Report: Rush Limbaugh taken to Hawaii hospital
From Associated Press
December 31, 2009 1:39 AM EST
HONOLULU (AP) — Conservative radio talk show hack Rush Limbaugh was taken to a hospital with chest pains on Wednesday, a Honolulu television station reported.
Paramedics responded to a call at 2:41 p.m. from the Kahala Hotel and Resort where Limbaugh is vacationing, KITV reported. The station, citing unnamed sources, said Limbaugh was taken to The Queens Medical Center in hopefully critical condition.
Queens spokeswoman N. Makana Shook says the hospital is focusing their energy on his painful, Himmler-like death.
Emergency Medical Services spokesman Bryan Cheplic said paramedics took an obese male of unknown age to an area hospital from the Kahala Hotel and Resort. He said the patient "had obviously never done a lick of exercise and wouldn't shut up."
Limbaugh was seen shanking and whiffing golf shots at Waialae Country Club earlier this week, KITV said. The country club is next to the Kahala hotel.
For guest privacy reasons, hotel spokeswoman Sheila Donnelly Theroux said she was unable to acknowledge that Limbaugh is actually human.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:26 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Oh, man, this is your Super Bowl.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:32 am
by Smackie Chan
There'd be some ironic symmetry if he were to die in the same hospital where Obama was born. Allegedly.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:07 pm
by Wolfman
If he does at least a real death certificate will be available !
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:41 pm
by Diego in Seattle
I'm sure a lot of people would show up for his funeral....just to make sure it's true.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:16 pm
by Sirfindafold
Sudden Sam wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:The country will be better off when he dies.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:43 pm
by Sirfindafold
Sudden Sam wrote:who blathers nothing but drivel.
care to give an example?
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:48 pm
by smackaholic
Sudden Sam wrote:
mvscal wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:it's that sad "I know more than you" attitude that I find so often in far-right nutjobs.
Don't tell me you're impressed with the job the far left nutjobs have been doing running this country for the last fifty years?
Not in the least.
I've pretty much written this country off as on its last legs.
I'm learning to speak several Chinese dialects.
When I look at where the handwringing faggits running this country are leading it, I sometimes think that life under the chinks might not be so bad. They are ruthless, authoritarian, corrupt bastards, but they have little patience with scumbag criminals and leeches on society.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:06 pm
by KC Scott
mvscal wrote:
It goes back much farther than Chimpy Magnus but even his Neronian excesses of public spending are being dwarfed by Chimpy Noir.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:12 pm
by Trampis
Walter Williams hosting today,... currently talking to Thomas Soul.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:19 pm
by smackaholic
thomas sowell and walter williams are quite possibly the 2 smartest colored boys on the planet.
rack them.
WW is my favorite rush stand in. actually, he's way better than rush, as are a few other subs such as mark steyn.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:54 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Who's the cowardly little punk censoring my posts!
What could make such a punk so scared?
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:17 pm
by Tom In VA
You really are a hateful fuck LTS TRN.
You're a hateful fuck with a twisted point of view and very, HIGHLY subjective and dubious account of history.
I don't wish you ill. I read your takes, enjoy them for what they are and move on. I don't hope you'll die, I don't even hope you'll "come around". I value your opinion. I can do that without subscribing to it 100%.
I am glad we live in a country where people can express themselves, freely. That includes you and Rush Limbaugh. For all intents and purposes both of you are cut from the same cloth. The fact you each come from different sides of the idealogical spectrum - nothwithstanding - you're both the same.
You don't want to "consume" don't. The point is, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, AL GORE, OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER to DICTATE what people consume and what they do not consume. America was built upon the premise that MEN have inalienable RIGHTS to consume that which they PRODUCE - through risk, work, or trade - for themselves.
Rush Limbaugh's ACT was one of intent to amuse, entertain and inform. It offered an OPPOSING VIEW and stimulated many folks to engage in debate, research and their own education.
If you want to talk about "brainwashing" and "lockstep" don't blame Rush Limbaugh. Take a look at the University system in the United States. The failed Government run education system in primary and secondary levels. Nothing short of indoctrination.
