Obama and the Funeral Procession

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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

When he saw the hearse, he said "I hope President Obama is in there." My mother then said "Me too."
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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by Jerkovich »

Actually, I'm glad he's not there because it would be a disaster! The nigglets would stampede, Bidden and Polosi would be in charge, and marshal law would be declared.

Not good.
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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by Jerkovich »

mvscal wrote:Martial law, you cock inhaling chickenshit.
Fuck it, I'm drunk already and on vacation you fletching little faggot.
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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by PSUFAN »

Jerkovich wrote:
mvscal wrote:Martial law, you cock inhaling chickenshit.
Fuck it, I'm drunk already and on vacation you fletching little faggot.
JerkDik, this isn't your personal drunk-dialing line. Whatever "fletching little faggot" means, it's probably too unwholesome for this site. Shape up or ship out, you jibbering simpleton.
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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Toddowen wrote: To many off us take the President for granite. I stand behind our current CoC 100 precent.
You're better than this.
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Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Look, even though Barry is proving to be the biggest hoax in history, you Limpdick parrots should be pleased. He's done everything you fuckstains wanted:
increased the wars and their obscene budgets, said no to to gay marriage--and official gays in military status--installed Dana Perino into a significant post, rolled over like a twenty-dollar whore to big business, sucked Israel's collective bris juice, caved in quicker than a Mexican apartment building to Big Pharma, and increased the use of private contractors in every area of government--especially in Afghanistan, etc.

And, except for International Blvd. in Oakland, he's kept the urban population in a state of docile inert passivity.

Now, in that all of these ('cept for the last) are in fact disastrous policies which will insure his defeat in 2012, perhaps you could attempt to name one possible candidate right now who you would actually prefer in that office. Who? Casino Greeter? Huckabee? Who?

Name one!
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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Jsc810 wrote:Name one? Just one?

You could randomly select from the 100 US Senators, and I believe that person would do a better job as POTUS.

So....NAME ONE!!!

Let's hear just whom you believe would make a good president. I'm not suggesting Barry is in any way the "best" we've got. Of course not, but WHERE is one actual practical and plausible candidate?

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Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by Van »

I'll name one: you.

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KC Scott

Re: Obama and the Funeral Procession

Post by KC Scott »

LTS TRN 2 wrote: -
In another total abuse of Administrative Power you will now, and forever more, be known as Kelly

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