup in Iran, but I just don't want to dismiss every president. FDR obviously had great qualities, and had he lived a few more years probably would have left a distinctly different situation than Truman--the worst until the Chimp (though Reagan was horrible in every respect).

But I'm wondering how long the right-wing hackdom can continue piling on Barry as though he's some kind of liberal! Even though complete Orwellian inversions are what the whole Rove/Limpdick paradigm is all about, Barry is walking the plank fast--one term and out. So..who's next? Casino Greeter? Hillary? Petraeus ? Each a nightmare. Sanford had been on the short list, same with Ensign. All gone, thrown to the crows. Remember when Arnie first took over in Sacramento? How eager GOP hacks were salivating at a possible adjustment in the natural born citizen rule for being president? 8)

Anyway, if all the war freaks can complain about is an actual hypothetical plan for scaling down in Afghanistan, business will be good and they will continue happily pushing their muzzles deep into the troth.

Nice Irish boys..

Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:12 am
by LTS TRN 2
No, Avi, you've got it backwards again...

This is the cheap Mussolini of our times..


Are you familiar with Il Duce's speech rhetoric? It was very simplistic and loaded with jargon, just like the Chimp, though Benito was not a Christer and thus a bit more clear. But Barry is a whole 'nuther number. His dispassionate intellectual cool is apparently a front for a mechanical personality driven--like Tiger--to succeed in the White world. And he's been co-opted. The fact that he's out doing Cheney in militarist predatory capitalist agenda--like Mussolini--is indeed a perplexing and very fucked up proposition.


Re: Chris Tingle Meltsdown, Shits Pants

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:31 am
by Dr_Phibes
LTS TRN 2 wrote:His dispassionate intellectual cool is apparently a front for a mechanical personality driven--like Tiger--to succeed in the White world. And he's been co-opted. The fact that he's out doing Cheney in militarist predatory capitalist agenda--like Mussolini--is indeed a perplexing and very fucked up proposition.

I don't know, I wouldn't give him that much credit or put it in those terms. He's certainly open to influence - he's a bit of a blank slate. He'll probably agree with whatever group ideal he's surrounded with.

All the rhetoric about balance and compromise, points of view - practically translates into someone who can't make a decision unless someone makes it for him, I think.