Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

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Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Despite Sense of Entitlement, US Companies Lose Iraq Oil Auctions

"Analysts say security concerns may have kept American companies from bidding more, but it apparently didn’t stop other companies, including Shell (Netherlands), Gazprom and Lukoil (Russia), CNPC (China) and Petronas (Malaysia) from snatching up proven reserves roughly on par with the entire nation of Mexico in the auction."

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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Juice, haven't you heard? America's no longer in Iraq for the oil. No, now we're on a Lincoln-like mission of high moral rhetoric infused with religious sounding platitudes about good and evil. Oh no, America's oil interests are focused north! You see, there's a big ol' land up there (Canada, you should visit it sometime) with big ol' pile of oil shale--the biggest deposit in the world. And despite the fact that it's dirtier than a mohel's mouth after pulling a double (adults), Exxon and the boys want it. So does China. All that's necessary to proceed with the filthy and hyper-consumptive processing of this hell on earth is to undermine those Global Warming radicals, etc. So, fuck Iraq and it's oceans of untapped sweet crude, America will not be beholden to nations that don't really like us.
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Re: Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Thanks for contributing nothing, spermbelch.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Martyred wrote:Thanks for contributing nothing, spermbelch.
Wrong, B-Juice (official), I've answered your panting question.

The vast mountain of oil shale, in all its toxic stench, with all its broad potential for upping the mercury level in desirable fish, is the fulcrum of the entire so-called "debate" ....

Now...are you still pretending that Sarah B-Cuda is cute? That you'd do her?

Look, B-juice, yer act is up.. :hfal:
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Re: Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

Post by MadRussian »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:
Martyred wrote:Thanks for contributing nothing, spermbelch.
Wrong, B-Juice (official), I've answered your panting question.

The vast mountain of oil shale, in all its toxic stench, with all its broad potential for upping the mercury level in desirable fish, is the fulcrum of the entire so-called "debate" ....

Now...are you still pretending that Sarah B-Cuda is cute? That you'd do her?

Look, B-juice, yer act is up.. :hfal:

Go fist yourself with a barrell of crude oil, cock juggling shit pickle
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Re: Foreigners land oil deals in Iraq.

Post by BarFlie »

fuk the oil, this really means we won the war in iraq and libtards are melting
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