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It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:20 pm
by Katy

Don't tell me you guys are mixing in a life and I'm the only effin loser not having one today.

Anyway--Next Wednesday I will be MIA for a day or so. I'm having a minor elective surgery...

What's everyone's weekend plans?

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 7:58 pm
by Katy
RACK the binge drinking and woman, dood. I will live vicariously through you.

I'll be home tonight... I'm a homebody. When the kids go to bed, I'll crack open a bottle of wine, jump on the radio and proceed to make an ass of myself. Goodtimes.

Anyway--I MAY break out the banjo or mandolin and play a little on the radio. I'm rusty as fuck on both.

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 8:03 pm
by Katy
I'm in the process of uploading some of my former band's music. Once I get it uploaded, I'll post the links in the radio forum. I'm sure I'll regret this. :mrgreen:

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:13 pm
by jiminphilly
Katy wrote:RACK the binge drinking and woman, dood. I will live vicariously through you.


I bought my wife a new lap top for her birthday and she'll be messing around with it tonight so I'll probably veg with a movie or something. I'm doing some shopping for Christmas tomorrow so I need to gameplan for that too.

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:41 pm
by Mikey
Working at home today as I do every Friday.

Prolly fall asleep w/my face mashing the keyboard at some point.

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:00 am
by SunCoastSooner
Had to view some property today... been putting off long enough and I am trying to slam shit the next week so I can to San Antonio for Christmas. Want to see my daughter if the ex will let me (it's "her holiday" this year), go see my ex-fiance and her family since we are all still close (probably stay with the ex) and take in a few Spurs games.Was hoping to get to see Blake Griffen against the Clips but he won't be back until after the new year.

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:07 am
by Mikey
Damn, you've got a lot of exes. Are they all in Texas?

Re: It sure is quiet in here today.

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:48 am
by SunCoastSooner
Mikey wrote:Damn, you've got a lot of exes. Are they all in Texas?

Really it is just those two both in Texas and then one other girl who I dated for a while who lives here but is from England originally. Considering I am 28 and really only have three people I would term "exes" I wouldn't think that is so many?

I left the one I would be going to see during college and then just sort of ended up with my ex-wife not long after that. We all used to go to a number of sporting events and other school type things after we started hanging out at OU; mostly basketball (men's and women's) and some baseball and softball. Kind of a small group of us. I had my grandfather's old seats for football (still do for that matter) and didn't have to sit in the student section for football. I started taking my future wife to some of the football games after me and the fiance split up which was sort of a sore subject at the time between the two of them but who wants to sit with their ex while trying to watch a game? The ex-wife was good company, very good looking at the time, and actually understood and watched football so she was more fun anyways than the ex-fiance who is mainly a basketball and soccer person but would go to the games because it was "the cool" thing to do and because our seats were sort of a power trip for her (48 yard line and only 19 rows up). We kept going to basketball games together once the season began , one night after the game we went to ToTo's, and one thing led to another. Next thing we knew we were waking up next to each other. Started to date more seriously as a couple afterward. Were together until the divorce after that. I had known my ex-fiance since we were kids though and was really close with her parents and twin sister who went to Baylor. We started to talk again after the divorce as just friends. I went out to San Antonio a few months ago and she offered me a free place to stay... one thing led to another... again, but it's nothing serious this time around. Most screwed up thing about it is that her house is about 4 blocks from my ex-wife's apartment complex. :lol:

The only other ex is just a girl who I was seeing last year for about nine months and it never really got past her staying at my place a couple nights a week. I'm still friends with the first (obviously) and the last... but the ex-wife in between not so much. :logan: