That's funny, I kinda had you pegged as a big fan of Ronald Reagan. But clearly you thought his fiscal policy was reckless. I guess I was wrong.
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:11 pm
by KC Scott
It's really understanding what the debt is: Interest paid on our Treasury Bills that will be called in 10 years.
In a perpetual cycle, they will auction more T-bills and those proceeds will be used to pay the interest
It's a big fucking Ponzi
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:13 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
"So what kind of shape is the USA really in?"
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 11:25 pm
by LTS TRN 2
A current collective representative would be a fat, scared, ignorant Cowboys fan--who really gets concerned when some kid fall s down a well, etc.
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:51 am
by poptart
So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:39 pm
by smackaholic
KC Scott wrote:It's really understanding what the debt is: Interest paid on our Treasury Bills that will be called in 10 years.
In a perpetual cycle, they will auction more T-bills and those proceeds will be used to pay the interest
It's a big fucking Ponzi
So, like all ponzi schemes, it inevitably must collapse.
What then?
Do the ponzi chumps, the T bill holders get told to use their bills in the fireplace? Do they get told they must take 3 cents on the dollar?
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:18 pm
by KC Scott
smackaholic wrote:
So, like all ponzi schemes, it inevitably must collapse.
What then?
Do the ponzi chumps, the T bill holders get told to use their bills in the fireplace? Do they get told they must take 3 cents on the dollar?
Yea, but we'll all be dead and buried by then from H1N1, teh Gitmo terrorists, The Mayan prophecy, American Idol and tweets so WTF.
I'm just glad there's no fucking way in hell Obama will ever get re-elected again.
I hope the dems are ready to lose the majority.
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:52 pm
by Van
Katy wrote:I'm just glad there's no fucking way in hell Obama will ever get re-elected again.
In the absence of any strong Republican candidate, don't be so sure about that. He could easily be re-elected, just on the lesser of two evils principle.
It's still going to go down along party lines, and incumbent presidents are difficult to beat, especially when the other party is as weak as the Republicans are now.
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:12 am
by Tom In VA
The abosolute best the Republican party can do is overturn the Dem majority in the house and/or senate.
I can see that happening between 2010 and 2012, mostly at the hands of Obama. He'll sell out his own grandmother to keep the office of the Presidency and doesn't one to be a "one term wonder".
We need a woman President though, soon. 2065 is right around the corner.
Re: So what kind of shape is the USA really in?
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:41 pm
by Mikey
KC Scott wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
So, like all ponzi schemes, it inevitably must collapse.
What then?
Do the ponzi chumps, the T bill holders get told to use their bills in the fireplace? Do they get told they must take 3 cents on the dollar?
Yea, but we'll all be dead and buried by then from H1N1, teh Gitmo terrorists, The Mayan prophecy, American Idol and tweets so WTF.
Close but not quite.
The country will be brought down by some African guy burning up his dick with chemicals on an airline flight.
At least that's what the geniuses who bring us the real serious news analysis (Good Morning America, Today, etc.) would like you to believe.