But some familiar faces -- the guitarist is Tommy Thayer (also from Dins' storied high school's music program) has been the guitarist for KIUSS for about the last 20 years or so. The singer went on to Warrant at one point.
Dude -- I can barely hear the name Mad Season without shedding a tear. That was Layne's "therapy album" after getting out of his closest-to-successful rehab stint. And it came out at the same time I was coming off a several-year spiral into a bottomless pit of drugs myself -- I guess it was all too crystal clear to me what he was talking about at the time. It was theraputic for me, as it was for him.
River Of Deceit is the most beautiful "Seattle Sound" tune ever made.
RIP, Layne -- I loved you like a brother, though we never met.
Re: Random Obscure Forgotten Shit
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:49 pm
by Dinsdale
Screw_Michigan wrote:Friends of mine from high school play a once-a-year band reunion/informal high school reunion at a brewery in Grand Rapids and this year they are playing the Mad Season album in its entirety. Pretty sweet.
If they're going to do a full album, that ain't a bad choice.
Speaking of obscure -- still one of my all-time favorites, which if you've heard it, it was posted by me:
Rack the hell out of the Zebra video. I have that sucker on vinyl. That album was a big part of my personal 1985 soundtrack.
Re: Random Obscure Forgotten Shit
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:44 pm
by Mikey
One of the original "prog" bands...
Re: Random Obscure Forgotten Shit
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:33 pm
by King Crimson
my brother in law and I were talking about Zebra just the day before yesterday at holiday family time. who's behind the door is pretty cool. though, Zebra's other hit Tell me what you want is essentially the same tune.
Re: Random Obscure Forgotten Shit
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:29 pm
by War Wagon
This probably doesn't fit in quite right with "Random Obscure Forgotten Shit" or at least I hope it doesn't because I certainly never forgot about it. Pretty old, though, and it kicks.
Haven't heard it lately, but I believe the nonprofit local community station still plays that sucker exactly at the stroke of 5PM every Friday, and have been for like almost 30 years.
Dorky, but borderline-brilliant -- maudlin and repetitive to start, representing the workweek, then gets lively, representing quitting time friday... nice symbolism... not bad for stupid fucking Upper Mexicans.
Re: Random Obscure Forgotten Shit
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 11:36 pm
by Dinsdale
OK, not random, obscure, or forgotten... but it's Friday, and you people need this. If you ain't shakin' that ass and pumping your fists, get to an emergency room immediately, because it probably means you're dead...