You party animal, you.88 wrote: I'm going to bed.
Despite the date stamp, it's not 2010 here yet, you EST ball sucking homer.
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
You party animal, you.88 wrote: I'm going to bed.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Of course what it meant was that America would eventually steamroll Germany. Because our economic might was such that we could afford to ship luxury items to our men in uniform half a world away even while a world war raged. I look at the world today and while I agree with the indisputable fact that American influence is not what it was in 1946, I don't see an adversary capable of flying cake anytime soon. The Chinese? They have the 105th highest standard of living in the world. When they have a free and prosperous middle class we can start talking. Of course then they won't be able to afford to ship us all those manufactured goods. Iran? Give me a fucking break. Same goes for those fucks living in caves in Pakistan.They have the fuel and planes to fly cake over the Atlantic Ocean. Do you know what this means?
Bismark wrote:“God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.”
"Stay in a rut of decline"???poptart wrote:Bri, Their doesn't need to be an heir apparent nation on the horizon in order the United States to stay in a rut of decline that makes it a much less appealing place to live than it was in past generations.
Don't we always? We needed to get our shit together before WWII and yet somehow we muddled through. We were in far greater peril at the beginning of both the 1810's and 1860's than we could even fathom today.Pat is saying that "we" need to get our shit together before a lot of really unpleasant things start to go down.
A nation of the size and complexity of America is not going away anytime soon. And quite frankly, my grandfathers (both deceased roughly 30 years) wouldn't make it past the first minute of a 24 hour cable network newscast before dropping the first WTF at the mention of President Barack Obama.Personally, I don't know that the U.S. is going away anytime soon, but I DO think it's possible that some kind of large "re-organization" of the nation could come about which would fundamentally change things and make it a country that our grandfathers would not really recognize.
Yea, I suppose a comet could crash into the earth in 2012 and prove the Mayans right. Or AP will renounce wearing panties. Or mvscal could win an NAACP Image Award. But realistically the odds are pretty good that the sun is going to continue to rise for the foreseeable future.88 wrote:You should read this before making statements like that:BSmack wrote:A nation of the size and complexity of America is not going away anytime soon.
No one knows what is going to happen, and how fast the unknown is going to occur.
And I'm not making any negative statements against our current President in this post. While I personally disagree with most of his policies and think he is a shitty leader, I do not have any information that he is leading us to a "black swan" event, and you do not have any information that he is leading us away from one. But, statistically speaking, shit happens that no one expects. And the US economy could collapse in a heartbeat if the "highly improbable" occurred.
Damn... I guess this means I should probably keep paying the mortgage.BSmack wrote: But realistically the odds are pretty good that the sun is going to continue to rise for the foreseeable future.
I agree, and as I said, I don't expect America to go away anytime soon.BSmack wrote:But realistically the odds are pretty good that the sun is going to continue to rise for the foreseeable future.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Nothing all that new about that though. The "message" might be more widespread than before due to the obvious ... the internet ... but there has been loads of mistrust and fear associated with the Federal Government among all the various aspects of our society.poptart wrote: BUT, the American people can feel right now that something is just ... not right.
Basically, what they feel is that the fed gov has gone COMPLETELY ape shit and there is no accountability.
They feel they've lost hold of their government and that they are being played.
That sentiment goes back to the founding of the republic and before. Fear of an uncaring, unresponsive central government was what fueled our revolution to begin with.Tom In VA wrote:Nothing all that new about that though. The "message" might be more widespread than before due to the obvious ... the internet ... but there has been loads of mistrust and fear associated with the Federal Government among all the various aspects of our society.
What a load of hogwash. Unless by "degraded" you mean "not rising 3 times faster than the rest of the world".I agree with you on everything else. Globalization has and will continue to degrade the standard of living for many Americans. Of course in my region, the more Americans vote for Big Government, the better off we are .. err were ?
So the Feds will resort to Cottage Industry? So maybe Alvin Toffler will finally be proved correct?With networks, broadband, etc.. many "paper pushers" are now "submit button" pushers - and I don't mean wasting away the hours on message boards. The red tape that binds the government machines can now be threaded through each cog REMOTELY.
I think in time you'll see more folks "working remotely" for the Fed, in areas where Senators and Congressmen have cooperated and/or strong armed executive branches to set up shop. It started and is continuing with BRAC.
Irrational exuberance ended 1-20-01 and was replaced by galling incompetence.The Irrational Exhuberence of the end of the 90's and the first decade of the 00's - is over.
It's Over Johnny.
Wow tough man on the internet message board. I've never said anything to you that would provoke you to relay such an outrageous and sociopathic message. When crime victims are violated and suffer it isn't entertaining the way it seems on t.v. Are you an adult?88 wrote:I wish that dispute with the mechanic would have ended with ~75% of you in a plastic bag in the trunk of your burning car.
Dan, reading that gives me an electric jolt of pleasure, like Jessica Alba nibbling the wrinkles where my scrote starts.Dan Vogel wrote:It was a bad scene
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.