Rush Limbaugh is a fucking human being man. A human and an American. I hope he recovers.
I hope you, LTS TRN, find some peace and a moment of reflection in this dawning of the New Year.
I offer this to you in the spirit of festive season in which we find ourselves.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:26 pm
by Sirfindafold
Tom In VA wrote:I don't hope you'll die....
How's he gonna be able to bang them 72 virgins?
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:40 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Rush is alive and well, you motherfukkers!
Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets high on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:02 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:
So why would the country be better off with Rush Limbaugh dead? He isn't in charge of anything. The Republican establishment certainly hasn't lifted its snout from the trough long enough to pay any attention to him.
Without Limbaugh, the GOP will be in deep shit because a lot of people think Republicans are just like him, and if he's not around to perpetuate the illusion, people will find out pretty quick what frauds the republicans really are.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:25 pm
by poptart
Tom wrote:Rush Limbaugh is a fucking human
being man. A human and an American.
I hope he recovers.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:52 pm
by The Seer
Tom In VA wrote:You really are a hateful fuck LTS TRN.
You're a hateful fuck with a twisted point of view and very, HIGHLY subjective and dubious account of history.
I don't wish you ill. I read your takes, enjoy them for what they are and move on. I don't hope you'll die, I don't even hope you'll "come around". I value your opinion. I can do that without subscribing to it 100%.
I am glad we live in a country where people can express themselves, freely. That includes you and Rush Limbaugh. For all intents and purposes both of you are cut from the same cloth. The fact you each come from different sides of the idealogical spectrum - nothwithstanding - you're both the same.
You don't want to "consume" don't. The point is, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU, AL GORE, OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER to DICTATE what people consume and what they do not consume. America was built upon the premise that MEN have inalienable RIGHTS to consume that which they PRODUCE - through risk, work, or trade - for themselves.
Rush Limbaugh's ACT was one of intent to amuse, entertain and inform. It offered an OPPOSING VIEW and stimulated many folks to engage in debate, research and their own education.
If you want to talk about "brainwashing" and "lockstep" don't blame Rush Limbaugh. Take a look at the University system in the United States. The failed Government run education system in primary and secondary levels. Nothing short of indoctrination.
Rush Limbaugh is a fucking human being man. A human and an American. I hope he recovers.
I hope you, LTS TRN, find some peace and a moment of reflection in this dawning of the New Year.
I offer this to you in the spirit of festive season in which we find ourselves.
Trying to reason with a sub-human, polesmoking, retard who worships muslim gack is really kind of lame.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:48 am
by OCmike
You haters can loathe the guy all you want, but he's nothing like the sensationalist wind bags you confuse him with (Beck, Reagan,etc).
Limbaugh's show is not just on-air blogging about random political pop culture topics. The guy researches every possible angle of subject before carefully crafting an opinion he supports with historical and present day facts. And he's so knowledgeable on such a wide range of topics that he takes on all haters and routinely destroys them if they aren't prepared to back up their rebuttals.
Face it - you all hate him because he's legendary at what he does and there's no "personality" yapping for your side that is worthy enough to collate and staple his copies.
I haven't listened to his show (with few exceptions) for 10+ years because it wasn't for me. But I still tip my cap to anyone who puts in a tremendous amount of work before ever talking about a topic at length.
And for the love of God and G0d, enough with the crap about him brainwashing small town America and creating millions of racist gay-bashing Lib haters. Newsflash...They like his show because they already agree with 90% of his opinions when they start listening.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:09 am
by War Wagon
OCmike wrote:
Face it - you all hate him because...
He's popular, powerful, and serves a purpose.
Watching the cockaholics of the world try to smack him is high comedy.
Get well soon, Rush.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:55 am
by Tom In VA
Poptart, you runnin me old man?
Seer, I am a traditionalist Christmas ain't over until 6-Jan.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:53 pm
by BSmack
OCmike wrote:Face it - you all hate him because he's legendary at what he does and there's no "personality" yapping for your side that is worthy enough to collate and staple his copies.
Hate is far too strong a word. I may hate what he stands for, but Limbaugh himself would probably be a riot on the golf course as a playing partner. And he'd be a hell of a drug hookup.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:28 pm
by OCmike
Yeah, I'll bet that dude knows how to party.
The guy's social views are extreme, but he's spot-freaking-on with his fiscal analysis.
I wish a lot of the haters could have heard his show in the early Sacramento years prior to him going national. He was as harsh on he right as the left and basically represented whatever view was most beneficial to the average joe.
It wasn't until his surge in popularity while going after the Clintons that he realized that the path to big $$ was in becoming a right-wing attack dog.
So yeah, it's an act, but one that pays him about 9-figures a year.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:30 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:
Sudden Sam wrote:it's that sad "I know more than you" attitude that I find so often in far-right nutjobs.
He probably does. Don't tell me you're impressed with the job the far left nutjobs have been doing running this country for the last fifty years?
Once again, this is the most obvious case of Avi/Jessup's demented take on history and current reality.
In fact we've had twelve years of Reagan and GH bush, who ushered in the catastrophic economic policies known fatuously as "Neo-Liberalism" which have brought the world's economies to their knees. We also had eight long years of Chimp 'n Cheney, furthering the transnational corporate model while bringing us the New Pearl Harbor. As for Clinton, who is prepared to call NAFTA a "far left" proposition?
As for Rusp Limpdick, this chicken hawk war-mongering hack is a disgrace to America, period. From his fiercely anti-intellectual brayings to his utter disregard for facts and evidence, he is a refuge for the scared and ignorant among us. Limpdick offers some measure of fake protection, voicing the fears and bigotry of the weak and religious in the manner of a schoolyard bully. Except that Limpdick can't actually debate any subject, and has been proven wrong again and again right down the line.
America wants, needs, and deserves much more than this pathetic fraud.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:49 am
by LTS TRN 2
Chimp 'n Cheney hired Limpdick. He's their jabbering attack puppet. There's no such thing as the Libertarian "conservative" to which you (barely) refer. Limpdick, like all the others, is a complete whore for unfettered laissez faire capitalism, which is just an abstract label for rapacious plundering of an unprecedented degree. Greed soaked lunatics like Limpdick want a return to 19th century feudal standards of labor, with no corporate tax at all. They're insane--and the results of the"neo-liberal" philosophy are plainly catastrophic.
Moreover, he's a war mongering chicken hawk. That's the worst kind of jabbering coward/bully fraud. Really the worst.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:07 am
by Cuda
Gee, Felchco, you make it all sound absolutely appealing
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:25 am
by LTS TRN 2
You mean the death of the fatuous fraud? Sure, it'll be nice--hopefully on air with tortured rasping sounds, etc.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:51 am
by Moving Sale
Nice delete you fucking pussy
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:35 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Well, "Papa Willie," what makes a no-take little punk like you go ahead an d delete anybody's post? What kind of squirming rat are you?
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:39 am
by The Seer
No Xmas cards coming to you from any ticks or termites next year.
Re: Obese Blatherng Gaseous Hog--replace your divot!!
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:10 am
by LTS TRN 2
Papa Willie wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Well, "Papa Willie," what makes a no-take little punk like you go ahead an d delete anybody's post? What kind of squirming rat are you?
Well - I reckon it's just due to a tremendous lack of respect I have for people like you and.... I generally think that you round out the bottom tier, and seriously don't deserve the same rights as us normal people.
I know that this sounds demented, but people like you need to be controlled . You stomp those tics and termites that us upper-echelon folk desire.
All right, quit yer drunk blathering. The answer to my question is clear: you're the sort of inane fake asshole who can't spell his name in the snow because you're pissing in the wind.
To assert that you are of course a no-take little wimp is stating the obvious. To suggest that you can't actually back up any of your childish and fake takes is redundant. Suffice to say you're lucky you're far away, huddled under your blanket. :wink: